Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 482: Going to Iceland

Chapter 482: Going to Iceland

Other than that there wasn't really any presents worth mentioning and the rest of the day was fairly quiet as well minus the small snowball fight the twins started. Nick didn't take part in it but watched from the sidelines while under a shield charm. Not for lack of effort on the twins part to be fair as they kept "accidentally" hitting the shield from different angles in search of a weakness. Nick was not foolish enough to leave such a thing however and merely smirked as he sipped his Mexican hot chocolate.-

Something about the added red pepper really elevated the drink in his opinion and Dotty was always happy to make stuff like this for him if he asked. Ron was also a huge fan of the drink after trying some and had his own mug next to Nick. There was nothing really special about it but it was nice to just sit around and chat with friends without studying or worrying about the upcoming mana recovery and returning gods. Still all good things come to an end and the day soon waned away before a new one started.-

'There is six days left before the holidays end so I should probably visit that place in Iceland Slytherin mentioned to see if my theory holds.' Nick thought the morning after christmas as he was deciding what to do for the remaining time he had left before the classes started up again. From what he could tell Slytherin was at the third tier when he visited that place so Nick figured he would have no issue after going there himself. The country was only a bit over five hundred miles north-westish so while flying high into the air at about mach one should get him there in a bit under an hour.-

Donning his armor Nick placed a disillusionment charm on himself before leaving the castle through the courtyard. Once outside he willed himself up and instantly shot upwards like an arrow released from a bow. After reaching the clouds he stopped to allow the armor to adjust to the environment as he determined the direction he needed to go before shooting off into the distance. Only Dumbledore seemed to notice his departure but merely shrugged and went back to his paperwork. This was not the first time Nick had shot past the wards through the sky after all and the old wizard doubted it would be the last as well.-

The armors inbuilt shields covered the head and shoulders of the armor as he flew which increased it's aerodynamics greatly. This allowed Nick to bust through the sound barrier and enter the soundless state that existed beyond it. This wasn't to say that he wasn't making sound merely that he was moving faster than it was so he himself could not hear it. Luckily he quickly reached the ocean so those that heard the sound of his travel were few and far between.-

Nick didn't pay much attention to his surroundings as he flew as the only things he needed to watch were in front of him in the form of birds. If his eyesight wasn't extremely good and his reaction speed being superhuman he might not have been able to dodge the few he came across that were cruising at this altitude. After about forty five minutes he spotted his destination ahead of him and started to slow down which brought back a disorienting amount of noise. Still he safely arrived on the south eastern part of the country and began his search for the spot Slytherin described.-

This was slightly tricky as there was quite a lot of volcanic activity in the southern part of the country that threw off his magical senses slightly from the earth fire there. After about two hours of careful searching however Nick finally got a magical return that didn't belong to the earth fire. In his senses it felt like something that was trying to go unnoticed which was ironically what gave it away to him. If he was going off of sight or something like that then Slytherins ward would have worked perfectly as his notice would have slipped right over it but in his magical senses something telling him not to notice it tended to do the opposite.-

Moving the large amount of rock covering the entrance Nick entered the crevice cautiously after dismantling the ward and replacing it behind him. Like he had expected the crevice was very hot but thanks to both his natural resistance to high temperatures and the armor that adapted and protected him from it he was perfectly fine. Eventually he found his first traces of the metal guardians that Slytherin spoke of in the form of broken pieces of a whole that Nick figured the founders team had left behind.

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