His Dearest Wife

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

The atmosphere between the master and the grandson was a little stiff. Feng Yu's eyes fell lightly on the lake. Feng's look was also a little trance, as if he was recalling the past.

"Grandfather, is there any way to cancel the engagement with the Pei family?" Feng Yu suddenly asked, but what he was most worried about.

"Are you determined not to divorce?" Feng Laozi sighed heavily. The consequences of not getting divorced are really serious.

Feng Yu's face was cold, his eyes were sharp, and his tone was cold: "I will go to negotiate with Pei Dongming sometime. I will help him to enter the presidential election. He must promise to cancel his engagement."

Feng turned his head and looked at Sun Tzu's cold face in surprise. His brows were locked together: "are you sure this time is not to suppress the Pei family, but to help Pei Dongming sit on the presidency?"

"No matter which way it is, it's extreme and involves huge interests and relationship chain. I don't want to be Pei's son-in-law. I can be his supporter and he won't suffer." Feng Yu sneered.

Feng thought for a few seconds: "what does your father mean? And he agrees with you to take your present wife? "

"Last time he came uninvited, he strongly objected to our being together." Referring to his father, Feng Yu's face was sad.

"Your father is afraid that you can't keep the house, he will..."

Feng Yu's face was covered with frost. His eyes were slightly astringent, staring at the grass at his feet, he whispered: "grandfather, why do you want to inherit the company to me?"

When he was twenty-four years old, although he had made enough psychological preparation to take over the burden of the Feng Empire, he was still unable to breathe for three consecutive years.

He lost the leisure time that other young people should have. His heart changed the most. Almost instantly, he became mature and calm as an old fox. Even though his appearance was still so young, he had passed the time when he was young.

"Your father is not as quiet as you. He's not like me, you are!" Feng looked at his grandson with great appreciation and satisfaction.

Under his young appearance, he has a hard and calm heart, and only a calm and resourceful person like him can keep the country.

"Dad complained about this all the time, which indirectly made the relationship between father and son become stalemate." Feng Yu said bitterly.

Feng reached out his hand, took his grandson's hand, and patted it twice on the back of his hand: "your father is not willing, but one day he will admit the fact that he is better than blue. Just like now, Feng is in your hands, growing stronger and more popular. I don't believe your father will be disgraced, even me "I'm very proud of you."

"Grandfather, you really make people happy." Feng Yu had to admit that his grandfather was the one with the darkest stomach and the most eyes.

Feng also laughed, but there was a bitter sigh in his smile: "my grandfather has been here since childhood. Yu'er, don't blame my grandfather for taking away your youth and the colorful youth that you should have. My grandfather really can't find a better person. Although your uncle's son also works hard, he is not born to be a manager, your cousin What's more, it's impossible for them to make a difference. My grandfather only hopes that when they come back from their studies, you can give them a job. Don't let them advance in an inch. Let them feel satisfied. A family must have only one leader. If there are too many, there will be infighting. That's the real family misfortune. "

Feng Yu knew that his grandfather was teaching him how to be a man and do things again. He was calm and listened carefully.

In the living room not far away, Pei Jiaxin is sitting upright and drinking tea gracefully, but her eyes are always fixed on the grandson and grandson.

"What are they talking about? It's almost an hour. " Pei Jiaxin's character is not willing to be ignored, at the moment, she also felt some resentment.

"I hope that grandfather Feng can persuade Feng Yu to divorce Lin Xiangxiang and marry her. Grandfather Feng loves her very much since he was a child. I believe he will make the decision for himself." Pei Jiaxin thought naively and complacently in her heart. The more she thought about it, the happier she was, and the corner of her mouth could not help rising.

Finally, the conversation between Feng Yu and his grandfather ended. After more than an hour, he talked about the business and political situation that had little to do with marriage.

But Pei Jiaxin thought that it was Feng's grandfather's painstaking advice to Feng Yu to divorce and marry herself. When she saw them coming, she welcomed them like a beautiful and charming butterfly, and said with a delicate smile, "grandfather, Feng Yu, have you finished talking?"

Fenglaozi kind smile: "Jiaxin, let you wait impatient."

"Grandfather, what do you say? How can I be impatient? I'm just curious to know if you talked about me just now. " Pei Jiaxin deliberately withdraws Jiao's question result.

But Feng Yu said faintly: "grandfather, if there's nothing else, I won't stay for lunch. I'll go back now."

Feng was also pretending to be ill. He wanted him to come and have a chat in person. Now, he has said all that he should say. Feng Yu is busy now, and he knows it. He raised his hand and said, "if you really have something to do, you should go back first. The company is important."Pei Jiaxin was silly and asked Feng Yu with a pair of beautiful eyes: "you haven't eaten breakfast yet, are you going to leave? What about grandfather Feng? He must miss you so much that he will ask you to come here. "

Feng Yu said with a light smile, "aren't you still with my grandfather? Anyway, he treats you like a granddaughter. If you don't have anything to do, you can spend more time with him. My grandfather will smile every day. "

"But I..." No matter how shrewd Pei Jiaxin was, he was also speechless, and his little face was immediately lost and sad.

Feng's eyes could see through people's thoughts, so he laughed and said to Pei Jiaxin, "Jiaxin, if you have something to say to Feng Yu, why don't you go back with him, so you don't have to go to the plane alone."

Pei Jiaxin actually thought the same way, but Feng Yu asked her to stay. She was embarrassed just now.

"Well, grandfather Feng, I'll go back with Feng Yu first and see you another day." With that, Pei Jiaxin went upstairs to pick up her travel and bag.

Feng Yu has been sitting in the car, Pei Jiaxin opened the door and sat in, a pair of beautiful eyes looking at the cold man from time to time.

"Feng Yu, why are we like this? You used to treat me as a friend. We used to laugh and play together. How can you be like a changed person now and ignore me? " Pei Jiaxin really can't stand his indifference, wronged and pitiful tears, questioning him.

Feng Yu's thin lips were tight, his eyes were still cold, but his voice was gloomy: "did you let my grandfather pretend to be ill and cheat me? What's your idea? "

Pei Jiaxin just about to drop tears a stop, some surprised confused looking at this man, is grandfather Feng mentioned this? If not, how did he guess?

"Did your grandfather tell you something? Feng Yu, don't get me wrong. I'm not... "

"My grandfather didn't say anything, but does he have to say it? Your purpose is so obvious. Am I really that easy to cheat? " Feng Yu didn't want to get involved with his grandfather, so he sneered even more.

Pei Jiaxin also believed that grandfather Feng was not such a talkative person. He said sadly, "Feng Yu, it was grandfather Feng and my grandfather who ordered a baby kiss for us. I just I just want grandfather Feng to help me. I really like you and want to marry you. "

"Don't waste your time. I can't marry you, and I won't either." Feng Yu opened his mouth indifferently, his eyes always fixed on the road ahead.

Pei jiaxinjue's own very embarrassed, by a man so cold rejection, proud of her, angry eyes are red.

"How can you break your promise like this? How can you hurt me like this? Feng Yu, I Pei Jiaxin so unbearable? You don't even want to look at me? " Pei Jiaxin is really hurt and painful. She feels like she has been abandoned by the whole world. Her loneliness and coldness make her broken.

Feng Yu listened to her cry, with a slightly slow tone, but without any warmth: "that's why I want you to maintain your proud personality. Don't change it. Proud people usually don't put themselves in an embarrassing situation. So I'd like to advise you to go to other men and stop pestering me, a married man."

Pei Jiaxin shivers fiercely. Does he call himself a married man?

"Do you think I want to be so cheap? But I like you. I want to be close to you out of control. " Pei Jiaxin was even more aggrieved.

"Then control your heart, and don't let it go crazy for me." Feng Yu asked her coldly and refused her indifferently. He was really a bad man.

Pei Jiaxin was so angry at his words that she said: "I don't believe Lin Xiangxiang. If you don't want to be with you, you can control yourself and don't go to her."

Feng Yu was stunned for a second, then he was silent. Obviously, he didn't think that little thing would leave him.

"What? Can't answer it? Are you going to beg her to love you with me? " Pei Jiaxin sneered.

Feng Yu replied confidently: "I don't need to be cheap, because I'm sure that woman won't leave me."

"Don't be so amorous here. What Miss Lin is in love with is your money and identity. Put all this aside, you can see if she still loves you." Pei Jiaxin is to attack him and make him so proud.

Feng Yu's face was still indifferent, and he said: "at present, I don't know whether she loves me or my money, but anyway, I always have one thing she loves."

"What do you mean by that?" Pei Jiaxin's eyes were wide open.

Feng Yu laughed at himself: "to tell you the truth, I'm in love with her, but she still doesn't love me."

Pei Jiaxin's whole heart is broken. Lin misses this damned woman. Who does she think she is?

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