How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 671

- Episode 38

Episode 38

“… … leave the rest to them

Cania Ernesia.”

Delnef advised Kania to withdraw from this incident.

It was judged that it was not something to intervene simply as a pastime.

No matter how inexperienced he was, he was unable to overcome even though several of his own people attacked him.

Even more so, it was the same people who caused the incident.

We can no longer respond lightly.

He decided to force Kania to step down and deal with it himself.

Seriously too.

“are you okay? are you okay.”

However, as soon as Kania heard his invitation, she shook her head and made an X with her arms to express her intention not to listen.

“You don’t like it? I will continue dealing with you, so know that.”

“I am not joking.”

“I'm not joking either.”

“What is the reason?”

“Because I want to help.”

Kania said right away.

“And if I leave it to you… …

Delneph, are you going to respond properly? Same with your Lel.”

Of course.

Until now, I looked at it for suppression, but next time it will be different.

I'll probably make up my mind the next time we meet.

It's not about suppression either.

“Are you dead?”

It wasn't because she was dangerous that she dared to leave Kania out of the way.

Because I don't want to show it.

“It is by the iron law of the same people.”

“Do you really want to? That dragon Delnef followed you.”

“… … As I said, iron rule.”

“That kind of thing is fine.”

Kania lightly ignored Delnef's argument.

“The important thing is to help or not?

Even if it's an iron rule, it was a long time ago, right?

Then you have to change.”

“Why do you even do that?”

“For friendship.”

Kania told the same thing this time as he had told the blue dragon last time.

“Isn’t that a troubling thing happening right in front of you? Then it would be right to help without worrying about the race.”

At least he believed so and lived his life. Kania insisted so.

In the end, it was Delnef who gave up his will.

He loosened his eyes that were glaring at him a little and asked Kania.

“But the intention and the current situation are two different things. What are you going to do?”


Kania pondered with her arms crossed.

“Wasn't it going to happen even if we went around with our men?”

“I'm sorry, but I can't guarantee what will happen even if I do my best.”

“Then, should I also add strength?”

“… … What are you going to do?”

“huh? I don't know what I'm doing.”

Kania admitted it honestly with a wry smile.

“I can’t be alone.”

Kania readily admitted it and thought of another way.

“Are you making up a plan?”

“I’m not good at that… …

Unlike Arel, I mean.

But if it's something other than using your brain, you can do anything.


The reason why Delnef flinched wasn't because he noticed Kania's intentions.

A sigh was heard all around.

“ah? You just arrived.”

Kania looked at the people who had just arrived as if she had waited.

And lightly wave your hand

Those who appeared were dragons. The guys that Kania used to come here to talk to and have a light fight with.

“… … you guys.”

[I heard about what happened.]

[I heard it was Melunes? That monster.]

[Looks like it's very far-fetched.]

They started talking as if it was nothing special, as if they were out for a walk and found something to pass the time.

“… … When did you call them?”

“I didn’t call. Well, I noticed a little while ago that he was coming this way.”

Kania said as if she clearly knew what they were thinking.

“Did you tell me?”

Even without saying it again, the doctors were already in agreement.

“Friendship between humans and dragons? Isn’t this kind of friendly?”

Kania asked playfully, and Delnef kept his mouth shut.

It is certain that dragons are strong creatures. flesh. magic aptitude. Either way, there aren't many beings that can easily compare with them.

But if they're omnipotent, that's not it either.

“The reason you struggle is probably because you have no experience in this kind of situation.”

Meika, Chania's lieutenant, said that while calmly organizing the information.

Above her head, well over ten dragons were already listening intently to her words.

“… … I'm here to tell the general manager, but can you change it? Are you starting to feel sick to your stomach?”

“You know I’m not good at that, right? Keep going because you are doing well.”

“… … ha.”

I didn't mean to intervene. Meika continued as if resigned.

“Anyway, I think you guys lack experience when it comes to city policing.”

[…] … Is that so?]

[Public security... … I definitely didn't care.]

[Rather than that, a guy in charge of security is enough.]

[If it's dangerous, just destroy them all.]

The dragons tilt their heads and talk seriously to each other. Somehow there is no dignity.

They are not accustomed to chasing or fighting in urban areas like this.

I am not able to show my skills because I am worried about causing damage to those around me.

Or is it a way to overtake those who run away by taking advantage of the complicated road? Or get angry and break it all.

On the contrary, when it comes to activities within the city, the human knights are far more savvy.

“This is an experience.”

Maca said so.

“… … If you accidentally damage a building or something else, it will break like a dog... … . If you're careful, you'll win.”

[hmm… … It must be difficult.]

[It must be too much for humans.]

“… … I don't mean to listen to consolation like that, but at least I'm good at commanding group battles.”

Therefore, it is necessary for human beings to direct them. Meika first persuaded the dragons to explain this.

“Even if you have strong power, you can’t use your power properly if you don’t lead it.”

[I understand.]

[But are you going to take on everything alone?]

“Of course, I also have limitations.

Not to mention, I, a human, cannot have the experience of commanding a dragon.”

I wish I hadn't had to build such an experience. the word was hidden.

“So, I'll leave it to Delnef-sama to deliver the orders directly to you all.”

The big frame is made, but the detailed instructions for operating it are left to Delneph.

[Delnef… … I mean.]


The dragons understood it relatively easily. There were some who said they would cooperate first, so they must have considered it a loss of face to come back and throw up on them.

“Then let’s begin.”

Meika immediately began to explain the specific operation plan.


“To save your people.”

That's because humans and dragons cooperate together.

Early that morning... … .

It only moved to fulfill its given purpose.

It has only one purpose.

[Attack of the target.]

The voice that came out of that shadow dragon is not the dragon that becomes the body it controls.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the doctor of the small body doesn't matter.

It only fulfills the purpose for which it was entered.

And the existence that meets the conditions that the shadow dragon is aiming for is right there.

The Shadow Dragon immediately headed to a place that met the conditions.

no matter where

You can break anything that blocks it, and you can escape no matter how thorough the surveillance network is.

[…] … Attack.]

An inorganic voice came from within the shadow. As it is, the moment it reveals its presence and tries to act.

[…] … !]

It raised its head.

I sensed it, but it was already too late.

At the same time, the door to the room was closed.

And several layers of iron doors came down and sealed it like an iron barrel.

[…] … Escape.]

That was the time to act for a quick escape from this spot.

As if they wouldn't let it go that way, something glowed in each corner of the room.

That moment.

The light swelled in an instant, engulfing everything within.


For an instant, a shock echoed through my feet. Meika, who suggested the current method with a slight sigh at the shock that felt like her heart was sinking, asked again with a little uneasiness.

“But was it really okay to blow everything that was there?”

Her method was simple.

put the bait And the target bites the bait. and… … .

Blow it all out at once.

“The important thing is to deliver a strong first blow.”

Originally, it was a radical and ignorant solution that had nothing to suggest, but Meika suggested this method for some reason.

“But that bait really worked.”

Delneph groaned in surprise.

I guess I didn't believe half of it.

“For some reason, it seems that dragons have a habit of moving to places with dark presence.”

Meika came to that conclusion after considering the raid situation.

I don't know why, but I only reacted to the place where there were many dragons and attacked.

That's why Meika suggested this bait.

To lure out by decorating the signs of many dragons.

And sure enough, it fit.

“The problem was the location of the explosion. You can't blow that up in the city.”

A sturdy and enclosed space was needed, and it was Delnef who suggested it.

center of the city. There are several strong rooms in the basement of the castle, so let's use them.

“If anything goes wrong, I promise Delnef-nim will bear the responsibility.”

“… … do whatever you want.”

It won't matter. Delneph was silent for a moment.

“Anyway, it hung just as expected. Now it is your turn.”

“Next… …

Delneph looked at the situation inside with magic and tilted his head.

The heat of thousands of degrees is already boiling inside. Power enough to crush even iron.

Instead of being caught like this, it seems like they melted together? Do you really intend to capture them alive?

But I don't have to ask.

Meika's words are already mixed with these nuances.

You won't die if you do that. is to say


At that moment, one of the doors that sealed the inside opened.

“ah… … Then I won't be of any help anymore, so I'll step back'?”

Meika withdrew coldly.

And Kania, who had been waiting quietly and focused for a while, took turns.

“yes. From now on, we will do something.”

“… … Is it us?”

Delnef sighed at the tone he had interjected before he knew it, and dispelled the magic.

It is to release the humanization that has been hung on oneself.

Enveloped in the light, instead of the silver-haired young man, a dragon with sparkling white scales landed on the floor.

A rather violent voice rang out, different from when it was human.

[.. Let's start.]


The moment you lightly check the doctor.


Finally, the door was completely smashed and something jumped out from inside.

It is the shadow dragon.

[…] … I really thought it would be all right.]

Delnef was shocked and thought he had come to a conclusion thanks to him.

It doesn't matter if you do your best.


[I know.]

And Kania also joined forces to push forward in earnest, so they raised their strength together. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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