Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 122: Someone?

Chapter 122: Someone?

Imani looked at Midnight with a confused gaze, "What?" She asked. Midnight took out her phone and noticed that she couldn't get any signal as well. She looked panicked and tried to look around the factory, "We have a huge problem, We're cut off from any communication within the vicinity of this factory It seems like they have some type of wave jammer that just stops all forms of communication with people out of this area I didn't think of this before entering this area but it's my mistake for now checking sooner" She said with a slightly defeated expression.

Hearing Midnight, Imani shook her head and smiled, "I don't see any problem with that. You checked at the right time, at least we aren't separated yet, if were, that would have caused a huge problem. For now, I think we can just continue properly after informing Ryan about this" Midnight nodded as she heard Imani, "Yes, I just panicked for a second. Let's just go and send a message to Ryan about this the continue with the mission." She smiled as she walked away from the factory. 

After heading back to the car, Midnight tried to send a message but she noticed that they still weren't able to get any signal at all. Imani also looked concerned about that and took a deep breath, "This much be a huge area blocker We have a strict time schedule for this mission and I don't think it would look good if an A-ranked Awakened and a B ranked awakened ran away from an abandoned factory investigation because they didn't get signals in their phones would sound good, would it?" She spoke. 

Midnight nodded and sighed, "I guess back to that creepy place. We won't split up anymore, just do the investigation and leave. This place doesn't give any good vibes at all and the fact that signals were blocked means that there is or was something very fishy happening here. So, let's go!" She seemed to look more confident now that it seemed like there was no other option for her besides moving forward and investigating the factory.

The two quickly got back to the factory doors and looked at each other. They smiled and opened the worn down door. As they did, the sound of the squeaking door caused the vibes coming from inside of the factory to be more creepy. Everything looked old and worn down. The place was trashed and walls were filled with graffiti. Both women had their senses very high and their guards higher. They went through every single door, looked through every room possible in the first few floors and found nothing. 

After over 3 hours of searching, Midnight looked at Imani and sighed, "Nothing We only have one floor left, It makes sense that if there were people hanging out, they would be at the bottom floor or the top floor so If there is someone here, they have to be at the top." She looked at the stairs. 

Imani nodded, the two looked at each other and smiled, "Let's finish this. Guards up and keep our weapons on our hands from here. The jammer indicated people so if they are here, we will be attacked." Midnight said softly

The two then slowly walked up the stairs, Imani suddenly stopped walking, Making Midnight stop as well. She looked at midnight and spoke, "I think we might have something up there Sounds like water" She whispered. 

Midnight nodded and got ready. She walked up the stairs first and slowly looked around the corners, there were 5 rooms. Midnight looked back at Imani, "where is it from?" She asked.

Imani nodded and listened. After a few seconds, she pointed towards the door at the end of the hallway and spoke, " I think from there" She seemed slightly unsure, "but I think I heard something move at some other room as well but I'm not sure These abandoned buildings are super creaky and most sounds like these are pretty normal. I was ignoring them until now but I'm just so unsettled right now so I might be overthinking." She laughed awkwardly. 

Midnight nodded, She looked at the doors and spoke, "We'll go for the room that has the sound of water first. You watch the back and listen closely. If there are people here, they might be alerted if we make any wrong moves" She said as she slowly moved towards the room.

Imani nodded and watched the back rooms as they walked towards the furthest room. At this point, everything was very difficult to see due to the dark. There were no windows at the top floor and the entire environment looked very creepy. Midnight walked closer and closer to the door and she realized that it was way bigger than she had imagined. Imani was also surprised by the size of the door. Midnight looked at Imani and nodded then proceeded to open the door. It was heavier than she had expected but as soon as she opened the door, She heard a loud grunt. It was Imani, she quickly pulled midnight away from the door and spoke, "it's a trap."

Midnight looked confused and looked around but saw no one. But she kept a high guard just in case. Imani looked around and whispered, "I heard a footstep, I swear I did" She seemed to be freaked out. 

Hearing Imani's words, Midnight looked around the hallway. She slowly approached the doors and peeked into it. After a second of peeking, Midnight jumped backward with a horrified face. "What is it?!" Imani asked as she saw Midnight's expression. Midnight quickly ran inside the room and looked around, She then sighed, "as expected They knew that we would come here soon This place seems to be where they were. But they left pretty soon." Midnight turned to Imani, "Where did that footstep come from?" She asked. 

Imani looked around but she couldn't answer, She shook her head, "I think they're gone I didn't hear anything other than one step I think they might have escaped the building" She walked into the room where Midnight was standing, curious about what shocked her. But as soon as she did, Imani's face turned horrified as she saw the scene in front of her.

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