Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 60: Vis

Chapter 60: Vis

'But all this information would be useless as I'm sure everyone has thought of that before. But It is good to know that I should be wary around politicians if I ever come across them in the future.' Alex thought as he looked out of the window. He watched as the car passed through a dense forest. Midnight looked at Alex and smiled, "I know what you're thinking, It's in everyone's mind. The top dogs never want us to have an organization of our own so they have tried to keep us in check or try to be in charge of the Bureau. But all of them failed. This attack proves that at least our enemies have backings from a top dog. But this thing gets more complicated as we really don't have any idea who the people behind this attack were. From what Shin explained on how she was abducted and forced to attack this facility under the mind control, It sounds like an organization I suppose we'll get some more information as we investigate more on them." She sighed

Midnight then looked outside of the window and said with a smile," For now, you and I have the easier job of explaining everything that has happened so far to Master Zhun and Ryan. It's easy because we're explaining it to those two. Once that happens and we'll need to give the same explanation to the leaders of the country, we'll be riddled with questions. So relax for now."

Alex nodded when he heard Midnight, He looked out of the window, waiting to arrive at the Bureau. 

After a few dozen minutes, The car finally reached its destination. Alex and Midnight stood out and walked into the building. As they did, Alex looked around the streets to see the fewer amount of people than normal, "Are they scared of the gate that appeared?" He asked Midnight. 

Midnight nodded, "We are still pretty new to this all. Rules are created and measures are put but following it completely is always done. So I guess after seeing the sky turn red and hearing about the rumors of the Gate evolving twice, A few people might have gotten spooked." Alex nodded when he heard Midnight. 

As the two entered the building, they heard a voice, "You, boy have gone through some shit haha." Alex Looked confused for a second as he heard the voice coming from behind him but there was no one there. Midnight shook her head and said, "You really need to stop trying to spook others with shadow. It's annoying at times." She said with an annoyed tone.

"Hahaha, I guess I'll stop. Wouldn't want to make Princess Midnight mad, now Would I?" A man walked from the corner of the main reception. When Alex saw the man, he thought back to the meeting, 'He's the same guy who I couldn't see until the end of the meeting' Alex looked at shadow, observing him. Shadow wore all white clothes, had white hair, and was very tall.

The man looked at Alex and said, "We didn't get to properly meet this morning so Let me introduce myself, I'm Vis, or some call me shadow as well. I'm an A-ranked Awakened like Midnight. My powers are well, you might have already guessed, Disappearing into the shadows. That's it. Now your turn kid." He stood in front of Alex with a slight smile. 

Alex smiled back and replied, "I'm Alex, C rank Awakened, Nice to meet you." When Vis heard Alex, he looked a bit annoyed. He looked at Midnight and then back towards Alex, "It seems like you still don't know what powers you have?" His face looked more intimidating than before. 

Alex didn't know how to answer the question. He looked at Vis and smiled, "I think I might just have enhanced physical strength and stamina as well as being able to conjure up a weapon." Vis looked at Alex with a slightly disappointed face. He looked at Midnight who was smiling when she heard Alex's words. Vis smiled when he saw Midnight and said, "It's alright, I'm not forcing anyone." Vis Shrugged as he walked out of the building. 

Alex looked at Midnight and smiled, "Aren't we here to brief about what happened." Midnight laughed and replied, "We are, and after that. I have to see if the opportunity comes. If It does, I have some plans for you so be ready." Alex didn't know what she was planning but he nodded. 'I just want to have some free alone time so I can check out the new feature that I got.' He sighed inwardly.

-Main Meeting Room-

Master Zhun and Ryan sat on a chair, waiting for Alex and Midnight. They looked at a picture that was projected in a hologram with concern on their face. "At least Gold was near the area. If he was sent off to another city, It would have been bad." Ryan looked at the picture of the evolved gate in the hologram. Master Zhun Shook his head, "We had Hana in the city and she would have gotten there if no one else was in the city. She is a smart girl and always seems to know what's going on with the gates. Then there is us two as well, Although I'm old, I can put up a fight. And even if you're not a physical fighter your abilities would have made it easier for us to kill the reapers."

Master Zhun Looked at Ryan and smiled, "So don't worry about it if it were to ever happen again, We might not have a huge amount of S rank when compared to other countries but we have just enough for them to protect us."

Ryan nodded when he heard Master Zhun. He looked towards the door and smiled, "It seems like the unlucky kid is here with Midnight. I swear he has to be the least lucky guy on this planet after all that he's been through in two days alone." Ryan Laughed as he and Master Zhun Waited for Alex and Midnight to open the door.

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