Headed by a Snake

Chapter 389 ...And Beyond

**Content Warning: Descriptions of nudity**

Doe had a good job. She had a safe place to stay. She wasn't worried about starving or getting robbed or having to do weird cult-y things. She didn't have to do anything shameful or need to give herself to anyone.

And the bath... was just lovely.

She spent a few minutes crying. It was a good cry. She decided that the following sun, she'd take a break after work to visit Madame Virgil's. She wanted to thank her and the girls... it was because of them that she finally got the courage to... be better.

Most of all... she really wanted to thank Sir Tychon.

He really was in a class, all his own, though. Back then, he said she owed him nothing. Doe thought he was just being nice... but it turned out, it was because he already had everything he wanted. He had so many titles: Decanus, Baron, Church Official, Guild Leader... He was so important to so many people... and apparently, he was really, really rich too.

And she'd offered to warm his bed.


Ahhhhhhh! That was so embarrassing!!!

There were probably a hundred different girls way better than she was, leaping at the chance to whore themselves out to someone that was pretty much royalty.

If only she'd met Tychon before settling for her last ex...

Augh! No! She couldn't think like that!

Doe was a strong independent woman who didn't need no man!

She dipped her head in the water, bubbling in frustration.

...She did want to thank him, though. And because he was nearby, she was sure she'd get the chance. Maybe he'd still remember her? He did before... but there were so many people in the estate.

That nagging feeling in the depths of her heart... it was definitely her wanting to express her thankfulness.


As Doe entered her room, the first thing she did was lock the latch behind her. If someone came to get her in the morning, they could knock.

She tossed her clothes to the side-- it was a bit messy, but this was her room! Doe does as she pleases!

And what she really wanted was to crawl into those nice, clean sheets, fresh from her hot bath.

The room was dark, but not too dark with the starlight pouring through the window. Doe had spent too many suns rotting in a cage without so much as a candle, so the threat of absolute darkness made her heart race just a little bit.

It would be fine. She just had to hurry to bed.

Ouch! Ohhh. Ahhhh~

Doe stubbed her toe on the room's one and only desk chair. It was pushed into its desk, too. Doe cursed her own stupidity and clumsiness.

Maybe it was the wine. Yeah. It wasn't her fault, it was the wine's. Oh, sweet, delicious wine, how could you betray me like this?

Kneeling down and applying pressure to her smallest toe, she stared outside at the light of the mocking moon.

Her brain was telling her the room was safe... There weren't any other maids beside her. The door was double-locked and there was no other easy way in or out. The estate barracks had dozens of adventurers that wanted to prove their worth to House Vanzano, too! ...And it wasn't like there was a possibility that the city guard would batter down the doors of the manor.

There was something about Doe having her own room that didn't feel right... but she knew it was temporary. She experienced the same sensation when she slept in the back room at Madame Virgil's. It took her only two suns to get over that... Surely, it would be the same thing, here!

It's not like she was out in the wilds, where a snake could get her if she chose the wrong place to sleep.

And so, she stood up, and immediately leaped into bed, throwing the heavy blanket over herself. Nice, naked, warm. It was everything she ever w--

"Good evening, Miss Doe."

"AIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Doe screamed at the top of her lungs, covering her chest with her arms.

Sir Tychon sighed as he sat up in the bed. His naked upper-body clear was to see in the dim blue light and his green hair was a bit messy from lying on a pillow, "Please control yourself, young lady. This is not the first time I've seen you naked."

"YOU!!!" Doe gnashed her teeth growling, "You..."

What was HE doing here?! Had he snuck in?? Doe should have listened to Kleio and the others! Sir Tychon couldn't be trusted, after all!! Scum! Thief! Criminal!!

Tychon narrowed his golden eyes, "What are you doing in my room?"

Doe's eyes widened as she jammed her finger into Sir Tychon's hard chest, "YOURRR ROOM??!"

"Mind your volume, young lady," Tychon chided, casually brushing Doe's finger away. "People are sleeping."

Oh. He was right. DOE was the one being COMPLETELY INCONSIDERATE.

She lowered her voice down to a lioness' growl, "Grrr... what do you mean *your* room? This is *my* room."

"...I believe I see where the misunderstanding is," Tychon sighed, shaking his head, "You must be the new maid Maeva mentioned."

"And just because I'm the new maid doesn't mean you can take advantage of me," Doe huffed.

"Miss Doe..." Tychon pursed his lips. "I have been living in this room for the past several moons."

Doe hesitated, "I... But I..."

No! That didn't make sense! Athena said-- oh, but the Lady of the house wouldn't be constantly inspecting her servants' quarters? Oh... oh, no...

This... this explained why there were weapons and armor stands in the room... Why was it so clean, though? All men are slobs?

"Perhaps it would be better if I lit a lantern," Tychon offered. "At least you would avoid injuring yourself on more furniture."

Panic struck Doe like a carriage hitting a pothole, "N-n-n-no!! No! You can't!"

Even though Tychon had seen her naked before, she absolutely did not want to be seen again! Doe tugged hard on the blanket, trying to cover herself up as the noble was reaching for a match.

"Miss Doe, what are-- ah?"

With a tumble and a crash to the wooden floor... Doe found herself on top of Sir Tychon. With the blanket on the ground, the man had cushioned her fall... and he was even cradling the back of her head with a hand.

But... the position they were in...

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