Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 402: Business(2)

Chapter 402: Business(2)

If the looks on Vlad and Jessephs faces was anything to go by Nick was not alone in his surprise and confusion , though likely for different reasons. Nick simply hadn't expected for the princess to speak at all during the negotiations and thus frowned when she did. The two royal vampires though probably had very different thoughts on the matter. "I do hope that is a joke , I gain literally nothing of worth by doing so." Nick said honestly. "Power , speed , immortality , bloodline abilities and vast wealth." Mina said to counter his argument.-

"I already have three of those things and the other two aren't difficult to acquire , as I said nothing of worth. In fact I would actually LOSE things by doing so so I won't agree on this matter at all." Nick stated firmly and the princess snarled in frustration. "Leave the room daughter , you will not get what you seek from this one." Vlad spoke firmly and the princess obeyed though clearly unwillingly. "What a troubling development , it would seem my daughter has taken an interest in you child. It is not in a romantic manner thankfully or she will have refused even my order to press to matter of your race further." Vlad said tiredly.-

"This won't become a problem I hope as I won't just sit back and endure abuse." Nick warned seriously. "So long as there is no violence involved I do not expect you to do so. Regardless you have said something that peaked my interest. You said you had three out of five of those benefits she offered and yet I only know of two , bloodline abilities and wealth. What is the last thing you have?" Vlad asked curiously. "I'll keep that to myself for now but you'll no doubt find out eventually." Nick said with a chuckle-

"Suit yourself , back to business. You never answered about yearly quota before my daughter interrupted us." Vlad said getting back on topic. "I don't mind the quota so long as the equipment in question is not unreasonably complicated." Nick said calmly. "That shouldn't be an issue , so what price is needed to order a more improved version of the ring Jesseph currently wears. Most wouldn't notice how inefficiently the conversion between the mana circuits and blood veins is but I did. By my reckoning the full mana circuit network should allow for at least three other bloodline abilities." Vlad pointed out calmly.-

"That original ring is merely a gift to show my own value to the royal clan so I obviously left much to improve upon. As for the actual amount possible then it is exactly three extra abilities beyond the original five. The conversion causes a portion of the magical circuits to be cannibalized in order to strengthen the new veins after all." Nick explained honestly. Vlad seemed to think about this information for a moment before nodding his head in agreement.-

"As for price I need natural gems at the moment , the higher the purity and size the better. They don't even need to be cut either as the shape is irrelevant for what I will be using them for." Nick said seriously. "Doing some alchemy are we , a rather dangerous topic for a student your age isn't it?" Vlad teased. "Wrong guess but I can see how you might come to that conclusion." Nick said with a smirk. "Oh? You certainly know how to create intrigue at the least but as for the gems would a fist sized natural ruby of high purity suffice?" Vlad said taking said ruby out of a leather bag on his waist.-

Nick tapped the table with his wand and the ruby was shifted towards him so he could check it. It was a light red and rough gem that looked like it had been directly taken from a much larger piece. He closely examined the gem before nodding and sending it into his realm. "I assume sending the ring to Jesseph will do after I finish it?" Nick asked and the king of vampires nodded. "Give me a few weeks and I'll send over a method to contact me without getting tracked , I am outside of the owl network as well after all." Nick said before standing up.-

Nick took on his disguise once again while Lucas did the same and they left the building and Knockturn alley swiftly after that. Mina tried to be sneaky and follow them but Nick hit her with a stunning spell before Dotty apparated them away. Vampires were very magic resistant so she was only out of it for a brief moment but that was more than enough for Nick to lose her entirely. The nearby humans were then subjected to her anger after that which resulted in four deaths but in Knockturn nobody so much as blinked at it.

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