Heretical Fishing

Book 2: Chapter A week-long hiatus

Book 2: Chapter A week-long hiatus

Hello, friends.

I'm taking an unplanned hiatus from today. I'm rather unwell at the moment with an infection in my chest and both inner ears, along with a cheeky perforated eardrum. This isn't a woe-is-me thing, just letting you know that I didn't make the decision lightly.

Sorry for springing it on you without warning; I assumed I would get better and could continue pumping out words, but my body is telling me to get some rest.

I hope you all have the best holiday season, and I'll see you back here next Friday for the next chapter.

Love you. <3

PS. I've also updated the Discord so there are public areas for RR readers. There may be some more friends joining in there over the coming days & weeks.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.