Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 457: Stones

Chapter 457: Stones

These stones were barely the size of a pebble but seemed to glow with an eerie pale light. "These small stones are the congealed magical energy taken from a certain star that shines from the sky at night. What they can do though is the really interesting part however as each one of these things can be used to empower the effects of a single piece of magic be it potion , spell , enchantment or alchemy permanently. The catch however is that the stone is gone after a single use and getting more is a pain in the neck like you wouldn't believe." Nick said with a smirk.-

"How difficult could it be if it is from a star that shines every night?" Lupin asked confused. "So as is common knowledge the world spins on it's axis and rotates around the sun. But relatively speaking the stars don't move from their positions with the earth in this orbit and some actually only shine dimly if at all during very specific times of the year. These stones come from one such star and thus are a HUGE pain to get. This is obviously not my entire stock of the stuff but very precious none the less." Nick explained honestly.-

Nick had been lucky enough to find this star when he was experimenting with the twilight method but to his dismay the star in question only popped up in the sky for a week every year. "I think I know the perfect thing to use this for , thank you." Dumbledore said as he gazed at his own stone in fascination. The rest of the professors also expressed their thanks at the gift which while simple and the same for each of them was also in a way personalized.-

The light material itself was unique as far as Nick could tell as it held no magic itself and had no forms it preferred but could empower any magic it was used with greatly. Nick himself had been tempted to use it on his realm but he found out the hard way that it would have very little effect due to the nature of the realm. It had stopped being a simple enchantment after experiencing so much growth since it's first creation and was now a sort of pocket reality or plain of existence. Besides that though Nick didn't find any of his usual works worthy of the material.-

As far as he was concerned nothing below mythical grade was and he didn't have any others at the moment. His wand was also not magical by itself but a focus for his magic that in a way siphoned off his own magic to function , not enough to matter but the point stood. 'Perhaps I should think up a new mythical ring but what?' Nick thought off handedly as he left the office. With the abomination needing to cross the ocean again they had a bit more time to prepare so Nick wasn't stressed about it.-

Plus if the whole space looping thing worked out then the abomination should starve to death even without their assistance if given enough time. Even if it didn't work so well Nick still had options to get rid of it if he threw caution to the wind. The one he mentioned was one of them but he could always stuff the abomination with enough magic for it to detonate in a grand explosion that will probably cause international issues between the muggles. That doesn't even begin to cover the effects that such a vast amount of magic being unleashed in an area would do to it.-

Not even Nick knew the answer to that question as there was no recorded instance of such a thing happening that he knew of. Still once he got back to the workshop Nick meditated while pondering a mythical item to create. 'I wonder if that would even work?' he thought as he had an idea. Standing up he grabbed an ingot of mithril and turned on the furnace and waited for it to warm up before switching the flame to purgatory flames and tossing the mithril in.-

Once the ingot was melted into an eerie white puddle Nick transferred it to a wide flat mold so that he could let it cool into a thin sheet of metal. "Are you sure you want to do this? It may have far reaching complications if you do?" Celebrimbor asked worriedly. Nick nodded "If it works it might give me another ace up my sleeve." Nick said honestly. "That's if it works at all , you might instead only create a cruel item of the darkest sort." Celebrimbor warned seriously. "It's a gamble but one with a very high pay out if it works as intended." Nick said with a smirk.

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