Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 51: Shin

Chapter 51: Shin

Alex looked at Buster with a shocked face, He didn't believe what Buster said. "Control?" Alex said in a confused tone. 

Buster nodded, "Yes, control." Alex looked at Buster once more and spoke, "Are you saying that something like a reaper controlled Sir Fire's old pupil and cause him to commit crimes? And eventually even murder?" 

Midnight shook her head when she heard Alex. Buster looked at midnight and took a deep breath, "That was the issue. It wasn't a reaper We don't know who controlled him but it was not a reaper, not at all. The things he did, they didn't seem to point to being a reaper, It seemed like an actual human being made him do those things for his own personal benefit but by that time, we still thought it might have been a reaper It was Sir Fire himself who captured his old student but the damage caused by the mind control was something that couldn't be healed. Reaper's mind controls can be healed, hell, only a few might require healing but that was the first time that a mind-controlled person couldn't even be healed." 

Buster looked at Alex and said, "That was the turning point which lead to us thinking that it was a person who controlled his mind A reaper's mind control wasn't true mind control. Hell, Some wouldn't even call it mind control. It's more of a mind influence than control. It just muddles the person's thinking and causes them to be more aggressive and more violent. They still act like themselves in some subtle ways, like speaking a small bit or so on but for the most part, Their thoughts become influenced."

When Alex heard Buster, he thought back to when he had to battle, Rhino when he was mind controlled by a reaper, 'If I remember, it actually makes senes. Rhino said things like Impressive, Can you fight, and so on, Like he was still testing me. But he was actually trying to kill me I guess I kind of understand what Buster means.'

Buster continued, "As for that case Well, he didn't show signs of muddled thoughts. It was just nothing. Everything he did felt like it was the thoughts of someone else. Like a soul possessing a human. Because of that, the guy's brain couldn't handle it at all. By the time Sir Fire caught him, the guy Died." 

Alex looked at Buster with a shocked expression, He then noticed someone walk towards them, It was Sir Fire. Buster seemed to have already noticed Sir Fire and said, "You need to calm down. You know what happens when you lose your composure?" 

Sir Fire took a deep breath, his face was red but he tried to keep it within himself. "I swear, If there are signs of the same thing happening as it did to Axa, I will burn down the man responsible for that It would be better if she was to just betray me but if that thing happened again" His face looked crazy when he spoke, his voice was deep and scary. Alex couldn't help but step back from the aggressive aura that Sir Fire was giving at that moment. 

Midnight put her hand on Alex's shoulder and smiled, "You'll get used to it." She then looked at Sir Fire, "You're scaring the new guy. Let's just head to the medical room. The girl is being checked out in there. You need to confirm that it's her before you show blow up in anger." Buster nodded when he heard midnight, he looked at Sir Fire and said, "let's go to the Medical station." 

Sir Fire only nodded in response and quickly walked towards the medical station in a hurry. The three followed behind him quickly. 

After the four entered the medical station, Sir Fire quickly ran towards the intruder. When he saw the face, Sir fire took another deep breath, his white hair started to slowly turn red and a small fire grew on his head. "Shin It seems I failed you I would be happier if you had just betrayed me and went to work for someone else after losing that eye It was my fault that happened but I can understand that" The Fire on his head grew larger, " BUT If it's the other reason that you're here in front of me like this, Then I swear my life I will find the son of a Bitch that did this" 

Buster quickly ran to Sir Fire and pulled him away from Shin, He looked into Sir Fire's eyes and said, "I won't let you participate in this if you continue to get heated Midnight and I together can take you on, you know that. So please, for the sake of us, calm down. We need the smart and logical Sir Fire, not the angry one" 

Sir Fire looked at Shin and walked backward, he stood beside the wall and waited for her to wake up. Buster smiled when he saw Sir Fire's actions, He then looked at the doctor who seemed to hide from Sir Fire and said, "How long till she wakes up?" 

The doctor looked at Buster and said, "She has a minor concussion and some injuries on her stomach It might take 10-30 minutes before she wakes up. I took her blood as a sample and the results will come in a minute or so, We could look at that until she wakes up"

Sir Fire looked towards the doctor and said, "Check if the blood sample results have come, there might be things that can come useful from a blood test!" The doctor urgently ran towards the computer to check for results when he heard Sir Fire. 'It seemed like everyone gets scared when Sir Fire gets angry, well except a few who are confident to take him on if together' Alex noted.

The doctor looked at Buster and said, "The results are being processed right now. They will be done in a minute!'

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