How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 691

- Gaiden episode 58

Gaiden episode 58

“Now. what now? Did you come up in the end? You junk.”

[I think it's later than expected.]

Rather, the guy answered as if he was surprised.

[As far as I know, Ernesia's personal history would have arrived 20 days ago.]

“… … Thanks for overestimating it.”

you can do it

I've said it before, but if they were going to cover it up inconspicuously, they could have forcibly dragged me or the others in and suppressed it.

“I don’t understand either.”

[It doesn't matter. Because the preparations have already been completed.]

What kind of preparation is it?

It's not like he wrote a will.

“Even the man who created you, Harial, couldn’t beat me. Do you think that whatever scheme you plot will work?”

[It is difficult. I admit that there is a limit to my ability.]

Still, he greeted me.

[But I have your knowledge.]

“You sound like Mileus… …

maybe it's influenced

That guy is no longer the managerial pseudo-personality that Heriel had developed, nor is he Mileus.

That's just broken trash.

“okay? let me see it for a moment What will you greet me with? Don't let me disappoint you.”

The guy didn't answer anymore.

Instead, the wall opened and something came out from the inside.

“… … Another strange conclusion has been reached.”

What came out of it was a human enshrined in a coffin.

To be precise, it should be said that they are different from humans.

No gender. There is no warmth whatsoever.

There is no such thing as a soul in the first place.

“That's not another magic weapon... … . He's not even a real human.”

[This is a body that has been cultured by combining similarly reproduced organisms.]

“… … Hmm. is it?”

There is nothing to be surprised about. It's not impossible to cultivate a creature that looks like a human if you have that level of knowledge.

“Is that the new type of person you speak of?”

[That's right. … … This is the new breed I bred with you in mind... … .]

The guy stopped talking once.

Then a voice

came from that body.

The boy opens his eyes.

“… … It is a new species that has been stripped of your knowledge and human flaws.”

“oh? A flaw?”

Putting aside the confrontation with the guy, it sounds pretty interesting.

What do you mean by talking about the flaws in the structure of the human species?

“It is a body from which all desires have been removed.

I have removed all organs so that no desire arises.”

It's like having no gender. It is said that there is no need to seek taste.

Pupils are high-performance eyes that can grasp not only vision but also the essence of objects.

“It’s disgusting. Do you really consider that kind of thing to be human?”

“of course.”

The guy affirmed that his answer was correct without the slightest hesitation.

“… … Heh.”

And I laughed lightly at that guy.

“Are you laughing?”

“no. It's not. Really, you don't seem to know the contradiction anymore.”

“I don’t understand.”

“doesn't care. For now, I'm going to knock out the correct answer and then teach you slowly while teasing you.”

“It's called nasty sympathy.

After all, it is an unnecessary element in the new era.”

“joy. You speak well.”

There is nothing more to share. I got my feet off the floor first.

In an instant, I moved to the guy's nose and immediately reached out and grabbed the guy's neck.

“what. Are you not breathing?”

Is that a feature you don't need? It's not really even funny.

No, to be honest, it annoys me.

It's because you're completely misdefining what it means to be human.

“Don't expect that you'll see it from the beginning.”

I don't even think about checking the opponent's ability. With the intention of shattering his entire proud body, I threw my fists at him.

No matter how much useless human functions are removed, the skeleton and physique are not very different from the human form.

So the way to break it would be roughly the same.

“Why don’t you leave your hair on? … … As you can see, with that body, you can make a noise even if only the head remains.”

But speaking of the result, I couldn't see such a cruel sight.


I heard a sound like air bursting, and my fist bounced in reverse.

“???? uh?”

In addition, the hand that grabbed him was also just stirring the empty space without knowing it.

Grigori had already retreated to the back, a good 50 meters away.


It took 0.4 seconds to recognize it again.

“Ohh? Are you doing enough?”

Apparently, the specs of the body are more outstanding than I guessed.

A little while ago, he blocked my fist with his arm and threw it away with force.

After that, he jumped backwards with only his legs.

“… … To be honest, it gives me goosebumps rather than admiration.”

More creepy than scary. Is it necessary to obsess over high performance that much?

What is this, the strongest human I can think of! It's not even the same joke.

“The current specifications are also 40% less than what we were aiming for. Weighing is necessary.”

The boy moved his hand and tilted his head as if he didn't like it.

“So even if it goes too far.”

Let's power it up a little more.

I rushed again.

But this time, it wasn't just a knock-off.

I made my grip sharp like a hook and reached for it.

Be determined and tear it apart.

“It's a blood child.”

The sharp energy from the ten fingers of both hands runs like a beast's teeth, ferociously tearing at random what it touches.

Quagga gag gag gag!

Everything in front is torn apart. The floor splits, and among the objects around me that have already touched my attack, they are torn without shape.

however… … .

The guy still retains his form.

“???? What?”

While I was glaring at him ridiculously, I launched an additional attack.

“aha? Was it like that?”

The reason that turned into feeble admiration was for a reason other than that he was still unharmed.

“… … It is such a skill.”

The boy quietly muttered the words and instead took a step forward.

Normally, if you look at it like that, it will only be torn more precisely and brutally by my attack.



The sound of something crashing rang a beat late.

it was accepted

The airflow that came out of his moving arm countered the slash that flowed from my grip.

“search. I had a skill to deal with.”

To be precise, it's not the same technology. If I'm a slasher, he's a flowing wave.

It is probably a taijutsu commonly used in some world.

That too is quite extreme.

Even though it is an improvised technique, it is up against the ability built from my experience and knowledge.


Before long, a huge explosion occurred in our midst.

The accumulated shock and energy clashed and resulted in a draw.

“indeed… … Isn't it only the body that excels?”

“Have you forgotten that the unique basis of this entity, Grigori, is your records and knowledge? Arell Ernesia?”

The guy calmly controls his energy and asks again.

“Chit… … Words do not lose.”

I clicked my tongue and tried another way to attack.

A herbivore that has not yet been shown.

Or, I tried to check the guy's ability in a variety of ways possible, such as taking out the sword on the spot and pouring it into swordsmanship.

There is no concept of looking at either one.

nevertheless… … .

“It is judged that it can also respond.”

He immediately found the right number to respond to my technique and reproduced it on the spot.

The sword strikes the same sword and cancels it out.

Chess also didn't have much of an effect.

‘Rather precise... …

If you see even the slightest error in your movements, a counterattack will immediately strike.

My senses warn me like that.

“It’s quite… …

It feels like dealing with a huge library that has been thoroughly polished. No matter what you throw at it, the answer will come right away.

“Then how about this one?”

I immediately stretched out my hand wide open behind me.

A huge magic circle spreads out in front of me, emitting powerful light.

“Do you have a lot of knowledge? Then I'll crush you to the point where it's colorless no matter what you suggest.”

I'll step on it with force as I like.

In an instant, the number of magic circles increased as if they were multiplying.

I will give you so much destruction that even the strongest, no matter how strong, can't stand it.

Each of the increased magic circles has the most powerful magic I can use.

“Honestly, I haven’t had anything to write about lately, so is there anything I can do to practice a bit? I thought it was fine.”

“… … It's recorded that it's something a villain would say.”

“It’s a narrow chunk of scrap metal.”

I have no intention of waiting. As soon as I snapped my finger, the prepared magic of the highest power began pouring down.

I will erase it without leaving any flesh.

Extreme destruction to the extent that even the sound is erased.

When the bombardment is over, a scene of pure white light swells in an unpleasant silence.

“… … the problem is.”

I rather narrowed my eyes at the sight.

In the midst of that destructive light, the guy is running at full speed.

Surprisingly, it was offset through magic as well.

“The types of spells that can be dealt with are 80%.

The remaining 20% is a separate skill, and if you respond or take damage, you can cross the line of maintaining the object.”

“This ignorant

guy doesn't care even though he has suffered injuries that destroy nearly 30% of his body.

Not only that, but as soon as it gets out of the destruction range, the damaged area is immediately restored.

I bet! Of course, high-speed playback would have been put into the basic specs.

“He’s such a down-to-earth guy… …

But there is no time for grumbling.

“Arel Ernesia. You are the most disturbing entity to my conclusion. I recommend that you leave immediately.”

Apparently, he made me even more wary.

Since they had already been hit by the same bombing twice, they probably thought it was dangerous.

“The flaws of the entity named Arell Ernesia are desire and arrogance.”

“huh? Is that an advantage?”

He closes the distance at once, and this time, as if to repay me, he launches an attack towards me.

Sometimes a herbivore somewhere.

Sometimes, the extreme of swordsmanship somewhere.

Sometimes, an invisible, eerie curse continues to attack me.

“Is it coping with the type and quantity… …

“I am convinced that the advantage of this object is the number of ways to surpass Arele Ernesia.”

It seems that he was convinced that the number of knowledge he knew from the battle a little while ago exceeded what I had accumulated so far.

“If you combine all the patterns and spread the numbers, you will definitely arrive at an unknown pattern someday.”

“Hung… … You use a laid-back way.”

But I can't say it's different. He's waiting for me to make mistakes in coping.

Quagga gag gag gag!

Dodging or passing off countless attacks, I continued to read the moves he was making.

At that moment, a string-like ray of light emitted from his fingertips brushes the side of my neck.

‘… … Long-term battles are annoying.'

Perhaps his endurance is also superior to mine.

You shouldn't go into a fight.

It wouldn't be a very wise way to overwhelm him with experience and skill.

The most foolish thing is to deliberately match the opponent in the field where he excels.

“Chit… … bothered.”

I clicked my tongue and deliberately hit him with an outstretched attack.


“Don’t think that you are the only one who can deliberately take a loss and get hit.”

At that moment, his hand penetrates under my shoulder.

Okay. on purpose I grabbed the guy's arm as it was.


In order not to miss that gap, I kicked the guy's chin up.

Fain! With a shock that seemed to shake the whole area, the boy's head was thrown back.

However, it is also solid. It is as dense as if you kicked a mountain.

“Then let’s see how long it lasts.”

Immediately, he pulled his body and beat it randomly all over his body.

I hit him so hard that his lower knee was ripped off, and I smashed him down with my elbow under his collarbone.

At the same time, he persistently drilled holes in the body several times.

However, only the feeling of piercing a training doll is felt over and over again.

“I’m not even bewitched by a drop of blood… … There is no answer.”

“It is pointless.” How

a former pro

sucks honey

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