Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 398: Secret ambition

Chapter 398: Secret ambition

"A-are we in danger!?" Lucas asked nervously after hearing what Nick said. "Not because of him or those under him if at all , we have guest right at the moment so I doubt he would do anything untoward." Nick said while taking a book out of his realm. It wasn't anything special , just as book on atronachs he bought from the system. Contrary to how it may seem Nick did regularly use the system however it was for mundane or other things not worth mentioning. One such thing was expanding his knowledge on a topic if there was no readily available source on it.-

Atronachs fell into this category considering their foreign nature to this world. The Book Nick was reading was titled {Myriad elementals by Arvelos Fyr} The entire book was on the studies conducted by a Telvani wizard into the nature and varieties of atronachs. It cost Nick a hundred points to purchase from the system but he regained that by making ten rings of protection so it was an inconsequential amount to him. At the moment he had over eight hundred thousand points just from the rings of protection and other rings he has made.-

Once he completed the full two hundred fifty thousand rings of protection he will have an excess of two and a half million points. Thanks to this fact Nick wasn't really sweating over a hundred or so every now and then. And oh did he have plans for that large sum of points in the future as he was starting to near a VERY tasty piece of literature in terms of price. {Of realms and Lords by Xilivil Xermex} was priced at one million points in the system and was written by a dremora that for some reason decided to document the process of becoming a sort of Daedric Lord by binding a empty realm of oblivion to yourself.-

Oblivion was a nearly infinite expanse of primordial dimensions that were sort of worlds onto themselves that were known as "realms". The largest and thus most complete were bound to the princes that were basically unkillable gods as a result. A not commonly known fact however was that other daedra were able to bind the smaller realms to themselves and become a weaker version of the princes depending on the size and quantity of realms they bound.-

Nick hadn't noticed it immediately but due to the use of the daedric heart during the ritual of nature his own being was now very similar to a daedra. A very weak and impure one but a daedra nonetheless. And as it just so happened he had a realm bound to him as it's creator that would serve as a perfect starting point to becoming pretty much unkillable. In theory the only way to kill a realm lord was to destroy their realm before killing them since daedra with their own realm can't bind themselves to a princes realm.-

If Nick can successfully become a true realm lord he will have much more assurances about confronting Zeus since he will be nigh impossible to permanently kill. The best part though was that Arda Milme was capable of growth and thus if fed enough will grow so large that it will be able to directly consume the entirety of the earth. At that time Nick will basically be a daedric prince with an already populated and diverse world under his command. This was his newest ambition and also the stopping point on his path to power. Daedric princes were pretty much the pinnacle of power and thus becoming one would leave Nick completely satisfied.-

Anyways the book on atronachs covered the properties of the constructs and how to go about changing them to ones will. For flame atronachs it was basically just exposing them to different kinds of fire which Nick already figured out. For storm atronachs it was exposing them to various magnetic substances. Frost atronachs by changing the properties of the water that froze to make up their bodies. Air atronachs were basically changed by having them consume other atronachs thus gaining their properties without losing their original properties.-

This was all very interesting for Nick and he had no trouble at all losing himself in the information letting time pass by quickly. The food served at seven was a simple meal of lamb chops with asparagus and potatoes. After that Nick set up a protective ward around himself meant to keep him completely isolated before going to sleep. He didn't know it but this actually saved him a lot of trouble as a shadow crept across the floor of the room late into the night completely undetected by Lucas who was studying nearby. The shadow came into contact with the ward before seeming to reluctantly creep back out of the room.

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