Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 406: Guests

Chapter 406: Guests

Nick first set up a small barrier on the door of the atronach forge room that should keep out any overly inquisitive minds , like Hermione. He then repeated this process on a few other places such as the hydras pond and the storage room. Once that was done Nick called out "Dotty!" and with a loud "POP!" the house elf appeared. "What is your bidding master?" the small servant asked eagerly. "I will be hosting a decently sized group of people for most of the next month so I need you to stock up on the appropriate amount of food to feed such a group." Nick said calmly.-

"Masters friends from the school yes?" Dotty asked and Nick nodded "As well as eight to ten others at most." he added and his servant nodded. "This should be an adequate amount for that amount of food." Nick said while taking out a small pouch of galleons and handing it over. Obviously raw ingredients weren't actually that expensive in most cases but Nick preferred rich flavorful food so he only purchased top quality ingredients and that did add up when it was purchased in bulk.-

Money was not really a problem for Nick as not only did he have the Ravenclaw fortune but he could make a stupidly high amount of money by selling his work on the open market. That was even keeping in mind that he didn't believe in price gouging his works and only charged what he thought they were worth. He of course had standards for these prices that he followed but charging an arm and a leg for a steel ring that repels slugs or some other mundane thing didn't sit well with him. Anyways with the food taken care of Nick got to work writing out the invitations for his friends.-

Despite what they had said he created one for each of them and added a few small details depending on who the invitation was addressed to. For example in Harrys there was a line mentioning that Sirius was also welcome to come. For Daphne and Tracy he specifically mentioned that only one of their parents were allowed to come as chaperones. This was because he really didn't want to deal with any political none sense that those people would try. Lunas father was allowed to come as well. For Hermione and Ron they were both allowed to bring their entire direct families.-

Nick wasn't worried about the adults causing any problems while they were here since there wasn't much they could do that would really have an impact. They could report him until they were blue in the face to the ministry but he was not breaking any laws by owning and living on the island without a guardian. This was thanks to the rather niche loophole in the laws that allowed a child to self govern if they they were the recognized lord of a household. Harry still had relatives in the wizarding world and as such didn't qualify until he came of age to claim the Potter lordship.-

Even if a relative of Nicks were to come forward it was too late to have someone become his guardian since he was already the established lord of house Ravenclaw.So long as Nick didn't do anything illegal in plain view he was basically untouchable and he doubted his guests wouldn't also realize it. With these things all covered Nick chose to relax until the third of July which he set in the letters as the date he will show up to get them all.-

By relaxing what Nick meant was only doing work that was easy such as mastering the protean charm. He already had a pretty good grasp of the original variant of the spell and could use it without much problem so long as the two items bound were similar enough. This just left him with needing to modify the spell in the manner he wanted and everything would be perfect. Thanks to his magical senses he could tell when the effect he wanted wasn't going to be achieved with each change he made to the original spell.-

Nicks bloodline abilities were skewed towards support rather than combat in three out of five of them and were specifically geared towards learning magic in two of those cases. His magical senses made modifying spells way easier for him than normal while his ability to read , understand and speak any language meant he wasn't held back or slowed by the language barriers that most wizards need to struggle to over come. Together it made him frighteningly effective at accumulating power and knowledge while he could modify nearly any spell on a whim.

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