How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 652

- Episode 19 of

Gaiden Chapter 4. How to interview a magician The development public opinion about the tourist spot is also gaining support to some extent.

Gradually, the process of building a city has entered a stage enough to reveal its outline.

“Now I'm going to build a city like a city.”

“Is there anything special?”

Snorting as if it were natural, Aken let out a sigh.

“This time, the basic work was difficult, so there is nothing we can do about it.”

“As expected, that was the difficulty… …

Now, this is not a new story.

in short… … .

“There wasn’t a single properly flat piece of land here.”


For some reason, my heart feels warm.

“Look. Wasn't there a hill over there? It was a big deal just to flatten that road because I had to cut out what the hell I was doing.”

“Isn’t it quite embarrassing to clean up the one-third of the bridge over there? Everyone was dying.”

“… … Are you saying that on purpose to hear me?”

Aken made a face of nonsense and ordered the difficulties of the foundation work one by one as if complaining.

Most of them complained that they had a hard time processing the traces of battle.

“Anyway, I can’t go back to war. Most of the removed materials are hardly usable.”

“you're right… … That's right... …

“It’s strange. Arell. I thought you would speak more fluently.”

In fact, I destroyed more than half of the traces that caused them to suffer. Even I feel some level of remorse.

At the time, I never thought we would be cleaning it up!

“Anyway, somehow, the foundation work was finished, right? All that's left is to build it up!”

“that… … Right.”

Still, what is expected is that it will not take longer than the construction of Pahilia.

The technology is more advanced than back then, and the financial conditions are much better.

Above all, it will introduce new construction technologies.

I'm not in a hurry, but I'm sure it's more to look forward to than before.

“It's the builders who build it, so if they don't do anything stupid, it will end early.”

“Aren't you expecting something like that?”

“Arel. Will you do it alone?”


I think I'm subtly impatient for that kind of thing. I sighed as if I knew everything.

Anyway, I know everything about each other's circumstances. Who do you think is the chief executive in the first place?

“Didn't you suggest moving the forge here?”

“hmm… … Anyhow, that's a suggestion.

If you reject me, I have nothing to say.”

“no… … You don't have to object?”

If the reason is valid, I have no reason to stop it. Although it is said to be a tourist destination, there are compartments for living or other purposes.

More than anything.

“Isn’t it even wider than before?”

I smiled bitterly as I looked outside, except where the first building construction had started.

“… … I guess there are plenty of seats left.”

“What do you mean by any amount?”

There are groups of people starting separate projects.

“… … Was it to solidify the land by filling in the sea?”

“Well, it's filthy and laborious, but it's not impossible.”

In the first place, the island itself is not a natural object.

It wouldn't be surprising to add anything else there.

“Wasn’t this originally in the plan?”

“… … Because it was so different, there were additional things added to it.”

I scratched my cheek and pretended not to.

Greed blooms in a lump.

At first, I simply coveted natural tourist spots. Develop a full-fledged city plan.

It also attracts foreign capital.

Then, sprinkle the toppings on it.

As a result, the plans are getting thicker and the number of people and capital to move is getting bigger and bigger.

‘… … Why do you seem to be increasing your work?'

what about It doesn't matter if you grow a little more! I was the one who gradually worked with that spirit.

“And why aren’t we the only ones bearing the burden?”

Of course, as the scale has expanded, so many things have been ripped off. He also made certain investments from partners active in other countries.

I can handle it alone, but it's better to disperse if possible.

“Well, aside from that, wasn’t the reason why you wanted to build a new forge simply for scale expansion?”

“Um… … That's how it is.”

Aken scratched the bridge of his nose, as if he was a little embarrassed to speak directly now.

“I thought the report simply wrote that it was an extension of the smithy?”

“actually… … A little thing happened.”

Perhaps thinking that he couldn't hide it, he expressed his true intentions regarding the relocation of the smithy.

“There are a few guys from home who hope to cross over to us.”

“aha… … Did you want to expand on that pretext? Are you okay?”

“You'll know when you see them, but they're quite talented. The enemy will do it soon.”

Beyond that, there must be a purpose.

“To set up a forge here and try to attract technicians from other continents?”

“Don’t deny that either.”

He must have thought that if he hid it anyway, he would find out sooner or later.

“I just thought it was good. If it's a place where this guy and that guy can gather, they'll be twisted in many ways. Ha ha ha!”

“home… …

Due to its location, it also serves as a midway route to the continent, but it seems that it was thought that it would be possible to first come into contact with knowledge or supplies other than those previously encountered.

“Surprised. You guys made up that idea first.”

“How long can't we just accept what Arel is scooping up for us?”

“For how long… …

What a strange word. They can develop sufficiently by simply doing what they are told, but they are not satisfied with that and show off their will to find a way on their own.

“Or do you not like it?”

“No way. I have no reason to object. Well, it wouldn't hurt to set up a new workplace here.”

I readily gave permission.

Sometimes a change in environment might lead to something new.

At least if I can accomplish something beyond my intentions, that's something I really hope for.

Anyway, I guess I'll just have to wait for a while.

Jagoro safety construction is the best!

Waiting is also a pleasure, and in the meantime, you have to work closely so that there is no regret.

‘no… … Wouldn't it be better to take a vacation in advance to a suitable place?'

So let's play.

On the other hand, it was around the time that I, the lazy Arel, who did not stop thinking of ways to find some spare time, was in the middle of thinking.

“… … Arell. Preparations are complete as scheduled.”

Suddenly, Dia said this.

ok? preparation? what are you ready for?

“As you said, we set the schedule in the near future, but I think you should check it yourself.”

“eww… … hmm. What is it?”

Pretend to agree. Pretending to understand well.

But on the inside, I was sweating, which was rare for the first time in a while.

… … what was it

It didn't seem like a story about simply going out to play. More than anything else, if it's that kind of business, I'll remember it properly.

‘… … Mmm. As if the memories are vaguely fading.'

I heard and saw that something happened. Maybe it's work related.

Lately, I've been so busy with things related to tourist destinations. It seems to have been naturally buried in memory.

have to remember

Dia will understand if I honestly say that I forgot. Rather, they would say, ‘I'm sure you're busy.'

‘That doesn't work... …

It's a matter of my pride and conscience. At least, even in a country where farming is the default option, I have avoided being humanly gluttonous because of it.

Do I have no shame or form?

“ah… … hmm. Yes, I'm sure I haven't forgotten. hmm… …

For now, I pretend to nod in moderation, buying time to think.

Fortunately, I think I can think of it easily.

Now, Dia is dressed as if she just went to the tower. For now, since he is carrying out his position as the pagoda owner, when he returns to the pagoda, he wears a solemn robe and brings a new staff exclusively for the pagoda owner.

‘That means... …

ah? It comes to mind. Fortunately, I don't think I need to upset Dia without losing face.

“… … It was about the Mage Tower reorganization plan, right?”

“of course.”

Fortunately, I remembered correctly. If I was wrong, it would have been like kicking the blanket for the first time in a while.

huh. It's definitely today. It seems that my senses are a little out of place as I have been wandering around to such an extent that I didn't even know I was going there.

“… … It's a top revamp. Is it already that time?”

“Rather, it is behind schedule.”

If the pagoda owner changes and the power structure changes, of course, changes will come.

Of course, if the basic disposition is not particularly different, the change is insignificant.

Dia has always been anxious about the tower. I've had a lot of regrets from before, so of course I think there are a lot of things to do.

I also sympathize with it, and as I watched this and that, I threw in a few words from time to time.

Basically, the agenda itself is a caution that is left to her autonomy.

But you can't apply it right away as you think of it. You should spend some time verifying or preparing.

It is a task that must be done carefully, just like holding an event by setting an auspicious day.

“Just in time to recruit new recruits for the tower, did you say you wanted to apply at that time… …

As I muttered, remembering what I had said before, Dia nodded in agreement.

“I think it's a good time. It happened to be justification, so now there would be no opposition.”

“what… … It won't matter if there is opposition.”

Who will come and stop now?

“First of all, I would like to show you the confirmed issues… …

Dia said so and showed me a document with a somewhat established schedule.

“ah… … Right… … . Are you trying to do something like this... …

“What do you think?”

“hmm. I don't think I have anything else to say. Let's proceed like this.”

In the first place, the idea itself was entrusted to her, so I have nothing to interfere with.

Even so, the reason why I dare to ask my opinion is because Dia asked me to play a role in the current idea.

“The first thing to do is interview for new recruits… …

The first one for the new Ernesia Mage Tower.

It was because he asked me to sit in one of the selection interviews to recruit new talent.

“Are you okay?”

“There's nothing I can't do. and… …

I just passed the city agenda, and there's nothing to do.

“… … I just thought it was good fun.”

I smirked as I went through the papers again.

Maybe something like this would be much better than boring desk work.

What must be done first to renew the atmosphere of the tower?

Dia thought about it the whole time, and I also listened to counseling from time to time.

First of all, many ideas came and went, but the first fundamental was this.

“… … We need new talent.”

Talent is the key to everything.

It's a concept that fits all occasions, not just this one.

And what if you could fill it with people who fit the new drawing?

That alone will make it smoother .

‘Even if they're not that blatant. As long as it can have at least some impact, it will be enough.'

Above all, this recruitment is important in the reorganization plan promoted by Dia.

It's because of the peculiarity of the room she thinks.

“so that… … Is this recruitment meaningful... …

“That's right.”

“… … At least when this starts, it will turn upside down whether inside or outside the tower.”

It will be difficult to end quietly.

“It doesn’t matter, does it?”

“It is tolerable enough.”

“If you're prepared, that's fine.”

Tak! I put the plan on the table and gave a big nod of approval.

“Then let’s begin.”

It will blow a new wind into the tower! How

a former pro

sucks honey

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