How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 660

- Gaiden episode 27

Kelly meeting of heterogeneous tribes.

An important place where representatives of each race personally gather to discuss the future of the country in order to unite the different races, the main members of Kellya, in one place.

There, the representative of the Dwarves shouted.

“What do you think is the meaning of a dwarf’s existence?

I screamed out loud.

Everyone shuts up, and even Hetia, the queen of Kelia, lowers her head slightly, muttering only with her mouth.

‘ah… … Noisy... … .'Called.

It's not like there's anything particularly bad about it. Dwarves are also important members of the country, and if their role is large, it is not light.

Of course, that and the noise that hits your ears right away will be different.

“so… … What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

In any case, it cannot be taken lightly. There weren't that many times when a dwarf had spoken at a meeting.

Even if they look like that, their mouths are heavy.

In a sense, they are the most annoying kind because they don't show their dissatisfaction very often.

When someone who has no complaints opens up, it's rarely a light issue.

“It's literally! Lately, I've been thinking about what the true meaning of our existence is!”

“… … Have you eaten anything strange?”

“What are you talking about? Even if it looks like this, I seriously thought about it.”

Already at this point, the representatives of the other races said, ‘Yes.' While looking at each other, they are whispering something among themselves.

After all, they seem like idle guys.

Hetia shook her head and listened for now.

The problem has been since then.

Everyone just assumed that the words that would come out of that man's mouth were no big deal.

That would be a pointless complaint. This year, the taste of alcohol is not so good or something.

“We are thinking of leaving Kelly and settling somewhere else.”

“?… “


Hetia doesn't move with her eyes wide open. The other guys, who had been half listening, hurriedly turned their heads and stiffened.

“… … Weren't you guys listening?”

“No, why is it like that?”

Quickly regaining her sanity, she hurriedly questioned him. It's not even a joke.

“hmm… … A little bit of an explanation.”

“Not a little bit! What the hell are you thinking!”

It is not an issue to be dismissed as a feud between races. Otherwise, it may create a crack that can shake trust between different species.

Of course, leaving the coalition also respects the will. That was something that had been thoroughly discussed in the early days of Kellya's founding.

There is no stopping those who come, and those who go... … Do not block if possible.

However, it is a big problem that there is a person who declared that he would leave less than half a century after the founding of the country.

Of course it's bound to get serious.

“… … hmm. There seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding in my words.”

“You misunderstood and fell asleep. Please explain.”

“I don’t mean to go all out. Some of us are, after all. … … well i'm going out After that, I plan to properly appoint a successor.”

“Tell me about that, you stocky idiot!”

“???? What? !”

However, he was aware that he had said something that could be misunderstood even thinking about it himself, so he couldn’t be more angry.

“So what is the reason?”

“Didn’t I tell you? I thought about the meaning of our existence.”

The dwarf crossed his arms and said it naturally.

“Our mission, handed down from generation to generation, is to knead and forge iron.”

“… … What do you mean by that?”

“You don’t seem to understand at all. So, do you think we have fully accomplished that mission after coming here?”

At his question, Hetia paused for a moment and thought about it.

“I think I have provided enough jobs.”

“It’s not really a story like that.”

Of course, there are not a few places where dwarves worked. Their skills are essential not only for construction but also for manufacturing various equipment.

but… … .

“I just don’t like the direction.”

It seems that there is some dissatisfaction.

“Something… … The feeling of touching iron in earnest was lacking.”

“hmm… … That is difficult to understand.”

“Nothing. What are our young ones doing after being united to Kelia? Aren’t you eyeing other technologies besides steel?”

There are even those who want to become confectioners.

Not that they are bad, of course.

“Of course, I respect their wishes.

But there are those who do not understand.”

“… … It is a delicate matter in its own way.”

The reason Hetia is in trouble is because it is difficult to meet the demands of the Dwarves according to Kelia's current policy.

Their main source of income is tourism or special products using the potential or resources of the different races.

As the Dwarves wished, even if they wanted to study iron in earnest, it would be difficult right now.

Wouldn't it take at least half a century to pass?

Of course you know that much.

Not immature enough to force it.

“So that's what I want to say.

First of all, I'm going to go to a place where we can use our skills with like-minded people.”

“… … Are you serious?”

“I hope you understand.”

He, too, has no choice but to say it as if it were somewhat bitter.

When they unite, they are at least aware that they have nothing to say even if they hear from other races saying, “You've changed your mind now, are you saying something different?”

But I am committed to that extent.

“Our mission... … Any delay is unacceptable.”

“It's a mission... … Was it to catch up with the beginning of the dwarves?”

Their ancestors once said they could manipulate and recreate any metal in the world.

It is said that iron, which is not even recorded now, was handled casually.

However, most of the records have been lost and even the technology has not been handed down.

Reviving it is their mission from generation to generation.

“… … Got it. I will respect you.”

can't dry Hetia revealed her intention of accepting, and the other races did not say much.

“so? Where were you going?

I want to leave like this and avoid hearing useless news.”

“… … It's not something specific.

I just have an idea.”

“You think?”

“Do we need to wander?”

he grinned. The dwarf, who was already full of facial expressions, made such an expression that it seemed like a bandit was smiling.

“All you have to do is make them come.”

“aha… … Did that happen?”

“Yeah, that’s what it is.”

[I heard about it later, but it's like that.]

After hearing the story from Aken's uncle for the first time. That night, I secretly went to Kelia's castle where Hetia was and listened to the story once again.

And I could hear the same story I heard from him.

“As a result, a large-scale scouting took place… …

It is said that in the past, Aken and all the other dwarves had to shoot here and there to settle down.

The suffering is indescribable.

Even now, when I talk about those days, it sometimes brings tears to my eyes.

But times have changed a bit now.

When it comes to different races, there is no force to tremble. Because everyone is in a state of fear because of the advancement of technology.

“Is the one who regrets coming to greet you?”

[I don't think there's anything wrong. That's why I didn't stop listening.]

“Rather than that, can we send the dwarves like that? Isn't that an important person?”

“Yes, but it is their will.

Above all, it is true that the environment does not properly satisfy their desires, so there is nothing we can do about it.”

Hetia shook her head with a wry smile.

“There are guys who stay there. What remains in the form of a dwarf spirit does not change.”

[Recently, more and more guys are interested in technology, so there is no way our jobs will be ruined right away.] It

seems that not being able to fulfill their wishes must be considered rather bitter, so they don't feel very comfortable.

“… … Come to think of it, even before those guys, they said that a few more would come to Aken.”

“That’s how it is.”

“In short, they want to create a trend that will treat them expensively.”

It's not enough to have them come directly.

It leaks information to other countries and makes them compete.

It's a classic ransom tactic.

It's not really that bad. If I were in their shoes, I would use many times more vicious methods.

Know your worth and plan to maintain it. That's not bad.

[Doesn't it actually come from here and there a lot? Hahahahaha!]

“And I came too.”

[hmm. Then, is the older brother going to take them all by force?]

“I have no intention of going that far.”

you can do it But I have no intention of pushing it that far.

“Well, this time I’m thinking of joining the competition as well.”

[It’s true… … .]

“What? Can't you believe it?”

[Would you believe it if it was the older brother?]

“I don’t believe it!”

Well, if you think about what I usually do, I can't help it even if I don't believe it.

It was an opportunity to attract a large number of dwarves to Ernesia Kingdom. Of course, even the oldest brother covets it and seems to want me to do something for him.

‘I'm sorry, but I'm going to compete first. … … For now, though.'

I am common sense.

It's true that I ate a lot like this.

But I don't have the heart to smoke.

Of course, talented people are coveted, so they will intervene.

“We only intervene in the competition, and if we can’t embrace them, it’s the end.”

Are foreign countries embracing in a better direction than us? Then I have no intention of disturbing you.

Above all, it would be good for them.

[…] … Did you eat something wrong, hyung?]

“… … Are you really giving up?”

Anyway, fact-checking done, I'm going to do my thing.

There are countless ways to attract talent.

There are ways to hit them purely with money, and there are ways to attract them while showing sincerity.

I don't like it, but there are ways to use vicious means.

“What do they want this time? Are you suggesting conditions that they will like?”

“joy. No matter how many gold coins I give you, you won't be easily shaken.”

Aken said proudly, but well? I smirked. There is no one in the world who hates money.

Well, even if you buy favor with money, it will be difficult to properly steal your heart.

“We don’t want to give too much recognition that we hit it with money, don’t we?”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden…

There are a lot of people here from other countries. If you hit them with gold coins here, in their eyes, it will literally only look like you're solving everything with economic power.

It is often not understood.

It would be better to buy their favor with factors other than money or power.

The Dwarves had to be meekly moved to come.

“Well, they seem to want that too.”

“Aha, is that why you're doing this... … . They're too dizzy, but... …

Seina sighed as she glanced over the official document she had just received.

“I want to see the technology of the kingdom to hire, so I guess it’s a good idea to create a place to appeal to it.”

“In short, what they want is to find an employer who can use their skills as much as possible.”

What should I do to determine that? Even if they hit you with money, they won't listen to you even if they say you're mouthing them.

It would be best to show the real thing.

“In short, they have to prove that they are qualified to hire them.”

I will not listen to those who are less technical than I am.

That's what I mean.

That's good logic.

“In the end, I guess they’re going to hold an exhibition that will appeal to each kingdom’s technological prowess.” How

a former pro

sucks honey

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