He Clings to Me Every Night

Chapter 296: 296: Putting Olivia Jenkins in a Deadly Situation

Chapter 296: 296: Putting Olivia Jenkins in a Deadly Situation

Translator: 549690339

“Hannah, why aren’t you eating?”

Mrs. Jenkins suddenly spoke, startling Hannah. She trembled unconsciously, and a flicker of fear passed across her eyes.

Realizing her fluster, Hannah quickly stretched her lips into a forced smile to hide her unease.

Hannah was trying her best to remain calm, she absolutely couldn’t leak her nervousness.

“Grandma, I am not very hungry, I am lost in thought about some work problems. They’re quite troublesome, it’s making me a little irritable and anxious, I fear my boss might scold me.”

Mrs. Jenkins wrinkled her brows in sympathy for Hannah, “If you feel aggrieved, just quit your job. I will provide for you.”

Hannah shook her head, “No, Grandma, I cant do that, I want to make it on my own, I also want to carve out a career.”

“Ambition is a good thing, but remember not to mistreat yourself, I can’t bear to see you facing hardships.”

Hannah nodded, “Don’t worry Grandma, I know what to do.”

“Good, good, but still, you should eat something, take your time thinking about work.”

The smile on Hannah’s face deepened, her crafty eyes stealing glances at the bodyguards in the compartment, “I got it, I won’t exhaust myself.”

Hannah obeyed and began eating, she also served food to her grandmother.

In her heart, Hannah was praying incessantly that Olivia wouldn’t come, hoping everything could return to normal as if nothing had happened, and hoping these bodyguards wouldn’t notice anything abnormal.

Inside, Hannah had a bit of malice, she hoped that Benjamin Davis and the others could sort out Olivia. This way, she would be able to breathe easy and also take back the Jenkins Group.

While eating food served by Hannah, Mrs. Jenkins never thought about Olivia, nor cared about her wellbeing. She still despised Olivia and wished she would disappear forever.

Mrs. Jenkins only listened to Hannah’s words, allowing Hannah to manipulate things.

No matter Hannah’s intentions, Mrs. Jenkins never asked.

It’s so cold!

Despite her efforts, Olivia couldn’t open the cold storage door. It must’ve been locked from the outside by Benjamin Davis, who likely intended to leave her to die.

After screaming for help a few times without receiving any response or anyone responding to her pleas, Olivia stopped calling for help.

In cold storage, the consequence of hypothermia is extremely severe, possibly life-threatening. Olivia had to preserve her physical strength and find ways to keep warm.

Just a short while in the cold storage had Olivia quivering with cold. However, she could only search carefully for a help signal while rubbing her hands together for warmth.

Olivia had thoroughly checked the door several times. There was a button behind the door to ring a bell, Olivia had pressed it several times but there was no reaction.

There was an alarm device in the cold storage. Olivia activated it, but the device seemed to be broken and showed no response.

The deeper Olivia went, the colder it was, so she had to return to her original spot.

The longer she stayed in the cold storage, the worse she felt. Olivia’s eyebrows and hair were frosted white, and her breaths turned into frost in the air. Clearly visible were her hands and face turning purple with small patches forming.

Oliva’s body was shaking like a running engine, her teeth chattering uncontrollably.

If she couldn’t stay warm, she wouldn’t last much longer, and Olivia’s mind was becoming somewhat confused.

Each step was a struggle, as if she was on the brink of collapsing due to hypothermia.

It wasn’t as cold near the door, so that’s where Olivia stayed. Even though her hands were shaking uncontrollably, she was still knocking on the door.

Feeling unbearably cold, Olivia took some cardboard boxes from near the door, planning to tear them up to use as insulating blankets.

After managing two boxes, she used all her strength to move them aside and unexpectedly found two spare coats..

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