How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 687

- Gaiden Episode 54

Gaiden Episode 54

‘I didn't make up words out of nothing... …

If you seriously consider it, you will be able to respond with only Pahilia's power.

But I have no intention of letting us collide alone. Are you crazy?

That means taking the risk alone.

It is third-rate that makes it obvious what it can do.

It's second-rate to spread the air of boasting as much as you can.

Those who act like they can't do it even though they can do it are top-notch.

That is the late-life sergeant theory.

Who says that nonsense? grow.

“iced coffee… … How to deal with this is the biggest worry of Arele Ernesia’s life.”

In addition, in reality, it is a big worry to the extent of worrying about what would be good for today's snack.

Well, that's a big concern.

And only a few people know my nature to know that I'm being mean.

I told my older brother in advance of my intention before the council meeting was held.

And Hetiana Nerel said, ‘Isn't that bullshit? Where do you sell drugs?' I'm looking at you. Let's see you two later.

“then… … Does this mean the end... …

Everyone is suffering as if their hair is about to fall out.

I'm in trouble.

As expected, from the beginning, it must have been that he was completely attached to me or other powerful countries.

Didn't you have any idea to solve it yourself?

“Well, this is only a story when it is limited to Fahilia, and of course, isn’t this a crisis for everyone?”

“That means… …


I clapped my hands, drawing attention in an instant.

“Anyway, he is arrogantly telling us not to go out. Are you going to let that go?”

“That is… …

“It sounds like nothing.”

“of course.”

this is a challenge I compared it like that.

“There have been numerous crises so far. What did you do each time?”

Eyes gather.

Ah yes. I always solved it. shit! is this kindergarten? Mr. Arell is going to retire soon.

“no. Everyone would have united and worked hard each time to solve the problem.”

I even forcibly tied the knot and emphasized unity.

It is necessary.

In the first place, I took the initiative to participate in the Congress, which I had no intention of participating in, because I wanted to say this after all.

“So we will have to work together again this time.”

Let's paraphrase a little bit.

Shut up and give me your army! That is.

Where are you trying to borrow someone else's power?

After all, in times of crisis, we suffer together. I intended to teach it by emphasizing it over and over again.

“so? What do you think?”

“I agree. I want to hear that first.”

Parliament was properly finished.

In the end, let's all work together to defeat the enemy! It's becoming a friendly flow, and while some guys are stepping back with a puzzled face.

I quietly gave a moderate signal to a few guys who were about to leave.

Hetia. and Nerell.

And now, the beginning of the Arel Ernesia Poop Troop... … is not.

There was something else we should talk about.

My pretense doesn't work for them, so I need to properly tell them my true feelings and make them cooperate.

“I am If anyone hears it, they'll consider people to be liars and swindlers.”

“You seem to be aware… …

“I'll admit I messed up.”

I would have known anyway.

“I admit that I didn't dare to take care of myself to save our manpower.”

“Does that mean that it is possible to annihilate with only your troops?”

Nerel asks curiously.

hmm… … Did you have a problem with your speech?

I silently shook my head.

“If we mobilize only the current Pahilia force, we have to take into account the loss of 30% of our troops.”

The faces of the two hardened.

“Simply annihilation, 3 discount?”

“Unfortunately, it's too incompatible to end it in the form of a simple war, isn't it?”

The opponents are several kilometers in size.

Ordinary tactics won't work, and only specially designed weapons will work.

The loss of troops is also a loss, and the expenditure is too great.

“It’s not something we can’t handle, but honestly, we don’t live only for today, right? I’m not particularly claiming to be an apostle of justice, so will I step forward every time?”

“… … I understand.”

First of all, the two of them accepted my intention to some extent, as if they understood my position as the head.

No matter how much it is for the sake of peace, it is a distorted sound to say that everyone should take it upon themselves.

“But isn’t that the only story you want to tell?”

Nerel's point is correct.

If you simply want to share the work, I don't even have to lead the story.

What you want is different.

Exactly, you should ask them.

“I want you to take charge of a part of the command of the soon-to-be united army.”

“… … That's an odd request.”

“Wasn’t that what you were doing?”

“I want to ask the opposite, but why do you think I would do such a troublesome thing?”

It may be an honorable position for ordinary people, but it is a nuisance to me.

If it was a normal war, I would have just passed it on to my older brother and not get involved.

“That is why I am asking. Isn't that an ordinary thing?”

“what… … I have other work to do.”

To put it bluntly, commanding and my personal actions are incompatible.

let me teach you in advance

“We are not the only ones united.

We will send support from other continents as well.”

The two are at a loss for words.

That's how it is. He declared that he would turn all the humans on the planet into enemies.

And everyone is in a position that they can't be left alone. It's natural to help more than anything.

If they didn't speak up, I would have threatened to help.

“Conducting will be more difficult than you imagined. So, I want to ask you to play a role in suppressing the guys on our side of the continent.”

“What a nuisance… …

“… … It doesn't matter.”

Hetia, who clicks her tongue but does not show any objection, and Nerel, who surprisingly readily accepts.

“So what are you going to do in the meantime?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

Of course there is only one.

“I leave the little things outside to you. And I... …

It's really obvious.

“… … I'm going to do one thing that's annoying to show off to the other guys.”

As always.

After that, opinions were unified in an instant. In just a few days, the Congress ended and a unanimous coalition was formed.

And the union with another continent that I threw out also caused a stir, but it was accepted without much opposition as if it was deemed necessary.

I don't have time anyway.

The time he suggested was one month. It was common sense impossible to move that many forces in that time.

The nonsensical beings had to work hard.

Me and other reincarnated people.

oh! In the meantime, materials are piling up.

There is a way to transport troops over long distances! being thrown

Those in power, who would normally complain, become frantically stamping machines.

Just one day before filling the month he said.

It was wonderfully prepared and put in a state where it could be dispatched at any time.

“… … It's not a picnic.”

I want to refrain from doing such a complicated thing twice. I shook my head.

“Then there must be a way to solve it without a lot of headaches.”

“That's what the teacher meant. It is understandable that it is cumbersome.”

Rirensen glanced at me as if I was dumbfounded. And Shen scolds her for that.

We also got together and discussed what to do.

Did you say it was more complicated than that? this kid?

“Are there any solutions that won’t hurt your head before that?”

“It's that simple. we go in

beat it all up Oh my goodness? Has the world become peaceful?”

“… … I am ignorant.”

“It’s the standard.”

haha, that's the point

It's enough to block anyone from coming and fight well to subdue it by ourselves.

But I dared to do something bothersome like a coalition and raised the board.

Rerensen points out that.

“You wouldn’t say you didn’t know, would you?”

“I know. That's the simplest thing.”

Admit it.

But I abandoned the easiest way.

“Actually, I'm saying this because it's between us, but that's what I originally intended.”

At first, when he revealed his true identity, the next day, he intended to drag everyone by force and trample on them.

However, after thinking a little about it that night, I changed to the current policy.

“Do you have any intentions?”

“… … Let's solve it ourselves. So what's left? peace? It is natural.”

The purpose is achieved. Threats can be ruled out.

“Then what next? And what next?

What's next after that?”

“yes yes'?”

Rirensen rolls her eyes, as if she didn't think I would ask such a question.

“Anytime a threat arises. An unexpected crisis comes. Then you have to confront it to some extent.”

Onyaonya Raising is not against my policy.

And it's not cute enough to raise me kindly.

“I won’t end up relying too much on just one person.”

“… … Dependence.”

“Isn’t it?”

I shrug.

“Look at me if something happens. When it's peaceful, you want to surpass me, but when that ambition becomes a threat, roll up your tail.”

Of course, I don't blame you. It is also natural.

but… … .

“I thought it was a serious thing to let them rely on.”

It should be gradually recognized.

Even in times of danger, if we let go of all emotions and unite, we will be able to do anything.

Let's give such a precedent and hope.

Such a whim came to me all of a sudden.

“Fighting on the show will let them get results. And we will eliminate the undisclosed culprit.”

It's annoying, but I'm willing to accept some labor this time.

… … And the finish after that.

My separate plan that I haven't told the other reincarnated people.

‘Because I have to do it myself.'

So, the most important performance cannot be conceded.

And the day that he notified came.

[As of the present time, the number of humans according to the notice is zero… … .]

Grigori was convinced that the humans would not obey the dictates.

There was no precedent so far, and there was no possibility of that happening with the current humanity he had grasped.

[It didn't matter.]

Rather, all the calculations assumed that humans would not respond to the advice.

An army of men is already coming.

Seeing all the countries… … It seems that even humans from other continents are now mobilizing and coming.

Of course I thought I would choose a fight.

They are greedy and prefer to use force as the solution to all difficulties.

Of course they choose war.

[Even so, I judge that there is no problem.]

It doesn't matter.

For a human being, it had nothing to do with the misunderstanding that he was bluffing.

Enough human power now is threatening. In less than 20 years, their fighting ability has risen dramatically.

Heriel, a reincarnated person in the past, had to struggle and be defeated after looking down on them.

Of course I know the record.

[That's why it doesn't matter.]

I figured out what tools they had. Through the actions of Mileus in the past, additional understanding was also completed.

More than anything… … .

[To put it in human terms. What you see right now is not everything. That's what it is.]

Grigori spoke in a dry voice that sounded like a mockery and prepared to greet the human army.

In any case, they are the beings that dominate this existing planet.

If you compare it to a human being, you should pay respect.

[Resolve... … .]

I don't hide the numbers like some humans do.

Let Grigori give a signal. The ground rumbled.

An additional ringing and soaring was a huge castle.

Those humans would have judged what would happen if they only hit the giant stone statue.

So I prepared.

A giant stone statue alone would be intimidating, but it was a base that would bring out their headaches even more.

That's this giant.

[There is no possibility that humans can capture this. Let alone… … .]

Human beings are wary, but they are distracted and do not forget the most important existence.

[…] … What you need to be wary of is Arell Ernesia.] How

a pro from a previous life

sucks honey

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