Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 380: Final days of the year

Chapter 380: Final days of the year

Nick basically isolated himself in the workshop for the next twenty eight days as he put his new power to good use. Dumbledore gave Nick a suspicious look at the end of this time when he turned in so many more rings than usual. In the end the old goat paid Nick for his work and chose to ignore his strange increase in ability. The old man wasn't stupid and easily figured out what had happened for Nick to have such a sharp growth in power. He himself had in fact used rituals when he was younger so he knew which Nick had likely used.-

Two days before the students were kicked out of the school they were also freed to do whatever they wished as the exams were over. "I swear Snapes exam was the worst of the lot , pretty sure the greasy bloke was trying to make us fail!" Ron complained to Nick. At the moment Nick and his friends were sitting in the workshop relaxing and just hanging out. "The man does seem like that most of the time but I'm sure he wasn't doing it intentionally." Nick said honestly. -

Literally everyone in the school noticed that Snape had mellowed out greatly after Voldemort died. He was by no means nice but at the very least he wasn't in a perpetually foul mood anymore. He had also stopped targeting Harry so much and actually took his job teaching the class properly. The increase in grades also showed as he was no longer so harsh with his grading. "How's your scar doing anyways Harry?" Nick asked changing the topic. "It's getting better everyday , guess that means he really is gone." Harry said with a smile. "Good riddance! That man caused so many problems that even now we haven't fixed!" Tracy said hatefully.-

The Greengrass's and Davis families had suffered a lot under Voldemort as part of the grey faction of the wizengamot and that hatred still lingers even now. Dumbledore hadn't told Harry how exactly Voldemort was forced into that final pathetic end so none of Nicks friends knew of his involvement in the matter. Nick was more than happy to keep it that way too as it would cause drama if they learned the truth. Still for the first time in nearly a decade those living in fear of the mans return were breathing much easier as the news was leaked about his permanent death.-

"That reminds me but what are your plans for the summer Nick?" Harry asked curiously and the rest of his friends were also very interested in his answer. "Not all that much really as I was going to be spending most of my time on my island. Why?" Nick answered with a question of his own. "Sirius wanted to invite you to the upcoming Chudley cannons quidditch game." Harry said honestly. "I thought my dislike of the sport was public knowledge?" Nick asked surprised at the invitation.-

"That's what I told him but he insisted , something about all work and no play. Dunno what he was going on about to be honest with you." Harry said with a shrug. "As much as I appreciate the offer I will have to decline , I might invite you all over to the island though. Merlin knows it could use some visitors to liven up the place." Nick said with a grin. "Still can't believe you have your own island." Ron said enviously. "And I'm surprised that more people don't , seriously ancient wizards seem to love the things for some reason yet very few modern wizards have one." Nick replied in frustration.-

It honestly made no sense to him that the frankly abundant islands around the country weren't taken by the old pureblood families or even muggleborn wizards researching stuff in secret. Nick was extremely happy to have his own island after all as the privacy simply couldn't be beaten unless he went into his realm. It wouldn't even be all that difficult to make the islands disappear using modern runestones and wards to obscure the land. "Asked my mom about that actually and she said that it was too costly to keep up if you weren't living there." Daphne added to the conversation.-

"I suppose that I could see that with the storms and frequent rain that an island would get. My ancestor solved that problem with her skill as an enchanter but for most it would probably be bloody hard to take care of." Nick said in agreement. He had a bad habit of forgetting just how good he had it in this regard and had not considered this problem till now. "Still I bet the island is an amazing place right?" Hermione asked curiously. "I suppose so , it's got it's own dangers though so don't wander off on your own if you value your safety." Nick said seriously.

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