Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 496: Suspicions

Chapter 496: Suspicions

The elderly mediwitch in question was cleaning up with a depressed expression that Nick could understand. To someone that has dedicated their life to healing others being helpless to stop an illness was a disheartening thing. Luckily Nick was here to save the day this time and he secretly infiltrated the mediwitches mind before leaving the information she needed with a small nudge so that she thinks she figured out the issue. Nick watched as her face lit up in realization once the implanted knowledge showed up as a thought and she hurriedly chased after Astoria once she double checked to see if it was even a viable possibility.-

'Well it looks like my work here is done.' Nick thought with a smile before leaving the area stealthily. About five days later the matter blew up dramatically as the Greengrass family made a public announcement about being cured of their blood curse thanks to Madam Pomphrey. Apparently the cure put Daphne in such a good mood that she was all smiles for several days much to the discomfort of many. She had a bit of a reputation as a cold person so seeing her smiling so much threw quite a few off.-

The best part in Nicks opinion was that she clearly didn't suspect him at all to be behind the matter. That didn't mean no one else did though as the day before the announcement was made Madam Pomphrey had visited the headmasters office. "Ah Poppy what brings you this evening?" Dumbledore asked in a friendly manner. "It's about this whole blood curse business Albus." Madam Pomphrey said seriously. "Is there something wrong with the cure you devised?" Dumbledore asked concerned. She shook her head "No , the cure itself works splendidly , the problem is the source of the cure." she stated honestly.-

"What do you mean?" Dumbledore asked confused. Madam Pomphrey sighed "After thinking over it a lot I have reason to believe that it was not my own idea but one planted in my mind." She said sternly. Dumbledore frowned "Is there any evidence to support this theory?" he asked and she nodded. "Whoever did it was skilled at the mind art beyond anything I have ever seen but clearly didn't realize that I had an extra set of defenses that did not function the same as the shields. But rather worked to find any foreign magical signatures attached to memories since tampering always leaves a trace of it behind." she explained seriously.-

"But if this is true then why would they go so far to give you the cure for that specific curse and not look at your memories?" Dumbledore asked confused. They both knew that her knowledge was extremely precious so the fact someone would secretly infiltrate her mind and not look at them but rather just leave behind knowledge instead was hard to understand. "I have been asking myself that same question this entire time and I have a theory that explains it but is confusing as well."-

"I believe whoever did this didn't want anyone to know it was them and used me as a scapegoat in this matter." Madam Pomphrey said honestly. Dumbledores eyes widened before he smiled and chuckled "I believe I have an idea as to who it was and why it was done like this. You can accept the credit freely and let your mind be at ease as they likely meant well in this case." he said reassuringly and Madam Pomphrey sighed in relief and chose to drop the matter.-

'I hope you know what you are doing Nick.' the old wizard thought as Madam Pomphrey left his office. He was not as ignorant to the things Nick was studying as Nick thought and was likely the only person in the world truly aware of just how monstrously ahead of his peers Nick was. He had after all been monitoring the parts of the library Nick frequented through the wards there and thus had long figured out about Nicks gift of language. Dumbledore did not know what it was that drove Nick to seek improvement so fervently but he hoped that when he reaches the point he seeks that he doesn't lose touch with the rest of the world like so many do.-

Nick of course wasn't aware of any of this and even if he was it wouldn't bother him at all as by this point he held the knowledge of a tier four or new tier five. His skill at deploying that knowledge was also rapidly improving as he was confident to be able to defeat even high tier threes like Snape and Helena without much issue if it came to it. All the while he drew closer and closer to true immortality as he deciphered more and more of the daedric book.

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