Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 390: Chat(2)

Chapter 390: Chat(2)

"I am not surprised to hear that , you do see every bit the ambitious young man after all." Flammel said with a chuckle. "That reminds me , what was that flame you used during the duel earlier?" he asked after taking a sip of tea. "A by product of undergoing a slightly modified ritual of breath." Nick explained calmly. Flammel nodded in understanding "You added to properties of the dragons lungs to your own , rather risky if you didn't have an affinity for flames already no?" he asked rhetorically. -

Nick held up his left hand and a match size flame rose from his palm soundlessly. "There was no risk involved in that case." he said with a grin. "Pyrokinesis? A powerful and useful gift to have in your craft." Flammel said slightly enviously. "It doesn't actually see much use in that regard honestly. It's bloody hard to control abnormal flames with it you know." Nick said with a sigh as he dismissed the flame. "Perhaps but you do still have some control none the less which most in your craft would give their limbs for. Personally I think an eagles vision might be the best suited gift for craftsmen in general." Flammel said honestly.-

"I can see why , details are very important in most crafts so being able to see more of them would likely help considerably. Perhaps I should look for a ritual to enhance your sight?" Nick pondered out loud. "While I appreciate the offer there is no need since I can merely design one if i truly wish it. Don't let Albus know about your use of rituals though as he dislikes most of them after some bad experiences previously." Flammel warned seriously. "I will keep that in mind." Nick agreed.-

"How goes the compendium of enchantments by the way?" Flammel asked changing the subject. They chatted for a few hours after that before the old alchemist left with an invitation to learn under him. Nick would be lying if he said that he wasn't very interested in the offer but he was aware that he needed to clean off some of the work on his plate before he can devote time studying a new and very complex subject like alchemy. He still needed to master the core curriculum of Hogwarts, create a small army of atronachs , improve his organic smithing method , expand and strengthen his knowledge on the twilight style and complete his modifications of the Animagus ritual.-

Each of these were long term projects in their own right and together left him with little free time to indulge in a new subject. Today alone he needed to create another four atronachs before working on the magic of the higher years of the curriculum for the rest. Nick was going to put off the other things for a different day as these two were the most pressing. The atronachs were as easy as feeding the forge the gems and mana with meditation between each one to restore his mana. The curriculum on the other hand required Nick to practice fervently.-

Meanwhile a certain group was having a rather bad time as they tried and failed to find Nick. "I don't understand how the kid could just drop off the face of the planet after causing so much trouble like this." A man with strikingly similar features to Nick said with frustration. The man was holding an orb that had a female voice speaking from in a series of hisses. What the man heard was very different however.-

"The elder seems to think the brat is holed up on the Ravenclaw island under cloaking wards that stop divination from seeing it. We are also having trouble convincing lady Sturm that the brat is exiled to us and as such his actions are not our doing , you know how natural born vampires can be over stuff like this." the female voice said with no small amount of irritation. "Yeah , this nephew of mine has proven to be surprisingly elusive and skilled after we exiled him for lacking magical ability. Even without any memories he has started to expose us to the world as people search for anyone related to him." the man said with a sad look.-

"The elders orders are clear Monroe , he gets brought back in the fold or erased before he becomes too powerful." The female voice said in French this time. 'We are long past that point if the reports on Voldemort are right' the man thinks but verbally agrees. The orb stops glowing and the man puts it into a leather bag at his side. 'I wonder just how much we haven't seen from you yet little bird?' he thinks before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

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