Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 343: Not-so-quiet flight

Chapter 343: Not-so-quiet flight

Lupin wiped his eyes and calmed himself "I am sorry for showing you such an unsightly state , you can not possibly even begin to imagine what this means to me." he said sincerely. Nick just chuckled "I'm afraid you have celebrated a tad early. Your next transformation is going to be especially painful as the enchantment takes hold. After that though the transformation will be little different then that of an Animagus." he said honestly. Lupin didn't look bothered by this though "It has always been painful so it shouldn't make much difference." he said not grasping the sort of pain Nick was actually referring to.-

"I'm afraid you are not understanding me clearly so let me give you a comparison to help. What you will be experiencing will likely be comparable to being hit with the crutiatus curse , it might even drive you mad if you take it lightly." Nick said seriously. Lupin lost most of his enthusiasm at that knowledge but was determined to shake off the shackles of his curse even if it meant suffering greatly. He put the ring on his pointer finger where it shrank down to fit perfectly "I'll take my chances , but thank you for the warning." he said with a smile.-

Nick left after that since he had done what he came here for and thus had no reason to stay. From the office he went outside and took out his broom so he could relax a bit in the sky. His broom was nothing like it was when he first got it however as he had long decoded the runes and upgraded it to a stupid degree. Massively increased speed , durability , control as well as reduced air resistance made it so that for those watching he seemed to vanish from his spot on the ground the moment he mounted the broom.-

The loud "CRACK!" they heard after that and the shockwave that followed it told a very different story however. Nick had broken the sound barrier the moment he took off and was already high in the sky in mere seconds. The entire castle heard the sound barrier break and it confused many as to what exactly was going on. A few of the professors however that were more knowledgeable figured out what had occurred and had wry smiles. They couldn't exactly say that it was a broom reaching nearly unheard of speeds as that would cause even more problems.-

The only reason it was nearly unheard of instead of just plain unheard of was that there was in fact a type of broom created a few decades prior capable of breaking the sound barrier. Speed had never been an issue for broom makers , no the real problem came in the form of wind pressure and control. At such high speeds it became difficult to have any fine control over the broom thus relegating that type of broom to cross continental travel alone.-

Nick's broom however did not have that problem as his reaction speed was superhuman thanks to the ritual of reflex he went through. This meant that giving the broom hair trigger sensitivity wasn't detrimental like it would be for normal people. Add on the wind resistance protection and Nick was zipping through the sky at stupid fast speeds having a good old time. there was a couple of people on the quidditch teams that noticed how easy it was for him to fly at such a speed and became very interested in his broom. It should be known that speed was a very important factor in the game as it made winning much easier.-

This actually caused a rather funny scene as they approached Nick after he landed and asked about the broom. He decided to play a small prank on them and didn't explain why he alone was capable of using it and let one of them borrow it for a test flight. Both that person and the broom had to be saved from crashing into the ground at mach one. The others didn't believe that it was so difficult to handle despite the persons testimony and tried it out themselves before also needing to be saved from a gruesome end.-

Nobody showed any interest in the broom after that as they all valued not dying needless deaths. Nick knew that it wasn't impossible to learn how to fly like that for a normal person considering fighter pilots did so in considerably larger and more complex machines. The key difference however was that it required a LOT of training to do and even then one mistake and that fighter jet will hit the ground or worse , another plane. Sure he he could probably start his own broom company with his knowledge but he didn't see much point.

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