Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 360: Space

Chapter 360: Space

Nick was obviously unaware of all of this of course but even if he knew he wouldn't have done anything different. He spent the next few days relaxing in between his enchantments of the rings of protection that had more than doubled per day. That was if he focused all of his time on the things though which he was not but he maintained his daily output of two hundred and forty rings. At ten points a pop Nick was rapidly racking up points that he was saving for a rainy day.-

To be more specific he was waiting until he absolutely needed to use them in order to make sure he didn't find himself in the awkward position of needing something and being unable to get it. During this time Ron had made a request for Nick to make him a ring that copied books and imprinted the knowledge into his head so that he didn't need to study anymore. "Do you think that if I could do something like that I would need to study myself? Of course not! Each of my enchantments are rigid in structure and only perform in roughly the way I design them too , not to mention complex enchantments like the sort you are asking for are beyond me at the moment." Nick explained irritated.-

"Look the fact is that as much as I would like to craft lovely little short cuts like that I can't because of the limitations I am under. Believe me I had thought about doing exactly that multiple times but learning and memory are extremely complex subjects so I can't just add a quick smarts enchantment to things without possibly causing the person using it to melt their brain." Nick vented his grievances about the matter freely.-

This wasn't to say he didn't still love his crafting style , merely that he was frustrated by the limitations it had on it. Nick got over that brief bout of irritation quickly though and got back to relaxing. At the end of this period he finally received the portkey from the ministry in the form of an old torn up looking glove. 'Looks like it's time to head into orbit and set up my collectors.' he thought after testing the portkey. While it was unlikely there always existed a small possibility that someone would mess with his order and have him sent to a dangerous area instead of Hogsmeade.-

He snuck out of the castle the next day and into the forbidden forest under the disillusionment charm. He did this because he didn't want Dumbledore to know about his trip out of the world that would definitely bring questions he didn't want to answer. Creating new magical creatures was strictly illegal and doing it on accident such as with Nazgul versus intentionally with the atronach forge were very different things. The forge was originally only going to operate on his island but now that he had the realm he was going to use it there instead.-

Putting on the space suit he made previously Nick took out the special broom he made and mounted it. Very slowly he eased it out of the tops of the trees of the forest before nervously taking a deep breath and shooting straight up on the broom. Even with the air resistance enchantments it took every ounce of Nicks strength to hold onto the broom as he rapidly gained altitude. An hour , It took him an entire hour to fully breach the earths gravity and finally hit orbit.-

The spells on the suit worked automatically and he had air to breath while the vacuum around him was kept at bay. He didn't stop however as he rose higher and higher until he finally hit the area around the planet that things tended to float and orbit the planet. He wasn't surprised to find that he couldn't see any of these floating things from here as compared to the size of the planet they were tiny. He was mesmerized by the view though as it was hard to describe just how beautiful it was to see the earth from such an angle.-

After Admiring the view for ten minutes and literally watching the world turn slowly he got to work setting his collectors in place. He didn't just toss them out haphazardly though but rather placed one before flying a long distance away with his broom and placing another one. He did this until he had all seven set in a peculiar orbit like the electrons of an atom. 'With those circling the globe like this they should collect the majority of the star metal near the planet within a month at which point I will be back up here to collect my spoils.' he thought before activating the portkey and vanishing from space.

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