Headed by a Snake

Chapter 349 Selflessness

"Athena," Tycondrius approached the young Vanzano mistress. She still wore his Decanus breastplate, which remained in handsome condition. That was good. "I have something I wish to discuss with you."

"Aha... ha... H-hello, Sir Tycon," The blue-haired noblewoman had placed her hands behind her back, trying and failing to look as innocent as possible. "Craaaazy seeing you here."

Tycon narrowed his eyes...What was crazy about it? And why was the young lady hiding her hands? Hm.

He held out an open palm expectantly.

Athena sighed, resigned to her fate. With a listless expression, she placed the hilt of her rapier into Tycon's outstretched hand.

...Just the hilt. The sword's blade appeared to have shattered near its base.

Tycon took in a deep breath through his nostrils, covering his eyes with his opposite palm. Her clumsiness had broken wooden training weapons before... but one made from Tyrion steel? How unlucky was this girl?

"I'm sorry, Sir Tycon!! I'm really sorry!" Athena waved her hands frantically, "I'll-- I'll pay for it!!"

"First off, this was your sword. Second, you haven't any money."

"I can still fight!!" Athena pleaded with shining eyes, "I can use my ⌈Frost Blade⌋!!"

Footman Victorius stepped forward, looking haggard and ridden with guilt, "Sir Tycon..."

Tycon held up his palm to stop him. He needed a moment to calm himself and breathe... "Forgive me. My mood is not the best at the moment-- though that has nothing to do with either of you... Mister Victorius, please explain."

The blonde footman gulped... "Lady Athena broke her sword defending the back line... me, in particular."

"N-no!" Athena's lower lip quivered as if she was about to cry, "I made a mistake! I panicked and swung my sword wrong, it's not Victorius' fault!"

Athena's clumsiness tended to extend from her selflessness. As upset as Tycon wanted to be, she had made the correct decision.

"It's fine," Tycon shook his head. "A human life is worth more than a sword. And besides Victorius, there are many others who have you to thank for their defense."

Still, Athena's gaze dropped to her feet, clearly unhappy. He was trying to be nice. Did she want to be scolded?

Tycon patted the young lady's head to reassure her. Then, he took his sheathed Decanus sword from his belt and offered it forward.

"S-sir Tycon?" Athena pouted, "I... I can't take your sword, too! You already gave me your armor!"

"Lent." Tycon firmly insisted, "I lent you my armor. And I am now lending you my sword. As we both know, you need to raise your Completion Rating with your ⌈Frost Blade⌋ before you can use it efficiently. For now, take this to defend yourself."

As talented as Athena was, she was having difficulty adapting to her new Frostblade class. While she was more than capable of casting spells, it was incredibly difficult for her to do so while simultaneously attacking or defending with her sword.

While she had access to a retinue of powerful frost spells, her Completion Rating with them was only mediocre. Her ⌈Icicle Fall⌋, ⌈Frozen Orb⌋, and ⌈Ice Beam⌋ were cast too slowly to be reliable in combat, quickly drained her mana reserves, and would often give her headaches.

With her ⌈Frost Blade⌋, she needed far more practice. As she was, she could only hold its form for several seconds. Even a momentary lapse in concentration would cause it to shatter.

Then her most powerful spells, the incanted ⌈Ice Beam⌋ and ⌈Frost Tornado⌋, she was unable to replicate their effects.

However, this wasn't to say that Athena Vanzano lacked talent.

She demonstrated her ability with her Completion Rating rising drastically with simpler spells-- ⌈Ice Lance⌋, in particular. Instead of allowing her time to practice, Tycon decided that the invitation to delve into the Icingdeath Dungeons was too valuable to decline.

At the time, the quest seemed only beneficial. Team Athena as a whole would gain in experience, while Athena herself could cultivate an environment rich in frost mana.

In hindsight, it was a horrible mistake.

Athena took the offered weapon gingerly, still reluctant... "But... but what are you gonna do without a sword, Sir Tycon?"

Tycon's mouth twitched, "I have more than one sword. And I'm literally wearing a crossbow on my chest."

"Y-you can use a crossbow?" Athena gasped.

Tycon found himself staring blankly into the distance. Shaking himself out of his reverie, he met Athena's gaze... "Do you really need me to answer that, young lady?"

"Ehehe..." She bared her teeth in a sheepish grin, "I guess not."

"From hereon, stay in the back line. Stay safe. Keep the others safe," Tycon commanded. "In that order."

"Yes, Sir!" Athena saluted.


"PHOTIOS!! AHAHAHA!!!" Occam laughed at seeing the Brazen Guard mage, "Why you walkin' so slow?! You out of maaaana???"

⟬ Photios, Iron-Rank Human Silver Pyromancer. Guild Brazen Guard. ⟭

Tycon did not think it was out of the ordinary for Photios to look fatigued. Centurion Zenon looked just as haggard. The two of them would recover after a short rest.

During the combat, Pyromancer Photios fell back to support the vulnerable rear line with his destructive silver flames. In doing so, he was forced to leave his ⌈Ley Line Circle⌋, which reduced his casting efficiency.

It was the correct action. With the front-line strikers locked in close combat against the Frost-Tails, it was most efficient for the classes capable of attacking from range to switch their priorities. Bronze-Ranks were positioned to defend the noncombatants, but having ranged support certainly reduced the number of casualties.

Occam, the Stormbrand healer, hadn't used much of his own mana. Most of his time was spent yelling attacks that weren't skills and swinging his warscythe ineffectually at their group's Frost-Tail. Tycon did witness the Cleric casting spells... but only targeting himself.

Photios didn't respond to Occam's provocations. Wise. Instead, he chose to share a bitter smile with Centurion Zenon.

Occam grinned toothily, continuing to mock the mage, "You probably got yourself mana-fatigue because you're not as strong as Tanamar!!"

Tycon took in a deep breath through his nostrils. He wanted to spend as much time away from the Stormbrands as he could-- especially their two most noteworthy personalities, Cleric Occam and Reaver Tancred.

"Zenon, I believe we should assist our allies with the triage," He offered quietly. "Certainly, your expertise will be appreciated."

The tall Centurion crinkled his mustache and nodded, "Yeah. Let's go help."

"Right, I'll come with," Photios agreed in a hushed voice... "Though, shouldn't that Flamescarred thief, Occam, be headed there already?"

Tycon rolled his eyes, "Selflessness does not seem to be that fellow's strong suit."

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