Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 124: Raid

Chapter 124: Raid

Inside the room, four youngsters were sitting while there was a little boy around the age of the six. After burying his father, Ayaan wanted to leave the boy on his own, but three girls insisted on taking him with them. Left with no choice, Ayaan had to take this brat with him. He wasn't heartless after all.

"What is your name?" asked Ayaan while looking at the boy. 

"M-my name is Akash," answered the boy timidly. He had seen how powerful Ayaan and these three girls beside him were. Therefore, he couldn't help but be afraid of these foreign people.

"Hmm, Akash, not a bad name. But your character isn't according to your name. Akash means sky, but you are acting so timidly. You are afraid of us." smiled Ayaan. He could tell in a single look that this boy had formed some kind of fear for him. Because he had killed people so easily, so it was normal for a little child to be afraid of him. He was just six years old after all.

"I-I am not afraid of you!" said Akash. His eyes looked at Ayaan determinedly, but his body was quivering. Ayaan could tell that he was forcing himself to be unafraid.

"Alright, we can discuss this later. Now let Akash eat." proposed Noor and gave a pastry to the boy. At first, the boy hesitated, licking his lips, but in the end, he still took the pastry; making the group laugh jubilantly when they saw his cute act.

When the boy finished his pastry he looked at the second piece on the tray beside Noor but didn't ask. It was his first time he had eaten pastry, so he didn't want to ask for more; it would be taking advantage of these people's kindness. 

Isobel saw his look and passed the plate to the boy, "You don't need to be shy. You can eat as much as you want."

"I why are you people so kind to me?" thought the boy was only six years old. His intelligence was far above those of the same age. In this, he had seen only those people who would treat him like dirt under their shoes, but these people were treating him so well. He couldn't fathom the reason.

Looking at his innocent face, Ayaan smiled before replying, "We are kind to you because... we want to." 

The boy left stunned after hearing Ayaan's reply. He had never thought he would receive such an answer. He didn't know how to reply to Ayaan; therefore, he continued to eat until his stomach got full. After eating, the boy fell asleep. He had few injuries which Ayaan had already treated. There was no problem with his body now.

"Are we still going to find that Punishment Hall Leader?" Asked Isobel. 

Actually, they were going to deal with the Punishment Hall Leader's matter. However, in between, they saw this child and couldn't help but take initiative. Though Ayaan grumbled a little. He also wanted to help the boy. However, he could not show that on his face or these three girls would start becoming Mother Terrasa. Ayaan didn't have the energy to help everyone in this world after all. 

"Of course, we are going to get that old bastard," fierce light appeared in Ayaan's eyes when he heard Isobel's question. He hated unfaithful and backstabbers most. When he thought how he had killed Rebecca's father, he had an urge to tear that bastard. Maybe it was because of his love for Rebecca or something else.

It was already about three in the morning, which was the most silence time. And due to cold, not many people would come out of their homes. Only poor people who had nowhere to go would sleep on the road. While some fortunate would survive in those kinds of weather and some would be lost in the dirt.

Nonetheless, it was only a matter of time before those few fortunate would also follow behind others. There was no way such people would survive long. If nature wouldn't kill them, people definitely would. Nature of the human was more vicious than an animal after all. 


Due to heavy fog, not even a few meters could be seen clearly. Furthermore, it was the time before the daybreak which would make it the darkest hour of the night.

In front of the huge gate of a palace, around ten people were standing. They were guards of the palace. Every one of them was wearing heavy clothes due to the freezing cold. However, time to time their hands would release a red light. 

Surprisingly, it was a fire; these people were using a low-level fire spell to expel the cold from their bodies. Rather an intelligent approach. 

However, at this time, four shadows appeared not far away from the gate. Due to fog, the guards weren't able to see those four shadows. On the contrary, those four people were looking at those ten guards as if they had found easy prey. The fog wasn't able to hinder their vision.


"Who's there?" shouted a guard when he heard a noise not far away from him. However, no one replied to his question.

"What happened?" asked another guard when he heard his companion's shout.

"I think I heard a sound," a guard hesitated before replying.

"What are you talking about? I didn't hear anything. Did you drink too much today?" looked at the second guard at the first one disdainfully.

"No, I have drunk... just a bit," replied the first guard embarrassedly.

"Everyone knows you a little bit. So don't play with me," after speaking he went away.

The first man looked into the pitch-black fog and hesitated for a few seconds and then walked towards it slowly. 

"I am sure I have heard the sound," murmured the man while focusing his gaze in front of him.


"I believe you," suddenly a face appeared in front of him in just a blink. 


However, before the guard could shout for help, a sharp light flashed, severing his head from his body. Before blood could fall on the killer's body, he disappeared. When he appeared he was with three other people.

"Did you kill your target?" asked the man.

"What do you think?" replied Noor, a complacent look appeared on his face. Indicating that she had finished her target.

"I thought you were going to bring that innocent people drama again. It's good that you know." smiled Ayaan when he said that.

"Hmph! I know when to kill and when to save people," replied Noor disdainfully, making the other three chuckle.

"I didn't know that such a thick fog doesn't have any effect over our vision. By this simple thing we could say that cultivation is superior to magic," exclaimed Noor. her eyes shining with silver light. 

"It's not only a vision. Didn't you see that such a freezing cold doesn't have any effect on our body? Our body is far stronger than any mage and we have just started cultivating," replied Ayaan, "alright, four dow. Six more to go." 

After speaking, Ayaan disappeared, leaving only three ladies. All three of them exchanged looks, they also went after their targets.

Not far away from the gate, two people had been sitting while talking leisurely. In front of them, a campfire was burning, a comfortable warm feeling made them moan in pleasure. 

These two were the captain and vice-captain of this group of ten people. Guarding at this time was the most troublesome thing. First, it was this time that most of the criminals would act. Though they were sure that no one blind to attack the palace of the Punishment Hall Leader. They were still struggling against the cold. Mages had only ordinary bodies after all.

"Captain, what do you think about the bounty?" asked the Vice-Captain.

"What bounty? Do you think it is so easy to capture those peoples? No one knows that they are even on the Demonic Continent," replied Captain.

"So that bounty is nothing but a joke?" asked the Vice-Captain disappointedly.

"Well, for people such as us, it is really a joke. Furthermore, do you think you would be able to capture those people? If someone could give even a clue about those four in the bounty list, his life would change in a single night," a greedy look appeared on Captain's face but then a sigh escaped from his mouth.

"Do you want a bounty?" suddenly, a voice came from in front of them.

"Who are you?" Both Captain and a Vice Captain jumped in shock, ready to use their spell any time.

"Oh, me? I am here to give a chance to get a bounty you were talking about. However, it depends on your talent, power and intelligence if you could get that bounty or not," Slowly, a smiling boy walked out of the fog, revealing in front of the duo. Behind that shadow, three more people appeared.

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