Hellbound Heart

Chapter 214 Gift

This bonus chapter is dedicated to @Monica_Ceja!! Thank you so much for the supergift!!!


"R-really? You're going to wear it?!" her blue eyes were wide as she exclaimed, excitement and nervousness warring within her.

When Sebastian nodded, she was at a loss for words for a while.

"Oh Lord... seriously? Everywhere? And all the time?! You're not going to take it off?" her questions came pouring out one after another from her mouth, not able to stop them.

Sebastian was amused at how adorable she was reacting with just this little statement from him. It was truly such a wonder why this matter had such a big effect on her.

"I have already told you, right? It is valid for as long as you want me to. I won't take it off without your express permission." he assured her again, seeing that she truly needed reassurance.

And Elle's lips hung open. She was simply in utter wonder and disbelief. She could hardly believe what was going on. Sebastian just kept on shocking her to her bones tonight and it seems like he was nowhere near done yet! Everything was just a little unbelievable that she could not help but wonder if this was a dream.

Heart beating so loudly in her ears, Elle reached for his hand. Her gaze then dropped to stare at his large veiny hand and long tapering fingers, devoid of any jewelries.

She had never thought she would ever experience this. Her, putting the ring on Sebastian's ring finger. He did not give her any chance on the day of their wedding, and she thought that there would never ever be any more chance for her to do this. Yet here she was, now having that one in a lifetime chance to do it! Lord... things had really felt too good to be true tonight, and now this... she could barely stop herself from jumping up and down in excitement. She was just holding back with everything that she had.

But her excitement was quickly disturbed at the moment she realized that the both of them were somehow... completely naked. Oh dear lord...

Her face burned as she snapped her gaze up back to his gorgeous face. Lord... why did Sebastian not give her the present while the both of them were still dressed properly?

The mere thought that this very special moment was happening with them completely... naked was... oh my lord... could the ground just open and swallow her up already?! She was so embarrassed she could melt into a puddle of goo!

"What's wrong, baby girl?" his sultry voice echoed out right next to her already sensitive ears. The sexy mischief in his tone suddenly returned with full force. "You're so red. Are you suddenly reminded of some naughty stuff?"

"No, I... I th-think we need tuh- to get dressed." Elle stuttered a little as she answered.

He lifted a brow and then tilted his head a little to the side.

"I think I should put the ring on you while we're both properly dressed." She told him shyly, stressing the word 'properly'.


"Be-because this is a special moment and..."


"And I would like to remember this moment... being as perfect as it can be." She scrambled to reason out her request to him.

"But we're already as perfect as we are right now baby, in fact..." he trailed off and leaned in closer to whisper, "us, like this will only make this moment all the more memorable, don't you think so?"

Elle blushed harder after hearing him make that point.

"I personally think it'll be a moment so unlike any other if we continue doing it this way. And besides, I already did my part and put your ring on you while we're completely naked. I definitely won't mind doing it this way, Iza. In fact, I'd really love it if you could put the ring on my finger with me just like this."

Their gazes held. Elle could almost feel steam evaporating off her face - she was that hot! But she knew nothing else should really matter anymore at this point. No matter how embarrassing it might be, it did not really matter, all that mattered to her was that this moment was happening and since he had said that he would love it more this way, she would be more than willing and was happy to do it according to his wishes.

So, she lifted his hand again. Her expression slowly became so serious as her heart danced once again with so many emotions.

All were forgotten for a moment as she finally slipped the ring onto his ring finger.


In a certain empty park.

Elijah was squatting on a bench, dressed in a long black coat. A stray dog was wagging its tail as it looked up at him.

"Wait for a bit, buddy. The food is coming. Oh, it's here."

A man appeared beside him, holding a container of take out consisting of delicious meat from a luxury restaurant.

"Your Highness, the food is here." The man gave him the food and Elijah quickly wore a plastic glove. He picked the meat and then offered it to the stray dog, causing the man who brought the food to facepalm himself.

"You... should've told me it was for the stray dog, Prince Elijah." He complained, almost rolling his eyes in exasperation. "I should've spared myself from going to that restaurant and bought some common food somewhere nearer!"

But Elijah did not seem to hear his subordinate's complaints. He only kept praising the stray dog as it happily devoured the delicious food Elijah was hand feeding him.

"So... my gift didn't reach Sunshine?" Elijah finally asked, without taking his eyes off the stray animal.

"No, Your Highness. The security was just too tight. And it seems, Prince Sebastian had specifically ordered for any and all gifts to be screened, immediately disposing of any suspicious gift, especially those from you."

He halted and then he smirked, shaking his head. "Bad move, Sebastian." He muttered. "If only he knew that the gift I gave to Sunshine for her special day was a whole night of peace."

His tongue clicked as he reached out with his other hand and petted the dog's head. "Since my gift wasn't accepted and didn't reach her, then I guess... there's only one thing I could do now." He slowly stood before stretching languidly and looked up towards the castle that stood on top of the hill from afar. "I'm sorry in advance, Sunshine. Blame Sebastian for this."

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