Headed by a Snake

Chapter 398 Cool And Calm

Parthenope tapped a finger to her chin as she stared at Athena's babyface.

She had definitely changed a bit... personality-wise. She seemed more... mature.... cool and calm. Athena had always been a little... loud? But she was also quick to concede. She was so shy, that sometimes she'd literally run away when people tried to talk to her.

Parthenope only grew close to Athena because she was both faster than the Vanzano was. And... when someone ran away, she wanted to chase them. Maybe it was her class, but Theno was always great at finding Athena's hiding spots, whether it was at the Academy or on either of their estates.

Recently, little Athena had grown... in confidence. It seemed like it had something to do with the leave she took a few moons ago.

Maybe she finally slept with her footman, Athanasius? Parthenope doubted that Athena initiated it... but maybe the silver-haired footman seduced her to bed. He did have those eyes...

Men only wanted one thing, after all.

Parthenope looked out the carriage window, reminiscing. Athena was a friend... and friends were always welcome at the Aldini estate. The opposite was also true, but... Athena's family hadn't been doing well in recent moons.

Something happened, though... and before Theno knew what was going on, House Vanzano was the hottest topic in the noble circle.

It seemed a lot of gold had come out of nowhere... and the Vanzano businesses started making really powerful and wealthy allies. Their economic takeover could only be described as... domineering... and from what Theno heard, it was a little scary, too.

Because of everything going on, Parthenope's family encouraged her to stick close to Athena.

Parthenope stretched her arms and half-collapsed onto a fluffy cushion. It was a win-win situation, as they were already friends, anyroad. Athena was great company and easy to get along with-- as long as her scheming manservant, Athanasius, wasn't around.

Hanging around her estate, Parthenope even applied to join the new, Vanzano-sponsored adventuring guild.

House Aldini was well off, but she had four other siblings. Having a bit of pocket money and maybe even a career after she graduated from the academy was definitely in her best interests.

Guild Letalis... It was such a pretty name. And whoever designed their armor had a good eye for fashion. Black looked good with everything.

They had group training that she signed up for, too-- and shortly after, she was trained as Athena's duo partner for the upcoming Caeruleum Martial Tournament. It seemed like the other person she was replacing wasn't very reliable.

...The acquisition of businesses. A new adventuring company made from almost nothing. An expensive and comfortable carriage... Parthenope couldn't help but be curious about Athena and her house's secrets.

"This carriage is muuuuch nicer than my family's," She mused... "It doesn't even feel like the road's bumpy, at all... and it's not warm like it is outside!"

"Oh, I know! It's so great!" Athena beamed, her teeth pearly white, "Sir Tycon modified the enchantment to make it more efficient at uh, shock absorption? --or so he said. I kinda understand it... but it's pretty complicated..."

Parthenope blinked, trying to register the big words that just came out of Athena's tiny mouth.

"Um. I have some paper-- do you want me to draw it out for you?" Athena offered.

Parthenope bared her teeth, sucking in air, "I... haha... I don't think I'll get it. I'm not a Sanctified Psyker like you are, little sis."

"Ehe..." Athena grinned, her eyes closing into cute, little, upward curves.

Parthenope had nearly forgotten that Athena was a 'dangerous' Psyker... not that Athena was dangerous, herself.

Psykers were people too, some good, some not so good. It was better to judge anyone on a case-by-case basis, not on whether or not they can fire poison beams out of their eyes or light their weapons on fire.

Athena spoke so positively about this 'Sir Tychon', person... It was strange. In all the years Parthenope had known her, she only talked that way about Athanasius. To be perfectly honest, the first thing she assumed was that Tychon was a decrepit, hundred-year-old noble that wanted to marry Athena.

According to the law, little Athena could legally marry... but... the way her child-like body was, it *should* be illegal.

Some guys liked that kind of girl.

But it was definitely wrong. Those guys were scummy.

...Sorry, Athena.

Anyroad, when Parthenope first laid eyes on Tychon... well... He wasn't old. Or ugly. In fact, she thought he was the most perfect male specimen she'd ever viewed in her life. Maybe it was the armor. Maybe it was his beautiful golden eyes. Maybe it was the way it looked like he didn't care. Whatever it was, he was totally her type.

He reminded her of a Prince in a story she once read.... sly, calculating, super-intelligent, slightly-unsocial... secretly super-romantic and an absolute beast in bed... According to the story, he would have been locked away in his manor, brooding and masculine and oozing raw sex appeal...

And then a Princess would wander into his home.

They'd fall in love, immediately... and they'd never fight, unless it was over something silly like the color of the rugs or what to name their babies. And he'd always let her win, of course.

The make-up sex would be fantastic, too.

Then they'd have two kids with another on the way... a nice home in the hills overlooking the beaches.... And they'd be waited upon by a veteran butler, an easily excitable manservant-- oh, and a clumsy maid, too...

The maid couldn't be too pretty, though. Theno would have her fired, immediately, if so.

Aaaanyroad, Tychon seemed to be a friend of Gian. That made a lot of sense. Athena's brother was a really big thing for House Vanzano. Parthenope never got the chance to meet him, herself.

Athena loved him. That much was certain.

Gian was a sis-con, for sure.

Slightly scummy, but forgivable.

Parthenope rested her head on her hands, her elbows on her knees, "Atheeee~na..."

The sweet blue-haired doll tilted her head, "Yesss?"

"Tell me more about Mister Tychonnnn~"

"I already told you that he's single... I asked for you, you know!" Athena began giggling immediately, "Ehehe..."

This girl! What is she laughing about?

"Oh, by the Flame. Whaaat?" Parthenope tossed a pillow at her.

Athena waved her hand... which deflected the pillow with a speed that Theno couldn't follow with her eyes. It landed on the back wall of the carriage, a few unciae away from her head... and shattered into a thousand glass-like pieces.

Parthenope's jaw dropped... "Eh?"

"Oh, no! I'm so sorry! Are you okay, Theno???" Athena tugged on Theno's hand, pulling her away from her seat.

"What? What did you do?"

Pillows... they don't shatter like that.

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