His Dearest Wife

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Feng Yu doesn't shy away from his intimate relationship with Lin Xiangxiang. After running to her office to flirt, he stops at the door of the hall to wait for her to get off work.

Although Lin Xiangxiang was not adapted to Feng Yu's positive attitude, her mood was flying. When all the women cast envious eyes at her, she realized that she was really not noble, and there was a little vanity in her heart.

Open the car door to sit in, the man side eye coagulates her, voice is cold: "tie?"? I didn't send it. "

"You said no, I didn't!" Miss Lin thought of the joy at noon, and her face got hot for no reason.

Although Feng Yu is wearing an orthodox suit at the moment, his breath has been integrated into Lin's soul. His existence will make her have all kinds of indescribable associations.

Feng Yu felt satisfied. He started the car and drove away.

On the way back to Feng's home, Lin Xiangxiang asked curiously, "do you really want to invite him to dinner?"

"Yes, and he promised to come." Feng Yu answered lightly, and did not think deeply.

Lin Xiangxin was worried, and suddenly asked in a joking tone: "last time you said that Leng Yaochen was very close to one of Zen Yu's female stars, was it his girlfriend?"

"I don't know!" Feng Yu replied leisurely: "Leng Yaochen is more cautious to women, not ordinary women can get into his eyes, and he not only has the habit of being clean emotionally, but also physically!"

Lin is stunned. Does Leng Yaochen have a habit of cleanliness? She couldn't see it at all.

"And you? Do you also have a love for cleanliness? " I don't know why, but Lin wants to know Feng Yu's attitude towards women.

Feng Yu said to himself, "yes, I'm more serious than him."

Lin missed the sound of the brain, a little shaking God, well, she still did not see out, what is the emotional cleanliness ah?

Feng Yu's side eyes swept over her face, as if seeing through her inner entanglement, and explained faintly: "the love of cleanliness is to recognize a woman, who will never be infected with another woman in her life. At least, no one will be able to replace the most important one in her heart."

Lin missed for no reason to shake for a while, beautiful eyes open big, unbelievable looking at Feng Yu.

His perfect and cold side face has an indescribable sense of nobility. The lines are cold and hard, but they show a sense of awe inspiring inviolability.

"Well Am I the most important one in your heart? " Lin Xiangxiang asked bravely.

In fact, she didn't expect Feng Yu to give a happy answer, she just felt curious.

"Yes Man thin lips gently spit out a word, the voice is not big, but full of weight, Miss Lin brain again buzzing, a blank.

"It's impossible. Don't make fun of it." Miss Lin dry smile, mood ups and downs, but also can't believe.

Feng Yujun face serious three points: "I'm not joking, I'm serious."

Miss Lin's smile suddenly froze on his face. Then, he became a little at a loss. His two little hands were pinched together nervously. A pair of beautiful eyes kept looking at his face: "but we've only known each other for about a month. How can you..."

"I don't remember telling you that I actually met you two years ago?" Feng Yu asked.

"Ah..." Miss Lin, the whole person was startled, forced fan long eyelashes: "when did you say that? Why don't I know? "

"Maybe not!" Feng Yu's carelessness made Lin miss him in a hurry.

"Feng Yu, when did you meet me? But in my impression, I haven't seen you at all. Otherwise, I'll never forget someone like you. " Miss Lin Xiaolian a anxious, some nervous.

In the past, they all lived at random, and they didn't know when Feng Yu had seen them.

Strange, why does she care so much about the image she was seen by him at that time? It's because Do you like him a little bit?

"Why don't you remember me forever? Is it because I'm handsome? Or is it because I'm gold? " Feng Yu was provoked by her words and asked her with a smile.

Miss Lin gave a bitter smile: "there must be these two points, but what you can't forget most is your indifference."

"Am I cold?" Feng Yu's face was full of mystery, and then he said, "I should be more enthusiastic about you."

Lin Xiangxiang immediately thought of Lianpian, and quickly angrily looked at him: "you'd better tell me first, when did you meet me, and what was I doing at that time?"

Feng Yu was questioned by her, subconsciously reached for her lips and coughed twice to hide her abnormal mind two years ago.

"Can you tell me quickly? I really want to know. " Miss Lin's face turned red when he didn't answer.

Feng Yu pressed down his heart and said, "you are playing on the golf course."

Miss Lin's brain suddenly broke, and her beautiful eyes were startled. Her two small hands could not help covering her lips: "no No, that day... "Feng Yu glanced at her strangely: "what? Do you have an impression? "

Lin Xiangxiang suddenly wants to jump out of the car. In her life, she has been to the golf course once. That time, because of her brain fever, she gambled with Lin Zimeng once and lost. She promised to be her valet.

She remembers that she was embarrassed and miserable by Lin Zimeng and her friends that day. She almost had no image. Later, she came back crying and walked alone.

If Feng Yu saw herself on the golf course, it must be the memory she was most reluctant to look back on in her life.

Feng Yu saw that she reflected so much that he felt awe inspiring. He quickly braked the car on the side of the road and tightened his eyebrows: "don't tell me, you've been to the golf course once?"

Lin Xiangxiang covered his face with his hands, and the God wept with his lust. He was ashamed: "why did I meet there, Feng Yu? How could I face you? You've gone too far. "

According to the normal routine, shouldn't it be the corner of the coffee shop on the street? Shouldn't it be a Green Avenue? Should not be a restaurant, inadvertently brush past it?

Why Why is it on the golf course where she has no image and is in a mess.

Feng Yu was stunned. He didn't expect that this woman had only been there once, but that time attracted him inexplicably.

"Don't cry. There's nothing to be ashamed of. I just saw you fall a few times, but I didn't see anything else." Feng Yu also seems to be covering up his embarrassment, deliberately said.

Miss Lin still can't get over the sad old story. She knows that Fengyu must have said it to comfort her.

She will never forget that Lin Zimeng and his boyfriend are laughing at her with her purple underwear.

"Well, to really feel the shame, I will revenge those who have laughed at you once for you, and let them lose face just like you." Feng Yu looked at her so hurt, the heart inexplicably hurt up, for an innocent girl, that kind of bullying, is indeed the shadow of a lifetime.

Lin's uneasy mood seemed to be comforted by his words, and his small hand was also gently held by his big palm. He pulled her to his arms.

Her small face inexplicably bumped into his shoulder, the man's big palm gently stroked her long hair: "you tell me their name, I will let you see satisfactory results."

"Forget it, Feng Yu. I would have thought it was over. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't care." Lin Longxiang replied stiffly. What she was afraid of just now was that he saw her embarrassment. What she cared about was her image in his heart.

"In the future, I won't let people bully you like that, and I won't let you hide and cry alone!" Feng Yu low promise to her, but let Lin miss the whole body again tight.

No, this man even knows that she ran to the bathroom alone and cried?

"How do you know?" In front of Feng Yu, Lin felt that he really had no image to speak of.

Feng Yu laughed in a low voice: "I saw you running away and followed you. I just heard you crying inside."

"How can you eavesdrop?" Lin miss some resentment, hand in his shoulder beat twice, but gently.

Feng Yu released her, saw the tears in her eyes, and gently wiped them away: "I not only overheard, but also inquired about your news, but because those two years were the busiest period of my career, I only slept less than six hours a day, so I never had the chance to find you, but I happened to see you outside your school, and I also looked at you from a distance outside the Lin family It's just that I dare not disturb you when you don't know that I exist. "

Lin missed listening to the man's low voice, completely stupefied, before she suspected that Feng Yu secretly fell in love with himself, originally this is not a daydream, but a real existence, but, this is more unreal than a dream.

"Feng Yu, why are you Why Miss Lin's heart, speed up the jump, small face red, eyes but firmly staring at the man's heavy eyes, she wants to know an answer.

Feng Yu's thin lip leaned over and sucked her tiny mouth. When she got her sweet taste, he held her back and deepened the kiss. Until she breathed, he reluctantly let her go.

"Is this answer satisfactory?" The man's lips are still against her lips, his burning breath, deep and violent words.

Lin Xiangxiang suddenly covered herself, reached out and touched her swollen lip. The amount of information was so large that her brain capacity was not enough.

"You Have you been planning to change brides at the wedding for a long time? " Besides being moved, Lin also complained about his behavior.

Feng Yu stretched out her hand and pinched her beautiful white chin: "yes, I have arranged everything for a long time. I thought you would be very happy to be my bride, but I seem to have made a fatal mistake. I think I know women's mind best. I can be willful if I have money and face. But I didn't expect that you were dizzy at that time. "

Miss Lin's eyes still complained: "then it's not too late for you to understand."Feng Yu couldn't put it down and nodded on her red lips: "now I know you are a bad little wild cat."

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