Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 493: Finishing Slytherin's legacy

Chapter 493: Finishing Slytherin's legacy

This is not to say Nick wouldn't grow stupidly powerful through the ritual but that his skill and knowledge would be massively out of sync with it which would hold him back for likely even longer than if he studied and matured normally. The final drawback however was the one that had Nick classify the ritual as an absolute final resort type deal. To put it simply this ritual corrupts the soul due to how against nature it is which was a huge problem for Nick. He used his soul for nearly every facet of the Celebrimbor style and even required soul purity to use Ballad enchantments to their fullest potential.-

With this understood Nick would never utilize this ritual unless he felt like the power boost was his only course of action. He was well aware that his natural maturation alone would likely place him at tier five or maybe even six due to the extreme rate of growth it had so he wasn't too worried about becoming powerful as in time it was practically guaranteed. What he wanted was to reach his full potential however so despite having great power as a future guarantee he sought ways to truly squeeze out every ounce of bonus growth he could before he matured and his magical growth slowed to a snails pace.-

The first half of Slytherins library was written about his formative years and early adulthood so lacked any grand feats of magic or powerful spell work. Nick could easily see the transition as he memorized the contents of the library from simple to complex magical knowledge. Entire tomes on metaphysical phenomena and medical magics that would make any modern mediwitch faint in shock. Salazar was thorough in every single detail of his life as far as Nick could see from his reading until one historically important event , Meeting Godrick Gryffindor.-

An interesting fact that most ignore is that the founders last names were specifically chosen by the founders themselves and that they either lacked any last name or forsook the one they had originally for their chosen one. Salazar for example came from the noble name of Bohun but forsook it for Slytherin due to how noble he considered snakes. The other founders had chosen similarly as him with the exception of Hufflepuff that was apparently a joke name by Helga that stuck.-

Ironically the Salazar and Godrick didn't meet under the best of conditions originally but rather were competing over the contents of an ancient wizards tomb. Even Slytherin himself made no attempt to sugar coat the situation as pleasant but directly stated that it was a outright magical slugfest that both men walked away from in horrible condition. Cheap tricks and terrible curses from Slytherin seeking to quickly end the battle and powerful blunt force charms and transfigurations from Gryffindor that sought supremacy through pure power clashed to destructive and terrible effect. Salazar lost this particular bout and needed to flee miserably though not before leaving a large amount of painful sounding curses on Godrick.-

The two funnily enough couldn't seem to stay away from each other as they met and clashed many more times after that with mixed results as sometimes Salazar won and sometimes Godrick did. Still through this they developed an odd sort of respect and eventually straight up friendship. Along the way Rowena and Helga joined the group as they sought powerful and reliable allies until under the suggestion of Helga and Godrick Hogwarts was founded to end the era of wandering wizards and dark magic.-

Nick learned a great many things over the next two months after he dropped out of enchanting since he had patched up his skewed understanding of the topic. This only left him with divination so he only attended a single class a week before devoting the rest of his time to Slytherins library. Thanks to this Nick finally finished it up right at the twenty eighth of February. A day later the abomination finally made land fall once again and it was time to see if the space looping trap would work. Nick was summoned to Dumbledores office when the time came and the old goat had out a large crystal ball that Nick immediately spotted contained an enchantment to show the surrounding of another crystal ball wherever it may be.-

"If you are here then how will the trap be sprung?" Nick asked with a frown. "Nico has graciously volunteered to stay at the edge of the formation to complete it and fuel it once the creature enters the center of it. Here is the hagstone box you asked for by the way." the old man said seriously as he brought of a small grey jewelry box from his robes inner pocket.


It is with heavy heart that I must make an announcement that may not sit well with many of you. As the cost of living has recently gone up for me due to a string of unfortunate incidents I can no longer give away so many chapters for free. From now on my free posts will be limited to twice a week while my patrons will be continuing to received two chapters roughly everyday. Once again I am sorry that this has been made necessary.

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