Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 417: The black room

Chapter 417: The black room

"Now that you mention it what else is there for us to do?" Daphne asked curiously. "The next activity I have set up is in another room so we should head over there before I can explain it." Nick said with a smile. He had set up a few different means of entertainment for guests in the manor over the time he had been working in it that weren't all that complex but could easily occupy someone for days to weeks. The group left the room with the broomstick tournament table and walked down the hallway to the final room there.-

Pushing the door open there were gasps at what was inside it as to the naked eye it appeared to be a massive void of darkness. "What IS this?" Tracy asked confused and a little afraid after they stepped into the room. "Welcome to the black room or the story room if you would prefer." Nick said and with a wave of his hand the rooms look shifted into a space view of the earth with stars the sun and everything. ""OOOOH!"" the group said simultaneously in awe. "This room works to bring whatever you imagine to life as a scene much like this. But only one person at a time can use the room at a time." Nick explained proudly.-

The enchantment worked based on a mixture of legilimency and illusion magics projected in a visual manner from every corner of the room to create a realistic version of the users imagination. In this case Nick was projecting his memory of what the view from space looked like since it would have the biggest impact. "This room reads minds!?" Florian asked in horror before the telltale signs of occlumency show up on his face.-

"Not in the manner you are thinking of no. The enchantments of this room instead only pick up the thoughts that the person using it project outwards , like if that person were trying the share a memory with another similar to how a pensieve works." Nick explained calmly before changing the view to that of the merfolk city in the black lake from his memory. "Incredible! It's almost like seeing this place personally. This room must be incredibly valuable right?" Arthur asked in amazement. "I admit it was a little tricky to create but besides time and a small amount of effort it didn't cost me much at all." Nick said honestly.-

"Would anyone like to give it a try?" He asked with a smile. "It can create anything we can imagine right?" Sirius asked with an almost hopeful look. Nick nodded "Yes but remember that nothing you conjure up is real , no matter how you may wish it." He said sternly. "That is fine so long as I can see them again in more than a photo." Sirius said with a sad look. Nick sighed but cut the connection to the room and let Sirius have it. Immediately the room went black again before Sirius finally found what he wanted and actualized it.-

The scene changed into a sunny day in Godrick's hollow that was blurry in the distance but that wasn't the focus of this projection. No that belonged to a young group of three men and one woman having a picnic. Harry recognized all of the faces and a look of realization and sadness came over him. This was a memory of his parents and the rest of the marauders from Sirius's point of view. The man himself wept with a sad smile as he viewed this image but no one said anything even as he just stood there watching the scene play out.-

"This was the last peaceful day we had before we joined the war against Voldemort and those death eaters." Sirius said before the scene vanished and was replaced by a dark and cold night scene that Nick hurriedly cut off with his authority over the room. No one needed to be told what it was that had started to appear as everyone knew the day very well. The day Voldemorts reign ended and the worse day of Sirius Blacks life.-

Just seeing that memory made manifest of a happier time was enough for the pain and regret of that night a decade ago overwhelm him and start to manifest in the room. "That was a bad example of the rooms abilities but this room could bring any fairy tale you can imagine to life as well." Nick said before reconnecting to the room and bringing up a a bright and cheery forest with singing birds and peaceful deer. He rotated the day and night , created flying fish and all sorts of wonderous spectacles in order to take their minds off what they had previously seen with Sirius.

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