Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 348: Ritual plans

Chapter 348: Ritual plans

The other three wizards couldn't help but finding themselves agreeing with Nicks statement as this couldn't be anything but a historic event. For the first time since Lycanthropy reared it's ugly head there was someone who could fully control it as though it were an Animagus transformation. Should word about this get out it would resound throughout the world and cause a huge commotion. Werewolves were generally considered pests or undesirables by wizarding society precisely because of the inability to control themselves after transforming. If that was not the case however many seeking power would flock to get infected for the benefits it would give them.-

"There is one tiny side effect you would need to worry about though , longevity. The curse from before lowered your lifespan greatly because of the damage it did to your body per transformation and this new state instead does precisely the opposite in that it bolsters it considerably. I would not be surprised to see you in a couple hundred years looking like the actual old man here." Nick said with a chuckle. "If that is true then it truly does seem as though you have indeed done as you said and turned the curse into a blessing." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eyes and smile.-

Nick excused himself after that since he had no more reason to stay and he had a mission to collect. No one tried to stop him as all of them minus Sirius were aware of how busy he was and that what came next did not concern him. Nick went straight for the castle and despite filch seeing him the old keeper of the castle ignored him as all the staff had been told of Nicks freedom to roam the castle regardless of time.-

It certainly helped that Nick made a point to stay on the old mans good side with a magical artifact that didn't need flowing magic to use. It was a simple ring that allowed Filch to use a weak form of telekinesis but was a prized treasure in the squibs eyes. Filches status as a squib was not very well hidden as it was one of the reasons the man seemed to hate the students of the school. Without being able to cast magic but still having it made the man bitter from years of jealousy.-

That was the truth about squibs that Nick had long since figured out thanks to his senses. They were a result of generations of inbreeding and atrophied magic circuits creating a person with a magical core but no open pathways for the magic to flow. What the ring did was connect directly to Filches magical core to fuel his use of telekinesis. Thanks to this easy gift on Nicks part Filch treated him much more politely than other students. Nick went straight to the workshop before going into the realm to accept his rewards for the mission.-

Nick had completed the first and third objectives of the quest but the second one was going to be ignored for his own safety. Publicizing that he had not only basically cured Lupin but had also turned the curse into a blessing was a fast way to paint a massive target on his back by every werewolf on the planet. Good or bad every werewolf on the planet would be after him and that didn't even include the people who wouldn't want to see werewolves truly empowered in this manner which is to say a LOT of people across the globe.-

While he was curious about the contents of this book that would have been his reward he was more than happy avoiding it and the trouble of completing that objective since the best prize was already his. Three item tickets manifested in the realm but he ignored them to focus on the other item that had appeared instead , a daedra heart. The hearts of daedra weren't strictly for moving blood through their bodies but rather were directly tied to their immortal essence. This was why daedric equipment was considered alive to a degree as it was in fact alive thanks to the essence of the daedra trapped within it.-

Once the equipment was abandoned or destroyed the essence was released and that daedra could then reform in the waters of Oblivion. What Nick wanted the heart for however wasn't a piece of equipment but rather a sacrifice to empower himself. This was of course part of his plan involving the ritual of nature to be performed this upcoming Beltane that will increase his magical power based on the power of the creature parts he sacrificed. So far he had the eyes of a thousand year old basilisk, the heart of a daedra and the heart of an extinct species of dragon from Slytherins hoard which meant he only needed three more parts to have all he needed.

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