Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 395: Seeking audience

Chapter 395: Seeking audience

Contrary to how it may seem Nick wasn't just giving out valuable gifts left and right without any protections in place. In any of his crafts that held the potential to harm him in some way he had placed hidden loyalty enchantments that rendered the rest inert should they be used on him. The deal made with Lucas was no different as he had placed a trap within it in the form of the "within reason" that meant that so long as he could rationalize an order regardless of how horrible it was Lucas could not disobey.-

In this way betrayal is impossible since Nick merely needed to command Lucas to return to his work with a bit of rationalization and he had no choice but to do so. The best part was that this protective mechanism was an incomplete enchantment blended into the others so there was no way to definitively point out that it was there at all. With the ring done Nick now needed to figure out how to get a meeting with a royal clan member. It should be mentioned that there are in fact not a lot of royals alive at the moment since the Tepes clan was very specific about who they turn.-

That doesn't even take into account the bloody princess that didn't even stay in any one place at once but wandered the world in search of a mate. The bloody princess was the only known natural born royal vampire who's father was none other than Vladimir Tepes himself and whos mother was an exceeded noble with four bloodline abilities. Unfortunately the princess had the perfect disguise ability thanks to her mother in the form of metamorphagus. And unlike Nymphadora Tonks the princess actually used the gift properly rather than merely assuming different features or turning into other people.-

No the princess could freely shapeshift into any non magical creature and was as a result damn near impossible to track. Contrary to how it may seem she was actually the single royal that Nick didn't want to meet. Despite having only slightly less authority compared to her father the princess was known to be horribly temperamental and whimsical which was about as bad for deals like this as was possible. "Do you know who the royal is in charge of the british vampire community or how to get in contact with them?" Nick asked Lucas after returning to the island.-

"Yeah , it's a man by the name of Jesseph Tepes. From what I understand he runs the black market in Knockturn alley so he can be found there most of the time." Lucas said honestly. "Any distinguishing features or do I need to check every vampire we meet to find him?" Nick asked and Lucas furrowed his brows in deep thought as he tried to remember anything about the vampire in question. "He has a tattoo of a dragon on his forehead but that is his only special feature I think." Lucas said helplessly.-

"Good enough I suppose , lets just hope that he isn't one of those people that use a mask while in the black market." Nick said with a sigh. He didn't waste any time transfiguring himself into an adult but different than before. This time he turned into a handsome male form with short brown hair and dark eyes. Just for the hell of it Nick had taken on the form of Voldemorts younger human self thanks to his knowledge of what that looked like. Lucas on the other hand merely put on a mask to cover his face and disguise himself.-

They had Dotty apparate them away from the island before Lucas apparated them to Knockturn alley. It was clear that the skill was rusty because Nick felt much worse than normal after they landed but he sucked it down and endured it. They got a few strange looks after they arrived but ignored them as they made their way to the black market. Nick didn't drop his guard at all though as most of those nearby had tainted souls and ill intent. Soon enough they reached the small shack that served as the entrance to the black market.-

Nick opened the way forward and walked into the bustling bazaar confidently while Lucas was clearly nervous. Humans were very visual creatures that tended to base their opinions based upon what they can see. From Nick one would see confidence bordering on arrogance and paranoia from how his hand rested on his wand at all times. This would tell those looking for easy prey that he was a bad choice and that would extend to Lucas as well since he was clearly Nicks follower. They walked forward slowly as if carefully browsing the various items being sold but in fact they were scanning each and every forehead they could see.

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