Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 349: Possible parts

Chapter 349: Possible parts

The ritual specified that he could use parts from no more than six creatures and so he planned to use the best possible ingredients for it. The three he currently had were all at minimum xxxxx class dangerous things with the daedra heart being a bit iffy in it's category. See the description of the heart didn't say which sort of daedra it came from so it was entirely possible it was the heart of a peon level daedra. Even then though daedra were pretty much all apex existences due to their near immortal natures.-

It was certainly possible to kill a daedra but to do so required dispersing their essence entirely which was difficult to say the least. The problem Nick had at the moment was that there was not any powerful creature parts that he could get his hands on that weren't either highly illegal or kept by old families as treasures. He could use acromantula parts since they were fairly powerful creatures but the thought seemed wrong to him , cheap almost. With a colony of the things available to be hunted he could easily obtain what he wanted from them but he wanted only the best for his ritual.-

He was briefly tempted by the hydra heartstring within the staff but immediately shook that thought from his head as foolishness. The staff was basically the perfect way to resurrect someone or heal a life threatening injury so destroying it for the heartstring would be the height of stupidity. Out of all the xxxxx class creatures left in the world the only one that really caught his attention due to it's nature was a Lethifold. These creatures were amortal just like dementors and poltergeists and much the same were basically impossible to kill via conventional magics.-

Lethifolds at first glance appeared to be little more than dark cloak like objects that were a bit too flowy. In truth they were dark things that hunted by creeping around their victims when unaware and suffocating them to death before slowly dissolving the body and consuming it. They also exclusively hunted humans making them contain on sight targets for wizard kind. Apparently the creatures grow more powerful and larger the more they consume with the largest known Lethifold being nearly twenty feet long and needing a team of over fifty powerful wizards to contain it of which twenty died in the process.-

Thanks to the sol shot arrows Nick had he could actually kill the things but this came with the problem of finding one worth killing. The largest one was contained within a large nigh impenetrable goblin forged box positively covered in seals within the ministry of magics forgotten halls. The forgotten halls were not referring to a place that had been forgotten but rather about the nature of the things stored there. The phrase "Lock it , throw away the key and forget it existed" summed up the way the ministry and by extension wizarding community treated things stored here.-

The forgotten halls were the place things were sent to be purposefully lost to history and hopefully never found again. Nick wouldn't have even known about the existence of the place had it not been for the brief mention of it in one of the forbidden sections books. "Dotty!" Nick called out after leaving the realm with the three item tickets. With a loud "POP!" the house elf appeared before him eager to serve. "How can this one serve the great master?" Dotty asked eagerly. "Find a Lethifold and kill it with these before bringing whatever is left afterwards to me assuming there is anything left." Nick commanded while handing over a dozen sol shot arrows.-

The elf took the arrows and vanished eager to do as he had commanded regardless of how dangerous the task seemed. That was simply the way house elves were so Nick didn't mind at all and considered the matter of the fourth creature part finished for now. This left him with the last two parts needed for the ritual that was rapidly approaching. He sighed before accepting that an acromantula part was going to be the fifth ingredient.-

If he could freely advertise that he needed rare and powerful creature parts with the rarer and more powerful the better then he wouldn't need to do this. The reality of the matter however was that any advertisement like that is asking the ministry to bust down his door and throw him in Azkaban for illegal magic use. As a result Nick could only resolve himself to getting slightly less than optimal results as this was the last year he could perform the ritual due to the age restriction on it.

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