Hellbound Heart

Chapter 177 Did You Know

Elle's hand was on his cheek, pinching his skin hard. She couldn't believe what he had just said. This man was truly... she couldn't even find the right word at the moment. It was truly making her speechless how fast his emotions shift like this. Or was this him just distracting her and acting like nothing had happened again? The thought that this must be the case made Elle feel her heart constrict. Because she understood it too well – this feeling of trying your best to act like everything was alright now when it wasn't. r

"Hmm... so is this your habit when you get pissed or mad, hmm, Iza?" his deep voice pulled her from her thoughts. "Pinching huh... unsexy but quite adorable." He added, smirking. r

Finally realizing that she was actually pinching him, Elle's eyes stretched slightly wide. Her ears turned hot as she slowly retracted her fingers off his cheek. Oh lord, she just actually pinched Sebastian Reign and it seems she's going to get away with it unscratched! He even looked like he's amused! Was it because he's now in a good mood? r

"What do you want to do today?" he asked, his palm was still over her lips, securely covering her mouth to keep her from talking. r

For a few stretched moments, they just stared at each other. Until Sebastian gave in first.r

"Alright," he moved to stand. "Don't forget about my warning. Don't speak or else... you know what will happen next." He warned and then he finally retracted his big hand from her face. r

Elle could only watch him as he sauntered towards the table, picked up a notebook and pen before returning to her.r

"Use these from now on." he gave her the pen and notebook. "Now tell me what you wanted to do. I'll make sure to fulfil any request from you as long as it won't require talking exhausting you." r

Quickly, Elle opened the notebook and started scribbling. r

'I'd like you to tell me more about vampires.' were written at the notebook when she lifted it to him. r

Sebastian already looked bored just by reading her request but he sat next to her and responded. "What do you want to know? I thought you've already learned a lot from that library." r

'The books I read are old and most of what I've read were about the history of the vampires. I want to know about the vampires in today's world.'r

His brows lifted a little upon reading her note. "Alright. Go on." r

Elle enthusiastically wrote her first question. 'Do vampires still drink human blood today?' r

He stared into her eyes quietly for a few seconds that Elle wondered if her question was something she shouldn't be asking. But she honestly thought this question shouldn't be something forbidden for her to know anymore, right? r

"Yes. But only the royals, us." he finally answered, causing Elle to quietly breath in relief. "The modern vampiric law doesn't allow any vampire to drink directly from humans though. We have human donors who donate their blood to us." r

Elle didn't looked shock. Instead, she just looked awed at knowledge she's learning. So those red wines she always seeing must be blood...r

'Why only the royals can drink blood?' r

"Because we needed to maintain our real strength. We are the rulers so we need to be in our best shape in case there's serious trouble that is needed to deal with."r

'You mean if vampire royals will stop drinking human blood, they will weaken?'r

When Sebastian simply nodded, Elle scribbled down again. This time, she took a little while as she seemed to be hesitating with her next question. r

'How about the other vampires? They don't drink blood anymore?' r

"They do. But the modern law of vampires only allows them to drink from fellow vampires, only with consent, of course. Also, from wild animals. That's why hunting is still not prohibited in this country." r

Elle's lips formed a small 'o'. The books she had read from that library were old so these modern rules are a surprising information to her. r

Resting his head on his knuckles, Sebastian stared at her with searching gaze. A small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Glad you're not grossed out about this topic." r

She blinked and then slowly opened her mouth. But she halted and just shook her head.r

Biting her bottom lip, she scribbled fast on the notebook. 'I'm not. I told you vampires don't scare me.' r

Sebastian's expression changed. The peaceful gleam in his eyes suddenly turned into something really serious, causing Elle to crease her brows at him. She wasn't expecting him to react that way. In fact, she was expecting him to react positively. So why? Why did it seemed like he didn't like that she wasn't scared? r

"Come here." He held her wrist and guided her towards him. r

Elle could only follow along and when she stood right before him, she waited curiously only to get momentarily stunned when something in him turned almost dangerous as he looked up at her. "You should." He told her. His tone absolute. "You really should. I'll tell you why... first reason is because you're my wife." r

Not knowing what to even say, Elle just stared at him with questions in her eyes. She really thought that should be the reason why she shouldn't be afraid. Because she was the wife of the vampire's crown prince. r

"No matter how peaceful this country is in your eyes, bear in mind that there are individuals who despises me to their bones. And because you are my wife, they will go after you." Before Elle could even react from his statement, he immediately continued. "Second is because..." r

He turned her around and pulled her into his lap. His hand crept around her neck. r

When he pressed her head against him and his face nuzzled bellow her ear, Elle couldn't help the sharp intake of breath that escaped her. "Because you're... you don't have any idea how inviting everything about you are, Izabelle." His voice became a hot whisper. "Did you know that the first time I saw you I had wanted to... taste you? Not just your lascivious body but your blood too...?" r

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