Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 429: Quiet first day

Chapter 429: Quiet first day

The boy was sorted into Ravenclaw eventually and Nick decided to ask Flitwick and Luna to keep an eye on him to see if his strangeness manifests in a noticeable manner. Nick wasn't worried about the boy being the next dark lord or anything like that but he was rather curious about why his magic was split in this manner. In Lucas's case it was Nicks doing so that he could regain his magical casting ability but the boy was entirely different. His magic was clearly split from birth with how unburdened his mana core seemed to be.-

Lucas's mana core by comparison was far more stressed to maintain a steady flow of mana to both his blood and magical circuits. Still Nick stopped paying attention to the boy after he was sorted and checked to see if there were any more strange new students but there were none. Astoria ended up sorted into Slytherin much like her sister and Dumbledore started the year off with a rousing speech but no ominous warning which was new. The twins snickered to themselves when Dumbledore mentioned the list of "forbidden" items that Filch created and was nailed to his door.-

Nick knew from checking the previous years list out of curiosity that most of said list as comprised of the twins prank items. This meant that since they never really stopped creating new prank items that the list just got longer and longer every year. The feast started after Dumbledores speech and everyone dug into the sumptuous food. "Starting the year off strong eh fellas?" Nick asked the twins after seeing a first year literally turn orange after drinking from their goblet. "You know it!" Fred said with a grin "Want to set a record this year!" George added equally grinning.-

"Good luck with that , speaking of luck where's that gryphcat you took from my island at?" Nick asked curiously. Both of the twins turned to stare at the professors table , specifically towards the end of it. Nick looked and chuckled at what he saw there , Hagrid was grinning ear to ear as he passed sausages to the unkempt looking creature poking it's head out from under his coat. Well at least you know it's in good hands since I don't think that man can knowingly mistreat a magical beast." Nick said with a grin and the twins merely sighed together.-

"Aye , mum said that he needs to stay with Hagrid while we are at Hogwarts or she would send it back to your island. That reminds us by the way but why was Garfield ill for a bit after we brought him out of your island?" George asked curiously. "No idea , maybe it was something in the air?" Nick suggested with a shrug. Explaining mana and it's ambient density in a public place like this was a very bad idea and Nick tried not to indulge in those. The twins didn't look convinced but chose to drop the matter since it wasn't really all that important.-

After the feast everyone went to their common rooms with the prefects being in charge of showing the first years to it. Percy being the try hard he was took his role very seriously as the head boy of Gryffindor and strictly forced the prefects to remain professional during this time. Nick couldn't really blame him considering this was his final year at Hogwarts and he wanted to graduate with honors and join the ministry of magic. 'It's going to suck to be him in a few years when Grindelwald sets off his plan and he is the grunt assigned the inevitable mountains of paperwork.' Nick thought with a chuckle.-

The rest of the night was nice and uneventful and Nick went straight to sleep as he had a big week ahead of him as he had his first class for all three of the electives he signed up for. The next day was like every year the one that allowed the first years to explore the castle. to get familiar with it before classes on monday. Nick chose to spend this day relaxing in the workshop with his friends as they spoke of their summers.-

To their surprise the mirror he kept in his coat warmed up which was a sign of a change being made via the protean connection. "What's up with the mirror?" Ron asked curiously when Nick took it out. "It's a communication device for my agreement with the royal clan of the vampires." Nick said while flipping through the connections of the mirror till he found the one that send it. The face of the mirror had an etched message on it when he did so that read {Greetings Nick , it is Vladimir who is testing the mirror you have sent please send a reply.}

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