Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 367: Making a deal

Chapter 367: Making a deal

Nick had no reason to keep Lucas's employ hidden from any of the professors as he knew none of them would spread the information around. If anything after learning that Lucas became a vampire they would thank him like Flitwick did. Sad as it may be they simply didn't have the resources needed to make sure every student that passes through their classrooms have a good life. Still this didn't mean that they didn't hope for the best and occasionally lend some aid if they could. With the ring finished Nick left for Ravenclaw island without disguising himself this time.-

Considering it was daytime still Nick wasn't surprised to find that Lucas was still in the manor hidden away in his assigned room. "I have some good news for you." Nick said as he walked into the room. It was rather funny to see the confusion on the mans face for Nick but he figured he should probably explain what is going on. "You work for me now , what you saw previously was merely a disguise that I created for my trip to Knockturn alley. My full name is Nicholas Iron Ravenclaw." he said with a small bow.-

Lucas was dumbfounded at this revelation and it showed but his experience as an adventurer showed itself as he recovered quickly. "I never agreed to work for a kid still wet behind the ears so while I like the flask I'll pass thanks." he said clearly thinking Nick was some spoilt rich kid and wanting nothing to do with it. Nick removed the suppressor for his aura and released his magical energy at the same time and Lucas froze. "Contrary to what you may be thinking I am not wet behind the ears nor am I some spoiled child."-

"I have worked very hard for the power I currently hold and as for my fortune , that comes with it's own burdens , am I clear?" he asked while actively suppressing Lucas. The vampire was shivering in instinctive fear and nodded hurriedly. Elves are very powerful beings and Nick already had slightly more mana than Lucas did in his body. Add on the weight of how much purer his mana was compared to Lucas and it was like standing in front of a dragon for the vampire. Resistance was definitely not the first thing that would pop up in a normal persons mind.-

Nick nodded satisfied to have gotten this matter settled. "Perhaps you are not aware thanks to the less than ideal conditions of your life till now but I am a rather well known craftsmen here in the isles. For example I made that flask you enjoy so very much as well as this ring here." he said while taking the Lo Rie ring out of the realm. Lucas's gaze immediately locked onto the ring as all of his instincts warred against his reason. His instincts told him to snatch the ring away while his reason reminded him that Nick was not the innocent weak child he appeared to be.-

"Once you swear an oath to me I will not only give you this ring but I will also teach you my own personal crafting techniques , spells and even possibly help you increase your own power at an amazing rate." Nick said with a tempting smile like he was a demon bargaining for a soul. The similarity was also not lost on Lucas as a muggleborn but he had to admit that he was very very tempted. "What are the details of this oath exactly?" Lucas asked while suppressing his instincts that were muddling his mind.-

"The terms are very simple. First you are not allowed to share what you learn , hear or see while you work for me knowingly or otherwise. Second you are not allowed to ignore any order I give you knowingly so long as it is within reason. Finally you are to truly try your best to learn what I teach you. That's it , simple and clean as promised." Nick explained calmly. Lucas thought about the terms seriously and he couldn't see any nasty surprises hidden in them , not for lack of trying mind you.-

"Alright I can accept those terms but to be clear I doubt I will have much talent in regards to crafting." Lucas said honestly. "I didn't decide to take you under me as a servant and assistant because of your talent but your personality in the face of your terrible situation. When many would have fallen into dark magics and attacking others to survive you chose the harsher but more pure path of thievery instead. I can't say you didn't have better options but I know for a fact that they were pretty bad as well." Nick explained honestly.

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