Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 378: Ritual of nature(2)

Chapter 378: Ritual of nature(2)

For most this would be a agonizing and horrible experience as their mana and magical circuits were atrophied or impure and this ritual cleaned them both out , forcefully. Nick on the other hand had pure mana and all of his mana circuits were sturdy and open from the potion he drank shortly after arriving in this world. The increase in quantity of mana was actually from the sheer pressure of so much mana being forced to such small circuits and mana core thus rapidly forcing them to expand to accommodate it.-

Soon the mana that the gem summoned for the ritual vanished at which time the next part was burnt up , the dragon heart. This time the mana was much lower than the Lethifold gem but still a powerful amount that continued the previous manas work. The mana flowed in and out without stop as this was the way the ritual was designed. The phenomena of Beltane lasted a total of three hours starting at exactly eleven the last day of April and ending at one o'clock on May first. Every thirty minutes the next part was burnt up and the focused flood of mana was forced into and out of Nick until it was time for the next parts mana.-

Three hours with six bursts of refinement to increase the wizards connection to the world and power. Helena watched this process from the side and noted that the final part sacrificed , the daedra heart , also summoned the largest amount of mana out of all of them with an amount so great that she literally couldn't see Nick from the silvery mana so dense it was visible. She might not know what it was but she was clear that whatever it was had been wasted in her opinion.-

She couldn't blame Nick for it however as she had been researching Zeus much like he had since that book was read. What they had figured out about the god was enough to make even wastes like this acceptable if it meant a better chance of surviving and winning for Nick. Still it clashed with everything she had been taught and learnt about treasures like that and made her uncomfortable as a result. Exactly three hours after the phenomena began it vanished just as quickly and the mana levels on the island dropped back to the point they were at before.-

Nick woke up shortly after that and was left stunned by what he found. His mana reserved hadn't just increase enough to put him in tier two level but was nearly at the peak of tier two which placed him next to the likes of Sirius and Lupin in terms of raw mana. It should be stated though that both men were in a situation that didn't not allow much growth in mana for the last decade so were not yet in tier three but at the precipice of obtaining it.-

Sirius was in Azkaban while Lupin was living the wretched life of a werewolf and as such couldn't study or perform magic regularly. Just their natural growth from before the Potters death till now had them sitting at the top of tier two. Nick was now just a small step behind them in terms of mana. 'I may actually be able to reach near Zeus's level by the time I graduate if my passive growth doesn't slow down.' he thought while marveling at the pulse and flow of mana in his body. Holding out his hand Nick conjured a ball of flame that he held above his finger effortlessly.-

'My bloodline abilities also seemed to have gotten a boost as this would have been a large drain on my mana before but now I barely even feel it.' He thought with a grin. With a wave of his hand Arda Milme reappeared on his finger and he vanished from the greenhouse. Nick got dressed again and reequipped his protective gear and wand that hummed as it resynced with his mana. Wands grow with their owners in terms of power so usually the situation where a wand can't handle it's owners power is rare. -

Nicks mana was now many times denser and more powerful so his wand needed a while to adjust. Nick didn't mind this as all it meant was that he needed to take it easy on spell work until it was done. Much like he had assumed Nazgul was almost entirely unaffected by the ritual and was more upset about not being asleep than anything else. It should be remembered that it was after one at night and they would normally be long asleep by now. "Yeah you're right I can worry about everything after we wake up tomorrow." Nick said with a smile while ruffling her feathers under her horns where she likely it.

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