Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 138: Embryonic Realm

Chapter 138: Embryonic Realm

"What do you mean by long time investment?" Asked Ayaan. His curiosity got the better out of him. There was no way he could bury his desire to know something.

"OK, tell me what will happen when subordinates become unsatisfied with their masters?" She didn't reply to him, instead asked another question.

"They will rebel?" said Ayaan doubtfully.

"Correct," said Leafwhisk, not speaking any further.

"So you mean, you were trying to make them unsatisfied with their sect, so they would rebel in the future?" asked Ayaan. Everyone else's attention also turned towards the lady.

"Not quite. Tell me, can a tiger be beaten by a dog?" questioned Leafwhisk out of nowhere, catching everyone off guard.

"What do you mean?" Asked Rebecca, not understanding what she meant.

"Ok, let me put it this way then: can a Core Formation Realm Cultivator defeat the Embryonic Realm Cultivator?" Scrutinised Leafwhisk.

"How could that be possible? No Core Formation Cultivator would be able to fight Embryonic Realm Cultivators," replied Ayaan.

"Exactly that's what I am saying. How could those low-level cultivators cause any trouble for the people standing at the peak of this world?" Leafwhisk shook her head.

"So you mean" suddenly, Ayaan's eyes widened. He understood something. 'What a profound scheming' he looked Leafwhisk's back, sighing in admiration.

"I didn't understand," Noor grumbled when she couldn't understand.

Ayaan smiled at her and asked, "Have you heard about the butterfly effect?"

Noor looked at him blanking, not understanding what he meant. Not just Noor, everyone looked at him confusedly, including Leafwhisk. Now he realised that he used the wrong term. Only people from earth would know the butterfly effect.

"Cough, umm you can understand the butterfly effect like this: suppose there is a castle of cards, and you took a card out of the card castle. Tell me what will happen?" Ayaan asked Noor.

"The castle will fall of course," she replied.

"Exactly! In butterfly effect, if you change something, even an insignificant thing, everything will change. Though in Leafwhisk's case, it won't cause a butterfly effect, it will still cause ripples and if there wasn't someone wise to control the matter, the consequences would be dire. 

"Furthermore, there must be many people at the higher positions who came from humble backgrounds and when they see someone is doing injustice with these low-level commoners who came from humble backgrounds just like them, they would definitely come to support them," explained Ayaan.

"If that is so, then why aren't they supporting these poor people right now; why they let anyone do injustice with these people? Why don't they punish nobles for their unruliness and unfairness?" questioned Noor, not understanding completely.

"Silly girl, do you think they are doing charity and trying to make the world something better as most of the hypocrite people say? No, they aren't doing charity, and most of the time, they will ignore if someone is doing injustice with commoners.

"However, if those nobles start to suppress all the commoners and commoners rebel, these people also won't remain, standing, because if they won't come out to support these people, their reputation will be tarnished at that time which they had built for so long; so they aren't doing anything for those commoners, but for their reputation." 

Leafwhisk heard his words and nodded in acknowledgement. No one would do charity in this world. If someone is showing kindness to you there must be some reason. Like if a woman showed kindness to you she might be in love with you. For example, Isobel. 

Her gentleness for Ayaan was because she loved him. Everyone had a reason behind why they did something. Not everyone was as naive as Noor after all.

Ayaan looked around and saw, only sand in every direction, a full moon hung at the horizon as if mocking them. The cold wind howled, taking the gales of wind with it here and there.

"Where are we? I can't tell where we are going," asked Rebecca as she looked at the vast desert in front of her.

Ayaan looked at her and then at Akash who looked out of breath after walking this far. 

"Let's rest here for some time and then we will move. It is easier to move in the desert in the night if we could take out these gales of wind, and some magical beasts, we would be able to walk out of this desert easily. However, in the day, it will multiply a few times due to the sun. We don't have water, you should know what does this mean?" said Leafwhisk, her heart softened when she saw the little guy huffing for breath. 

However, he never complained about it, which made everyone smile. This guy was rather stubborn.

"Here?" looked Ayaan around with confusion, " this place is filled with sandy gales. We are already covered in sand, don't you think we will bury under the sand if we rest here?" 

Leafwhisk chuckled hearing his word, "Don't worry about that."

She took out a bead around the size of pea seed and threw it on the ground. The bead disappeared in the sand and nothing happened for some time.

Ayaan looked at Leafwhis, "What are you" 


Suddenly, a booming sound came and greenery burst out of the sand, shocking everyone. They looked in front of them with wide eyes, a tree formed similar to the one Leafwhisk made previously, but with a wider trunk, and there were no tentacles.

"Come," Leafwhisk said and walked towards the tree. Everyone exchanged bewildered looks and followed her.

Leafwhisk stood in front of the tree and waved her hand, as if bidding her order, the tree spread from the centre and formed a cave inside the trunk. Slowly the crude cave became symmetric, acquiring squared shape.

Everyone blinked in astonishment and followed the lady behind her, entering the tree. There was enough space for everyone to sit, but they couldn't sleep inside it because there wasn't much space.

"What was that bead you shot on the ground?" asked Ayaan, he didn't feel anything bad about asking; after all, she knew his every secret, so it was normal that he would also want to know something about her. Furthermore, she conned everyone previously. She didn't have any reason to hide anything now.

"That was just an ordinary seed," replied Leafwhisk.

"What, ordinary seed?" Ayaan looked at her astonishment, he thought that bead was something special and now she told him that it had been nothing but an ordinary seed. 

"Yes, it was just an ordinary seed. I have a wood attribute and I can manipulate anything wood related. I just made the growth of the seed faster and controlled it, that's it, but it also has its downside. After sometime later, this tree will die. It needs my wood energy continuously for living. 

"However, it would only happen when I make these trees grow instantly which I would do mostly at the time of the battle, but if I want to grow something precious and don't want it to wither like other plants, I would just use my energy to provide them my wood energy but not help them grow faster, with my wood energy any plant's growth will become faster and they would be far more precious than other plants or herbs of the same category," explained Leafwhisk with a casual tone.

"Umm so you mean you can't fight directly?" questioned Ayaan after some time. He refused to believe that her techniques were so simple. 

"Hehe, if I tell you everything now, would it still be fun to later reveal them?" Leafwhisk chuckled and didn't reply to his question. Ayaan understood that she was hiding many trump cards.

He looked at her and one more question appeared in his head, "So what is your cultivation level?"

A sigh escaped from Leafwhisk's mouth, hearing his question and she didn't reply for some time. Then she looked at him and replied, "Right now I am at the Embryonic Realm."

"How could this be?" Everyone looked at her in bewilderment.

Not long before they fought with two Embryonic Realm Cultivators, in which one Leafwhisk killed, and spared others life. Furthermore, they were aware that those two weren't high ranking members of the sect, there must be more powerful people out there. However, Leafwhisk came from a higher world, so how could she be only at the Embryonic Realm?

"Yes, it's true, I am only at the Embryonic Realm," Leafwhisk laughed bitterly at their astonished looks.

"But but aren't you from the higher world?" asked Noor with some haggling.

"Yes, what about the higher world?" inquired Leafwhisk, not willing to reply, their questions.


"That's enough rest for now let's move," said Ayaan and stood up. 

Leafwhisk looked at him gratefully, he saved him just now. She didn't want to talk about her past with anyone, which would only bring more pain for her.

Noor also understood something after Ayaan's interruption and didn't ask any question about Leafwhisk's cultivation. The group looked at the windy desert and resumed their journey.

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