Headed by a Snake

Chapter 395 Substitute

"Good," Tycondrius stretched his arms and back outward, comfortable on the arena ground.

Athena pursed her lips, offering her hand out to him... "Well... I asked Instructor Ran about him, but he said Mister Chaleb was doing super-secret training? I was just curious, I guess... and... um... Yeah."

Tycon stood up with Athena's help, dusting sand off of himself.

What he'd heard thus far was laudable... and not completely surprising. Athena's diligence, along with her talent made her progress far faster than her peers. Tycon imagined her existence to be intimidating to normal humans. If the young man Chaleb asked Ran for 'special' training... it would be harsh, but he would only be stronger, because of it.

The young lady seemed to be hesitating about something, though...

"Did you have a suggestion, Miss Athena?" Tycon asked, rotating his waist and stretching his arms cross-body.

Athena bared her teeth in a sheepish grin, "Can I um... can I choose a substitute?"

"Hm. Of course," Tycon smiled politely. "I was planning on Mister Chaleb's substitute being the most capable Letalis member around your age... but I see the benefit in you choosing a particular adventurer to work with."

Athena beamed, "Really?!"


As usual, Tycon was slightly taken aback by Athena's exuberance. It seemed like she always expected him to refuse her suggestions. At least 80% of them were reasonable.

"Um... Sir Tycon?"


"Is there a Lady Tycon? Like... are you romantically involved with someone?"

Tycon stared in disbelief, decidedly not blinking as he tried to figure out why the young lady in front of him was asking such a question.

Athena wrung her hands as she spoke rapidly, "Asking for a friend! Not for me. I have someone I like already-- and it's not you. S-sorry. You don't have to answer if you don't want to!"

Tycon was still trying to figure out how asking about a substitute duo partner led to the current topic of discussion.

...Though he felt a slight tinge of annoyance at the young lady's straightforwardness, he tried his best to ignore it.

If he remained in the Holy Country for a year or two longer, he'd strongly consider forcing Athena and Tanamar to wed-- just to be rid of the young lady's... tension around males.

Anyroad... Tycon considered Athena a close friend. According to their positive relationship, he had no reason to hide information... as strange as the question was.

...No one knew anything about him because no one asked.

As for whether he was in a romantic relationship...

He had intimate relations with the former Galanis woman, Medousa. The interaction seemed to lift her spirits and gave her a sense of empowerment over her past life. However, he couldn't say there was romance involved... not that he was against it.

Still, Doe had her duties as the only maid in the Vanzano estate. Tycon was always busy overseeing Guild Letalis' logistics or troubleshooting issues for Maeva and Sorina. After that one particular evening, Maeva assigned the young maid proper quarters. Since then, he and Doe hadn't spent much time together, at all.

There was another woman... But Princess Aurala had not been returning his own missives. The last he'd received of her was several moons prior... and expressed annoyance at his lack of contact. At the time, he was traipsing around the Tyrion countryside, engineering the deaths of some two-hundred humans belonging to the Gold-Rank Rhodok guild.

"I... am not seeing anyone romantically," Tycon frowned... "Though I am in no position to pursue such an endeavor."

If Athena was being truthful about her... 'friend'.... and he had no reason to believe otherwise, he was curious, regarding that person's agenda.

"Do you want some relationship advice!?!" Athena grinned.

Oh. Tycon discarded all his other thoughts. It was likely the empty-headed frost girl questioning his relationship status was in order to offer her own unwarranted advice.

Tycon narrowed his eyes, "I do not."

Social protocol suggested that he thank her for offering. He did not, as he was not thankful at all.

Suddenly, Athena froze. She furrowed her brows, deep in concentration...

Athena's elemental perception was very high... so Tycon did the same, focusing to identify whatever the young lady had. Though it took seconds longer, he judged Lieutenant Shao Ran to be nearby. The amount of ambient fire mana in the environment lit up the Golden Crow's aura like a bonfire in the night... Once he knew what he was looking for, it was embarrassing that he had missed it, initially.

"Yo!!" Ran emerged from a bush...

The hide-in-the-bush plan... Tycon hated the hide-in-the-bush plan.

"Ran..." Tycon crossed his arms, "What is the meaning of this?"

Athena gasped, both hands covering her mouth, "Oh, no! What happened to your hair, Instructor??!"

Shao Ran had dyed his hair... a reddish color still dripping in rivulets down his brow, turning his sandy blonde into a sordid ruddy brown. Instead of his halberd, Ferocity, strapped to his back, Ran instead held a misshapen sword.

⟬ Sword of the Forgotten Noble. First-Circle Magical Longsword. Warning: This weapon has been cursed by its previous owner. ⟭

It was likely that the young man mistakenly thought it made him look impressive... or that it was stylish to wield a cursed weapon.

"Ahaha... haha... I'm... I'm not... Ran." The Sea Wolf whispered, "I am... vengeance given flesh..."

The man was being ridiculous.

"Go back." Tycon rolled his eyes, "Just because you're not stationed in a military base doesn't mean you can do as you please. Guild Letalis prides itself on its professionalism, just as our Sea Wolf fleet does. Adjust yourself, Marine."

"Haha... ha...." Ran chuckled, staring at his boots, "Aye aye..."


Footman Victorius had no idea why Tycon wanted to see him.

He'd been seeing both Tycon and Zenon less and less ever since they started recruiting adventurers. The training still continued, of course. Since the two had shown up, Victorius felt like he had to. He couldn't help Athena and Tanamar fight, but he could suffer the pain of training alongside them, cheering them on the whole way.

Anyroad, he had to do at least that much to avoid losing his job. Athena valued loyalty far too much.

Victorius knocked and entered... and was slightly disappointed to not see that new maid, Doe, in Sir Tycon's room. He figured there was a very small chance he'd see something spicy.

Oh, well. Doe had recently moved into the female servants' quarters. Maybe during the sunlight, he'd sneak in and try to steal her undergarments. Everyone would assume it was Lord Greer's doing. It was a perfect crime... and no one got hurt, so he didn't feel bad doing it.

The green-haired Tactician was sitting at his writing desk but turned his attention away from his paperwork to greet him. Victorius found it slightly odd... as he actually expected to be ignored a little.

"Good evening, Mister Victorius," Tycon nodded.

"Good evening, Sir," Victorius responded out of habit.

He almost saluted him, too... There was something about that man. In Tycon's presence, he sometimes forgot that he was crippled. He liked that feeling... but loathed it, at the same time. It made him feel alive again... and it hurt so much, returning to reality.

Tycon pushed his chair back from the desk, turning in his seat to face him, "If you had some time, I wanted to discuss your training."

Victorius smiled wryly. He obviously had the time to talk... but there wasn't anything to discuss? He participated in as many training activities as he could. But still... he obviously couldn't climb a rope. He couldn't wield a sword. Without his right hand, he sometimes felt like he was half a man.

"Wh... what about it... Sir?" Victorius pursed his lips into a perplexed grimace.

The noble's mouth curled up into a suspicious smirk.

A chill ran down Victorius' spine. Ever since they first met, he'd always been... just a little scared of the man. There was a certain way Tycon looked at him on that first sun... Victorius got this horrifying feeling that he was about to be killed.

Sir Tycon had his flaws, yes. He wasn't really that smart at anything besides training or fighting. He was also very rude, often for no reason.

...On the other side, he was a surprisingly good cook... which Victorius always considered a very feminine trait. More than scary, the man was... strange.

He was generally private, too! He, Tanamar, and even Centurion Zenon didn't seem to know much about him. What was this man hiding?

Victorius couldn't hate him, though. Tycon tried his best to help Athena and House Vanzano, as a whole-- that was his mission or something. That, alone, was more than worth Victorius' respect.

Still... Victorius found it insulting that Tycon kept asking him to do so much he was obviously unable to do. Some people were just useless and he was one of them. If he could train like a normal person-- if he could be the greatest Archer in the world, then he'd have done so, already! If he was just a little bit stronger... then everything would be different...

The pain in his right hand held him back from greatness, that's all.

"I have an offer for you, young man," Tycon reached below his desk, placing a wrapped package upon its surface.

Victorius furrowed his brows in wonder. He had no possible idea what the offer could be.

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