Hellbound Heart

Chapter 210 Once Again

This bonus chapter is dedicated to @Monica_Ceja!! Thank you so very much for the supergift!!!


Sebastian could do nothing but freeze in his tracks.

He was so lost, so dazed from the utterly mind-blowing new experience his Izabelle had made him feel once again that he did not even realize what he had been doing.

That one earth shattering orgasm she had just performed on him even with her unskilled first-time blowjob had totally wrecked him up and shattered him to bits that he felt he had gone to the forbidden heaven for longer than what was possible. It was f**king inexplicable and he was so f**king happy he had felt like he was still in an oblivion high after. In fact, the word happy was not even enough to begin describing how his feelings were at this moment. He was at a loss for words to explain it.

There was nothing in his heart and mind but pleasure, and bliss. And that was why he began licking away at her lips so happily. Even when he tasted his own cum for the first time, he did not care the least. There was nothing he could care about but her at this moment. All his mind could think of and care about was to show her how she had made him feel. To let her know just how much he loved what she had just done to him... just how much he loved her mouth... just how crazy happy he was to finally claim this one part of her that he had always been dying to possess, to conquer. So, he could finally and literally have all of her.

However, he had not realized that he had been... f**k... was this... real?

He had been licking her lips, with his own... tongue... and he was... nothing had... He was still behaving normally?! Noticing his current condition, his eyes widened.

Completely stunned, Sebastian just could not believe it. Gods... this was... unbelievable... it had happened again. He was doing things that he would usually not do without him realizing. No, she was the one who was making him do things unconsciously again. Like what had happened in the meadow when he had done it face to face for the first time ever. He had not even realized he had done it until she was the one who had pointed it out.

Now this...

He literally had... no words. This woman... this woman of his... f**k... Was she an angel that was sent to him to create private miracles for him alone? She was doing things no one could have ever done to him and for him.

"I'm... sorry... I didn't mean to..." she suddenly whispered, the corners of her eyes going red, causing him to feel like a bucket of ice was being poured all over him, jolting him awake from the trance of oblivion. Why was she about to cry?! Had he unintentionally done something wrong? Or something that had hurt her or caused her to feel uncomfortable?

Sebastian's eyes widened. Not understanding why she was suddenly... wait... f**k...

"No." he frantically cupped her face with both of his hands. "No baby... you didn't do anything wrong. I am fine. Believe me. You might not believe it, but I'm totally fine." he hastily explained, panicking a little at the sight of the thick cloud of despair that was gathering in her eyes. His reaction must have made her think that he had been triggered. "Yes, Iza. Believe it. I'm not triggered." He said that last line like he could not even begin to believe it himself.

Her mouth gaped open as she looked at him a little closer. Her lips trembled a little as she stared at him with wide circled eyes.

"R-really?" her question was soft, hesitant. As though she was still unable to fully determine that his current condition was normal.

"Do you think I'd still be here, smiling like an idiot if I'm triggered?" he could not stop his own smile.

"R-right..." her eyes then searched over him eagerly. "You're not trembling. Not even a little..."

"Yes, baby. I'm not. It really didn't happen. I'm completely fine."

She gasped at that, covering her mouth with her hands. And then tears began to fall from her eyes, suddenly overwhelmed that this miracle was happening right now. And her response only caused Sebastian to pull her into his embrace in one swift move.

"No, Iza. F**k... don't cry." He sounded helpless as though his heart was tearing apart at the sounds of her sobs.

"No... no... I'm... I'm just feeling too happy and relieved right now. That's why the tears... " She whispered, smiling as she cried. "I thought I had ruined it all. I thought I'd made a mistake and caused you to..."

"Shh... baby." He began to kiss her forehead. "Don't cry. You're only allowed to cry when I'm inside you and shattering your entire world to pieces, baby girl. You're only allowed to cry due to the extreme pleasure I gave you, Iza." he then looked helplessly at her watery eyes and nose that had turned a little red from her crying.

"But these are all tears of happiness, Sebastian." She retorted, trying to calm herself down now as she caught his face with her palms this time and pressed her lips on his forehead too. "I'm just so glad. So very glad that you are alright. And that is all that matters to me."

He stilled when he heard her heartfelt words. And when she pulled back, their gazes met.

Reaching out, he gently brushed her tears away with the backs of his fingers. His actions were so careful, as light as a feather. Silence reigned between them. Their heartbeats raced fast and loud as their eyes were still locked on one another.

And then his gaze fell so slowly to her mouth. His fingers drifted over and then lightly touched her lips. It was so feathery light that Elle would not have known he had touched her if she was not looking at him.

She held her breath and he swallowed.

"I believe... it's about time, Iza. For me to claim this mouth of yours fully and completely once again... not with my cock... but with my mouth this time."

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