Headed by a Snake

Chapter 382 Final Form

Cillian pursed his lips and shook his head, his helmet rattling as he did so, "I'm... I'm working right now."

Taree Kimura wiggled a tiny finger, "I'll give you permission to take a break. Maybe a leg this time?"

"I'll pass," The back of Cillian's neck was soaked in sweat. A few moons prior, he had underestimated the teenage girl's strength.

His arm was nearly torn out of its socket.

Even with magical assistance, it took him over a moon to heal. Because of that incident, he had been planning his training times specifically to avoid overlapping with hers.

Taree shrugged, her smile as bright as polished ivory, "The best way to get better is to get your butt kicked. A lot."

Cillian grimaced, involuntarily taking a step backward.

While the girl's words sounded like it made sense, that was absolutely not true when the butt-kicker was Taree.

Each time Cillian sparred against her, he'd find himself, bells later, in an infirmary bed. From frequent visits spanning the past year, he became known by face and name to the entirety of the palace's medical staff.

He really didn't want to go back. There was an Orcish Shaman all too happy to measure his temperature by way of an enchanted silver sphere... rectally.

Two double doors crashing open interrupted his line of thought. On the opposite end of the gym, over a dozen gnolls stepped in, baring their fangs in growls and sniffing at the air.


And from the way they were posturing... they were looking to start trouble.

Gnolls were some of the furriest creatures in the Free Nation, save maybe the Iredar. They were as tall as titanbloods, with hunched maned backs that ended in hyena-like maws, sharp teeth and all. Their legs were bent backward like a dog's and they had vicious four-fingered claws, useful as secondary weapons in combat.

While the Iredar were known for their loyalty, the gnolls were known for their savage and reckless battle practices. They were fierce warriors and good allies, but they were prone to being as headstrong and troublesome as humans.

The largest of the gnolls skulked forward, gesturing at the smallest warrior on the palace grounds... Taree Kimura.

"What the hells is this?" She asked in disbelief, sniffing at her general direction before baring her teeth and growling aggressively.

Gnolls were a matriarchal people, as the females were vastly larger and more powerful than the males. The huge, hostile gnoll was likely the pack leader.

Taree gasped and held her chest, "Seven hecks! That's amazing!! Cillian look!!"

Cillian furrowed his brows. He was absolutely certain Taree had seen a gnoll before. Though there were none in Prince Droghan's Elite Guard, there were plenty in the city of Vralkek, proper, serving as mercenaries.

Taree grinned, stepping forward to look up at the gnoll towering over her, "I found a hyena b*tch that wants to lose all of her teeth!"

"Youuuu.... DAAAARE??" The gnoll roared. She slammed a powerful fist against the nearby boulder, nearly splitting it in two as a deep crack formed down its center.

Such strength belonged to a Peak Bronze-Rank... maybe even Iron! Taree was going to get hurt. And Cillian was somehow going to get punished for it!

He preemptively placed his body between Taree and the gnoll leader, "Lady Taree is under the protection of the Prince of Vralkek. Please, this is not the place to--"

"Out of my way, male!" The gnoll swiped a boulder-breaking claw at Cillian's face.

This was the way of things. Cillian closed his eyes and accepted that he was going to die doing his duty. Reasonably, he wouldn't be punished for it in the afterlife.


Death did not come. When Cillian again opened his eyes, Taree had somehow found her way in front of him, her leg kicked upward in a vertical split. Her bare foot had stopped the gnoll female's heavy strike.

"Tsk tsk tsk," Taree waved a finger at Cillian. "Sorry, little Cill. I can't have you standing up for me. I already have someone that I like."

...That was not why he did what he did.

Cillian felt his cheeks grow hot as he wondered if it would have been better to have just been killed.

The gnoll pulled back, cradling her fist, "You... you broke my hand? H-heal me! Immediately!!"

"As you command, Lady Stonefang," A robed gnoll waved his staff, "⌈Cure.⌋ Ehehe..."

The light green glow of the restoration spell sheathed the woman's broken claw, healing her injury.

"You'll pay for that, human runt," Stonefang growled, saliva dripping down her maw. "How dare you contest me with your measly size."

Panic set into Cillian's expression. He turned to the various warriors in the circle that formed around the altercation, "Someone? Anyone? Help me stop this!"

He was only met with jeers and pitying chuckles.

An old, bearded Titanblooded Sentinel shook his head, "Little Cill, you have no idea how useless you're looking..."

"Hue hue hue... You's underestimatin' da li'ul wun," An Orcish Slugger mocked.

"HAR HAR HARRR!!" A metal gorgon cackled, "BABY CILL is STUPIDER than ME IS!!! HAR HARR!!"

Cillian disagreed... particularly with the gorgon.

Taree kept her balance as she gracefully lowered her leg, "Oh, yeah. I guess you don't know about it, Little Cill. This isn't my final form, anymore."



Final form?! Humans only had one form!!

Cillian didn't... know anyone at all that had more than one form that wasn't a Wizard or a Druid. But... Taree Kimura was a Warrior...

Wasn't she? Any other answer was inconceivable!!

Taree stepped forward towards Stonefang, who eyed the young human warily. It seemed she was somewhat affected by the crowd's musings.

"Wh-what do you think you can do?" The gnoll snapped. Though her words were brave, her voice was uncertain.

Taree crouched forward... "Death... to the enemies of Invictus... ⌈Berserker.⌋"

The human girl's back began to bulge with thick, corded muscles. Her arms grew just as thick, sculpting her muscles to definitions that would put any body-building titanblood to shame. When her body stopped transforming, she stood taller than the gnoll, with a flat, barrel chest thicker than her heavy boulder, and with arms like tree trunks. She might have even been bigger than Prince Droghan...

The surrounding circle of warriors went wild, cheering and hollering at the display.

"This..." Taree grinned wickedly as she loomed over the female gnoll, tiny in comparison, "This is my final form."

Stonefang pissed herself.

Cillian might have, as well.

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