Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 439: Dragon , kraken , mermen and leviathan

Chapter 439: Dragon , kraken , mermen and leviathan

Malfoy ended up captaining one of the teams and started to pick out his teammates. Nick had to make it clear that this was not to be a house team type situation and forced Malfoy to have members from other houses as well in his team. The rest of the staff at Hogwarts had also turned out for the try outs and relaxed while watching the students play for the chance to join one of the new sports teams. Nick had created another stone board that he had the teams names with the players names in their position in the team.-

The team names were chosen by Nick before hand much to Malfoys displeasure as he wanted to name his team. The names were all based off of powerful things that lived in the sea , the dragons , the krakens , the mermen and the leviathans. Malfoy merely got to choose between these names for his team and chose the dragon out of a misunderstanding that dragons were the apex of any environment they lived in. That wasn't the case however in the sea as dragons tended to be eaten by both krakens and leviathans instead.-

Mermen were one of the names not due to there danger rating but because they were the only water dwelling species to inhabit every part of the world which told of a different sort of power. It was rather funny to see Malfoys face when the twins directly rejected him after he tried to recruit them. Still despite that he did get a team with decent potential cobbled together out of three Slytherins besides himself and a Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw. The gender ratio was also pretty good as there were four boys and two girls. Nick wasn't familiar with the names of any of the others besides Malfoy though so they clearly didn't stand out much.-

The second team took the name leviathans and was lead by Seamus Finnegan after he managed to convince a few people to join him. The team was comprised of five boys and one girl though even if the house composition was great at two Gryffindor , two raven claw , a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff. Nick even recognized a few of the team members in the form of Anthony Goldstein , Susan Bones , and Blaise Zabini of all people. Blaise was not directly famous but was well known because of his mother.-

She was a very attractive woman apparently and had been married several times however the thing that made her famous was how each marriage ended in the man dead. No one knew if it was just sheer bad luck or foul play but she was labeled a black widow either way and that infamy passed to Blaise as well. The poor boy hated it though and was avoided most of the time because of his poor temper. He wasn't a bad guy from Nick's observations but simply assumed everyone was against him due to his mothers infamy which to be fair was close to being accurate.-

No girl wanted anything to do with him in the off chance he took after his mother in that regard but most of the boys didn't care. The final two teams were populated by people he didn't know though save the twins who were part of the mermen team as attackers. None of Nicks friends wanted to play the game as part of an actual team though and joined Nick as part of an unofficial team lead by him. He took mid field while Luna took the goalie position and Harry and Ron took the left and right defenders while Daphne and Tracy were attackers. -

Hermione wanted no part of the sport though and watched from the side as Nick and the others showed how a real team should work. The twins found out the hard way that not everyone was below them in terms of fitness when they thought they could tag team Nick when he had the ball. "Merlin's beard mate , where do you even go to get muscles like that? It was like hitting a wall and the wall won." Fred complained while massaging a bruise on his shoulder.-

"I have my ways and no I won't be sharing them so don't ask." Nick said with a chuckle. "Why would you keep a body like that hidden though?" George asked confused. "It's not hidden , I just don't constantly go around showing it off without a good reason. Not that I haven't shown it off mind you just that it benefited me to do so." Nick said honestly. "Whatever you say man but when's the first official match for this new sport anyway?" Fred asked curiously. "The first of November is what I have planned after I set up this field permanently a bit from here." Nick said calmly.

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