Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 480: Christmas

Chapter 480: Christmas

Nick of course tested the final result and was pleased to find that not only did it work but it was even better than the original way the gun worked as the burst runes applied all that force directly on the bullet itself giving it far greater force behind each one compared to the confined explosions that the original black powder used. All in all Nick considered it a great success even if enchanting each individual bullet became rather tedious for him. As a cherry on top Nick even asked Snape for a nonmagical poison that would survive being shot out just in case the bullets actually hit the abomination.-

Nick doubted that the bullets would actually enter the abominations body but he was nothing if not thorough. This request was easily accommodated by the potion master as he crafted one such poison in merely a few moments time. It was a green and purple gel that was apparently toxic enough to deal lethal damage to a blue whale in about two minutes from internal necrosis. Nick made sure not to physically touch any of the stuff as he coated the bullets in it as a result.-

After completing his highly illegal gun Nick spent the next three days studying the daedric book until it was finally christmas morning. It was a cold and snowy day like always when Nick got up that day to find the presents at the foot of his bed. Unlike usual however there was MANY more than any of the previous years combined to his horror and confusion. So many in fact that the floor of the dorm room was practically covered in them. Picking up the nearest one to himself without leaving his bed Nick read the tag and sighed as he understood where they all came from.-

These were nearly all gifts from wizards around the world that wanted to thank him for creating blitzball. 'I knew sports fans were barmy as hell but this is just too much!' he mentally complained as he started opening the gifts. He of course checked each one for curses and tampering first of course but he didn't find any like that. The gifts came from all corners of the globe and reflected that with the ungodly amount of local sweets and food items he received. That was what most of the gifts comprised of but not all of them.-

There were other things as well such as signed blitzballs from a few of the first teams that had been put together which Nick decided to place in a special collection. The teams weren't super famous now or anything but that would likely change in the future making these signed balls valuable collectors items. The weirdest thing Nick got however was a necklace made from the bones of an albino man from an African wizard. It had a strange enchantment on it that apparently boosted ones fertility which earned weird looks from Nick.-

He was pretty sure that it was a cultural difference that made it seem so strange and chose to keep it anyways. Ron had woken up while Nick was opening his gifts and looked like his eyes were going to fall out from how wide they were. "Bloody hell just look at all of this stuff! I wonder if I would also get so many gifts if I made a sport too?" Ron said enviously. "If you think you can then please by all means do so. Fair warning though it's not an easy task since there are rules , environment and various other factors to consider." Nick said with a smirk since he knew Ron was practically allergic to normal studying.-

"Hard pass." the redhead said with a shiver at the mere thought of dealing with all that. Eventually though Nick managed to get to the normal gifts from his friends and those who consider him on good terms with them like some members of the Hogwarts staff. He couldn't help but have a bit of an eye twitch at the sheer amount of gifts were food related but he knew he only had himself to blame.-

His monstrous consumption of food was a well known thing amongst the school and after the reporters went digging for information on him the entire world who read the article. It was so bad in fact that he had been dubbed the "ravenous creator" by the reporter and to Nicks horror the title stuck. Even the system recognized the title from how many people agreed to it in the world. Still there were a few other gifts that weren't food related such as Daphne's that was a book on healing magic related to curses. Nick wasn't ignorant enough not to notice that this was her way of hinting at him to try and cure the curse on the Greengrass bloodline.

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