Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 407: Guests(2)

Chapter 407: Guests(2)

Still the result Nick was after was significantly more complex than the normal versions effects so it still took him until the night before he goes to get his friends to finish it. "Protea Loculamentum!" He spoke and the red spell landed on the stone marbles he was practicing on. Nick then transfigured one of the marbles but the other remained the same. Then he changed it again yet there was once again no shifts in the other marble. Nick then tapped on the other marble "unus!" he said and the marble changed into the first transfigured form.-

"Duo!" he then said and the marble took on the second transfigured form that the first marble did. 'It works perfectly so now I just need the mirrors and the bonded enchantment of the cabinet to finish up this method of communication.' Nick thought before clearing away the marbles and yawning and going to bed satisfied with the spell. The next morning he woke up at dawn as per his usual and ate some lembas bread for breakfast. He had a few aches and pains from the parts of his body that were growing but he ignored them.-

These growing pains weren't anything new but he had apparently hit a bit of a growth spurt in the last few days and gained three inches in that time. At five feet three inches Nick was slightly taller than an average thirteen year old boy two months past his birthday would be. He wasn't freakishly tall or anything like that though just a little taller than was normal.After eating Nick got dressed in a set of jeans and a blue t-shirt covered by his favorite coat that Madam Maxim had gifted him at christmas. His wand was in a sheath strapped to his waist if he needed it and he double checked to make sure he was good and ready.-

Finding nothing missing Nick had Dotty take him to the first stop of this trip . number twelve Grimmauld place. Nick hadn't been to the place himself but Dotty had thanks to the training that house elves get before they serve a master. Every publicly known noble house and the magical district in London is hammered into the house elves heads so they can bring their masters there if need be. The Black ancestral home is one of those that is very well known by the public and thus included in that list.-

Once he arrived near the place Sirius and Harry lived at the moment Nick couldn't help but chuckle at how accurate the building looked compared to the family that owned it. The Black family was one of the darkest in known wizarding history and the building perfectly imitated this. Unlike the buildings on either side of it that were clean and normal looking the Black building was just that , black as if burnt. Unlike how it was described in the books though it didn't look abandoned or dirty , just dark.-

Nick walked up to the front door and used the large brass knocker to announce his presence to those within. Moments later the most hideous thing he had ever seen opened the door with a sharp glare. It was a house elf with ragged ears , deep wrinkles , caked on dirt and other stuff and this feeling of being a foot away from death on it. "You must be the filthy lord I was told to expect , you may enter but know Kreacher shall be watching your foul self." the house elf said with open hostility.-

Nick looked at the thing and spoke calmly "To treat the one who destroyed that locket in such a way , it seems the house of Black doesn't train their servants properly." he said coldly and the house elf looked horrified at the statement. Nick had directly struck the old house elf where it hurt the most by pointing out that it owed him a debt of gratitude and yet mistreated him while stinging at the Black family name as well. "Kreacher swears he didn't know it was the great sir! Please forgive him while he punishes himself for sullying the family name with his actions!" Kreacher said before bashing his head into the door frame over and over again , hard.-

"Enough! You are forgiven so long as you watch your tongue from now on!" Nick said sternly and the pathetic thing nodded hurriedly before stepping aside. 'Gods I wish that wasn't necessary. Better this than needing to watch my back around this damn house elf though.' Nick thought while keeping a straight face as he hung up his coat on the rack near the door. Sirius was sitting nearby and didn't seem to mind the vicious tongue lashing Nick gave Kreacher , in fact he seemed pleased to see the thing suffer.

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