Headed by a Snake

Chapter 399 Pairing

The members of the Guild Letalis caravan rested on the outskirts of Caeruleum, setting up camp and campfires for an afternoon lunch. Dozens of other adventuring companies had done the same. Whether it was to rest after a long journey, to save coin on inn room costs, or merely to keep their mercenaries out of trouble, it was largely beneficial to all groups who did so.

That it was allowed irked Tycondrius slightly. It was an unnecessary risk to the city. If a malicious Dark Guild or worse, a coalition of them, was planning on sieging the city, its defenders would be hard-pressed to rebuff them.

However, as frustrating as it was to see a wealthy trade city so vulnerable to a raid, Tycon could not remain upset for long.

Lunch was lovely.

Tyrion venison seemed to taste better than Alizeaun... which was somewhat strange, as nearly all the creatures from the Kingdom were magical or magic-sensitive.

Creatures rich in mana tended to be powerful... and that same mana served to both enhance the meal's taste and grant the added small benefit of mana absorption. Hidden Sects able to raise 'Spirit Beasts' for consumption or otherwise their cores or parts into pills, would see an overall efficacy increase in their Martialists' mana circulation.

A more basic rule took precedence, though.

The deer in Tyrion were fat and sedentary. The gentle creatures knew naught but prancing and sipping from peaceful, babbling brooks. Their flesh would be soft, tender, and flavorful.

A lithe, well-muscled Alizeaun stag had tough and gamey meat... nevermind that some of them had antlers sharper than daggers or could discharge bolts of electricity at unprepared hunters.

As for the reason this was so... perhaps it was the prevalence of Magebred Stags coupling with the Alizeaun deer population... or the not-small population of Alizeaun Weretouched... or the social acceptance of Animal-Shifting Wizards.

Humanoid-deer pairings... how would their offspring taste? Would it change, at all?

...Would it be considered ethical to consume such creatures? To breed them, for the purpose of slaughter?

Such topics were not Tycon's expertise.

"The tournament will start with an initial melee of 256 duo teams, brought down to about 16 in the final bracket..."

Centurion Zenon was explaining the various rules of the Martial Tournament. Tycon elected not to pay attention. The Librarian's voice was sweet, melodious, and comforting... and the topic was quite dry.

It made Tycon want to withdraw into a cool, shaded den, curl up and sleep.

"...And that's everything, provided nothing's changed in the past few years." Zenon smirked, "You get all that, Optio?"

​ Tycon had lost track of time. Had it been minutes? Bells?

He shook his head and smiled politely, "My apologies, Brother-Zenon. My attention drifted elsewhere."

Zenon shrugged noncommittally, "I get it. The ride was pretty tiring."

It was difficult for Tycon to be interested in the mundane affairs of the Caeruleum Tournament. The Holy Country of Tyrion was a powerful military force... but it was made up of individually weak humans. Their military tactics relied on entire legions marching as one, guarded by an impenetrable shield wall, millions of arrows and crossbow bolts raining upon their enemies.

A human adventurer in the Free Nation shared elbow-space at public house tables alongside ogres and gnolls. Men and women of the Sleeping Country were required by imperial edict to serve in their military for a minimum of two years, without exception. Even heroes hailing from the Eastern States had the propensity for utilizing unorthodox tactics-- as if tens of thousands of years of established military doctrine were somehow wrong.

...Admittedly, sometimes they were... depending on the magic and technology available, of course. Even a hundred years prior, military commanders never had to worry about the Kingdom's trebuchets, launching Alchemist-crafted explosives... or a score of the Sleeping Country's Corpse Golem's, twenty-fulm tall abominations barreling through an army's ranged line.

Thankfully, Zenon was understanding... so much that Tycon sometimes felt undeserving of his loyalty.

Parthenope leaned forward, resting her cheeks on her palms. "I wasn't listening either... You know, Sir Tychon, you have really pretty eyes."

Tycon narrowed them... He did not often hear positive sentiments concerning his eyes... "Thank you?"

Parthenope of House Aldini was Athena's senior at the Military Academy at Silva, whom the latter affectionately called 'Theno.' She sat upon a travel stool, gazing dreamily at... the fire-roasted venison on his skewer?

She had her own. He wasn't going to share his, no matter how the whelpling fluttered her eyelashes.

Theno was taller than her junior (though Athena was also short for her age.) Her long, pink hair was styled into two braids. They were tied into a loose bun but otherwise would fall to her waist.

Her weapon of choice was a Tyrion crossbow... painted in a pink and white camouflage-like pattern. It was a strange choice... and not at all optimal for use in the field... but, the fact that she personalized and took great care of her own weapon was laudable.

Tycon again asked Zenon for information on the Caeruleum Martial Tournament... a summary, anyroad. One rule in particular stood out. The tournament had two divisions: youth and regular.

Of course, Athena and Parthenope would still be entered in the youth tournament. With that, their odds of winning the championship increased dramatically.

Tycon had to enter two additional participants into the regular tournament. Tycon greatly desired that win... as it would fulfill most of his conditions towards his mission completion in the Holy Country.

He decided to enter, himself, with Athanasius as his duo.

The young footman had power on par with a Gold-Rank and Tycon... well, he was merely... better than everyone else.

As for the children...

Athena and Parthenope's combat synergy was solid, able to provide the other nigh flawless, mutual support.

Originally, Tycon had recommended one of Athena's male classmates as her duo... but that decision was based purely on the young man's potential. It was better overall to field Athena with a trustworthy and supportive partner than someone that might be slightly stronger than she was otherwise unfamiliar with.

As much time as Shao Ran had placed in training the boy, Tycon was certain he would agree...

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