Hellbound Heart

Chapter 197 Conversation

This bonus chapter is dedicated to @MonsterUnderTheBed!! Thank you so very much for the supergift!!!


Their eyes met and Elle found herself feeling worse than when she was hearing every single word that Milette was spouting just a few minutes ago.

Kana was... she was beautiful. She was tall and had the looks and body of a supermodel. She stood there graciously next to the queen, behaving as though that was her rightful place -- the next queen.

Elle never expected the feeling that surged within her. It was incredibly palpable. Something she had never ever wanted to feel at all. Jealousy. What an ugly thing.

"She's saying 'Hello' to you, princess. She just wished you a very happy birthday." Almira acted as her messenger.

Elle already knew that vampires can communicate through their eyes. They have the ability of telepathy as long as they are staring directly into each other's eyes.

"Tell her, 'hello'." Elle replied to Almira, while she kept staring straight back into Kana's face. "Though I wonder why she's not coming over here to greet me on her own? Was she banned from approaching me or something?"

The sight of Kana's face turning hard told Elle that her message had been sent across.

But then, Kana's expression changed and turned almost smug once again as she stared at Almira.

When Almira's eyes widened, Elle couldn't stop herself from asking. "What did she say this time?"

"Err... uhm, princess. I don't think –" Almira hesitated in answering Elle. Her earlier neutral expression was now gone, a frown decorated Elle's forehead.

"Tell me." Elle pressed. Curious as to why Almira was suddenly hesitating to speak now.

"Are you sure, princess? She's said some really... you really don't need to even hear about this –" Almira kept dissuading Elle from hearing the message sent by Kana. To Elle's point of view, Almira seemed afraid that what she'd say next would hurt her.

"I want to hear it." Elle stared firmly into Almira's eyes, forcing the lady to repeat the words that Kana had said. She wanted to know. To hear it. Whatever it was.

Leaning in, Almira whispered to Elle. "She said she didn't need to greet a mere human that way."

Elle's lips lifted up a little. "Mere human, huh..." she muttered lowly, though she made sure to keep her expression in check. She would never let anyone see any expression on her face that would give them the satisfaction.

Glancing at Sebastian with her most neutral face first, Elle then whispered back to Almira. "Tell her that this Crown Princess doesn't acknowledge greetings that were not spoken directly to her when the person is present."

Kana's expression darkened for a moment. But then again, she tipped her chin up at Elle after staring into Almira's eyes.

"She said... temporary... that you're just a temporary Crown Princess who will... uhm... die sooner or later." Almira kept pausing as she told her those words. But when Elle kept waiting for her to continue, she could only go on and spout the words. "She said, she's just lending the position to you and that... she'll have it back again once Prince Sebastian gets rid of you or when you... you die." Almira choked out at the last words.

Elle's body throbbed at those words.

She fought hard. So hard to not show any reaction at all, at least outwardly. Those words... struck her. Hard. So very hard. She did not like how those words came at her like crashing waves. She wished those words never affected her.

"Princess... are you okay? Let's just stop –" Almira glanced worriedly at her, brows furrowing as she wondered if things were already getting too much out of hand.

"I'm fine, Almira." Elle managed to keep her voice composed. Then suddenly, her eyes gleamed brightly and intensely. "Tell her this... 'Lending the position? The position was never yours. And you will never get it back even when I die. Because it was never yours to begin with.' "

Almira's eyes widened at the Princess' reply, but her eyes gleamed with excitement. And when she stared into Kana's eyes, Elle made sure to watch her expression carefully, not wanting to miss any changes on her face.

Kana's eyes widened upon 'hearing' the message that Elle sent through Almira, unable to hide the ugly expression that formed on her face. Her eyes - wide opened and blazing - flew to glare directly into Izabelle's in an open challenge. However, Elle ruthlessly clamped down on her own volatile feelings, kept her composure and only smiled sweetly at Kana. That only caused Kana's face to turn absolutely sour.

When she shifted her gaze back to Almira, Elle stopped Almira from looking over at Kana again. There was no point in continuing their 'conversation'. Going back and forth like this, things would only go south from here on out. She had already said her piece. That's enough... for now.

Elle then leaned over and whispered to Almira to ignore Kana now and stop receiving her message when her heart suddenly throbbed.

It was a throb so hard and inexplicable. Was it happening again? That... thing... that excruciating pain she experienced before in her chest? Lord no... she cannot be fainting here again! Please no...

Elle was still leaning against Almira, so her face was hidden from Sebastian's view when the pain came. But surprisingly, it was not as excruciating as before. In fact, it was... tolerable after that one throb that made her wince. But something was wrong. She did not know how to explain it but...

"Princess..." Almira, who had noticed Elle wincing, was worried if there was anything wrong with her.

"I'm good." She was able to speak despite this weird feeling. She took deep breaths, trying to regain her composure completely. The pain had subsided quickly as if it had never happened.

Elle gently rubbed her chest, trying to ease the weird feeling and took in another deep breath. She then moved away from Almira and smiled at her. She could move and speak just fine apparently, but what was this now? What was with this feeling?

Her body... felt like it was floating.

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