Headed by a Snake

Chapter 346 Brazen Plan

The Brazen Guard collective began to move, surprisingly, only a half-bell after the agreed upon time. During which, Tycon and Zenon wisely kept to themselves, rejecting contests of skill by feigning weakness. The Centurion was slightly more indignant about it, but agreed with Tycon's counsel in keeping a low profile.

If either he or Zenon lost their tempers, it would result in critical injury or death. Zenon did not have the defensive advantage of his Church-mandated armor. Tycon would have not stopped at only one murder. There was no benefit in fighting.

The movement towards the dungeon was relatively painless. The Brazen Guard led the push, only encountering low-level skirmishes from hostile magical beasts and wildlife. Like Tycon had encountered earlier, there were occasional Grey Trolls and Stone Frogs that the Bronze-Rankers could handily defeat using tactics and teamwork.

With the Bronze-Ranks more than capable, Iron-Ranks and higher were allowed to save their energy, remaining were free to move about the field and assist at a moment's notice. The noncombatant Immunes moved without issue, the engineers, the fletchers, quartermasters, as well as porters like Victorius.

The collective finally entered the Icingdeath Dungeon, peculiar in that it was almost an open-air valley. A thick, magical mist hovered high above, perfect for enemies to attack from-- if such enemies existed. The sun's rays through the mists covered their view a bleak grey while simultaneously blotting out warmth.

Tycon no longer hoped to be warm. He was fully convinced that the fates hated him too much to offer him that.

The familiar Legionnaire, Karodin of the Brazen Guard, was sent to retrieve Tycon from the Stormbrands. His presence was requested by their leadership, likely because of his stated class as Tactician. That he was a tactician wasn't an outright lie. His actual class, Warlord, had all of a Tactician's abilities but was a tier higher.

Tycon arrived at Bannok's war tent to discuss the tactics for the next major encounter. It was there that he met the various leaders of the Brazen Guard and their collective.

⟬ Bannok, Gold-Rank Human Weaponmaster. Leader of the Brazen Guard. Striker Lead. ⟭

Bald human, veteran of war. Honest and straightforward. Tycon liked the fellow.

⟬ Ariadne, Gold-Rank Elven Priestess. Brazen Guard Caster Lead. ⟭

A bronze-skinned Elven woman with silver eyebrows and blonde hair-- dyed, perhaps. Light-colored magical runes were etched into her skin, a common practice in the Eastern States.

⟬ Felinus, Gold-Rank Elven Hunter. Brazen Guard Scoutmaster and Ranged Lead. ⟭

Tycon had encountered the androgynous elf in the city of Caeruleum and now was able to appreciate his features without the cover of a hood. Long purple hair, thick eyebrows, and a wisp of a goatee since then.

He also had the benefit of being familiar with Felinus' skill and prowess. The elf had handily trounced a Bronze-Rank Ranger without as much as a scratch.

⟬ Athanasius Mors, Iron-Rank Human Holy Lancer. Guild Stormbrand. ⟭

Other group leaders were part of the meeting, but only Tanamar sat amongst the three Brazen Guard leaders. The young footman must have held a special status.

Scoutmaster Felinus explained the situation, "According to our information, there are eight large quadrupedal, furred and fanged creatures about the size of a carriage. Hostile. We're calling them Frost-Tails."

"Just eight? Any more threats?" One of the group leaders asked.

Felinus nodded, "There's an abnormally large nest of Stone Frogs in the area, as well. There might be a correlation between the two creature-types, but to combat both, I advise fielding the Bronze-Ranks simultaneously with the Iron and higher."

"Who gathered this information?" A different leader inquired, an Iron-Rank Scout, "I didn't see anything like that."

"The information can be trusted." Felinus said impassively, "Tanamar saw it. I verified."

The Iron-Rank Scout crossed his arms, "We're going to risk our Bronze-Rankers on the word of a Lancer class?"

Tycon felt his eye twitch. It was a fairly reasonable complaint... but it didn't feel good to have one of his companions doubted... Of the Brazen Guard leaders, the dark elf, Ariadne, wore a displeased expression.

If the Iron-Rank Scout fell into disfavor with a healer-class-- the leader of all the other healers and casters, he was undeserving of sympathy.

Tanamar, himself, rolled his eyes and sighed. He didn't seem to care.

"Yes," Felinus answered simply. "Tanamar's the best scout we have. I trust his judgment as well as my own."

It was high praise from a Gold-Rank Hunter.

Bannok grinned, "Hey, listen, guy. You must be new. Tanamar's one of those guys you can't judge based on his class or age. He's good people. You're just gonna have to trust us on this."

The Scout nodded and apologized, successfully avoiding the wrath of a Gold-Rank Priestess Ariadne.

"So the big guys got four legs and teeth," Bannok pondered aloud. "The Stone Frogs can injure our guys by bleeding on 'em. I want some opinions... Ladies and gent's, this is our new Tactician, Tycon. What do you think, green-hair guy?"

Tycon nodded, "Not enough information on the creatures. I'd like to consult a Loremaster if we have one. Failing that, since there are eight, I'd advise isolating one with a high-mobility group, baiting its abilities."

Felinus was called next... but instead of giving his opinion, he gestured to Tanamar, who had his eyes suspiciously closed.

"Jaws that can tear apart anyone without armor," Tanamar explained. "Mana-empowered tail swipe. Also minor earth spells that can entrap in a small area.

"I say we do as Tycon says. We focus fire them down one or two at a time. We keep our clear slow, to keep everyone safe."

Tycon was slightly surprised by Tanamar's level of information. But then again, the young footman was a transmigrator like himself. Whether it was knowledge he retained from a past life or an ability that granted him such, it would only be beneficial.

Also, transmigrators tended to keep their abilities secret. Tycon's own abilities were largely unknown to his peers, his class, his rank, and even his ability to heal injuries.

"Any objections?" Scoutmaster Felinus asked.

"Yeah, from me." Bannok grinned, "Sounds like that's gonna take awhile. And we got an awful lot of guys... plus that risks our Bronze-Rank ranged line getting hit with the entrap."

Tycon was not sure where the Brazen Guard leader was going with that line of thought...

"We're gonna treat this first encounter as a stress test." Bannok continued, "These things don't sound that tough. We got enough Iron-Rankers to assign a team to each of 'em. We go in hard, our Bronze guys spread out, watch for Frogs. If we get shite on, that means the Brazen Guard won't be able to complete this dungeon."

The veteran turned to Tanamar... not Felinus, not Ariadne, but the young Holy Lancer, Tanamar, "You think we can do it, Hero?"

"Tch," Tanamar grinned. "Of course, we can."

When prompted, Felinus and Ariadne also agreed.

Tycon agreed with Bannok's plan, as risky as it was. The entrance area of the dungeon would not be more difficult than the dungeon's as a whole, and the Brazen Guard collective did have enough Iron-Ranks to succeed. A more hectic fight would better test the teamwork of the various groups and set the tone of the entire dungeon delve.

Why the hells not? Tycon looked forward to seeing the full strength of a Gold-Rank guild.


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