Chapter 1361 How To Bury A Star.

Chapter 1361 How To Bury A Star.

Every soldier be they golems, ants, zombies, and robots piled on him. His surroundings became dark because of the thickness of bodies.

He roared in frustration. It was a mighty sound that shook the world. But he didn't roar for the sake of it. The roar was caused by a lightning spark that appeared in front of his face and exploded. It created the thunderclap of his roar.

Lightning flashed with that explosion. It washed the world in white light and left behind nothing in its wake. The avalanche of bodies was destroyed from within and he became free again.

This is his normal dragon breath. It is not accumulated but it is still dangerous. He is not even using cosmic force to empower his dragon breath. Just his normal dragon breath is turning the world upside down.

Unfortunately, his freedom was short-lived. The Supreme Beasts had a lot of soldiers they could sacrifice and they used them to bury him again. So he had to roar again and again.

His roar occurred again and again. Each time it occurred it was accompanied by a thunderclap and a flash of light followed by a scattering of flesh and gore.

Each roar ground away at the mass of bodies around him. The resulting shockwaves brought with it winds full of the ashes of his dead foes.

He is like a caged beast with thousands of enemies trying to hold him down. They are trying but they are failing. They have quantity on their side but it is not good enough to subdue him.

He didn't bother to aim for the soldiers before because they were scattered but now that they are focused around him, he can take out swarths of them at once. They are literally lambs sent to the slaughter.

The Supreme Beasts watching winced at the sight. Each soldier dying is money and time gone to waste. They also can't do much to him since the avalanche of bodies is also protecting him from them. They can only watch while their hearts ache and pound dangerously in their chest.

Someone said in regret. "Paying rent doesn't seem like such a bad idea now."

Regret is not an unexpected emotion right now. After all, it doesn't feel like they are fighting a man. It looks as if they are fighting a star. They are trying to cut off its light by smoldering it. But the star is having none of it. It is flaring up with solar arcs of violent energy.

The Supreme beasts are outside the sphere of bodies but they can see the light of the star shining through the cage of bodies despite the oppression. They can smell the death in the air. They can feel the thrum of the sky and the quaking of the earth.

The thought that they could have avoided all of this if they had paid their rent obediently couldn't help but arise and be voiced out.

"Don't say that. We will get him. The others can no longer stay still. He is too strong. They can't watch while he beat us like this." Someone said.

Some of the Supreme beasts who had decided to watch the fight on the side are joining the fight now that they have realized the importance of this fight. If the Shadow of Despair is not defeated and eliminated right now, then they might never be able to achieve it again. Not after most of them have been eliminated by him.

They felt his threat in a renewed way and they realized this was the best opportunity to get rid of him. So they began rushing to join the fight. The ranks of the Supreme beasts will increase due to their participation.

It isn't only an increase in number. It will be an increase in quality since these Supreme beasts were the talented ones who were not satisfied with the status quo.

The Supreme Beasts were about to be elated when they felt the world groan. A mighty aura spread out from the sphere of bodies. The soldiers fell to the ground groaning and grasping their heads in pain while the Shadow of Despair appeared from beneath them.

He rose up amidst his suppressed enemies like a god amongst men. They looked up at him aghast and filled with fear.

"What kind of dragon might is this?" They asked in shock.

The aura is undoubtedly dragon might. But it is not only affecting the psyche of people, it is also affecting matter. It is no longer intangible. It is a materialized might of Willpower crushing on everything around them.

The ground was crushed and everyone fell to the ground because they couldn't maintain flight. They were then crushed into the ground. Even those with dragon hearts couldn't fly. They can only stand on the ground groaning in pain and roaring in anger.

"It seems all I had to do to release my domain is to use only my inner world. It is weaker but it will do."

The void universe stopped trying to suppress his domain when he stopped trying to use the full capabilities of his world engine. He is using just his inner world without the world engine but it has granted him enough power to suppress everything around him. It elevated him above the world.

The Supreme beasts can feel his gaze on them. Only he is flying and he is standing in the air looking down on them imperiously. But that isn't enough for him.

He can finally wield world power so he used it now to full effect. The plane was forced to do his bidding. World power congregated on him swiftly in a maelstrom of power. Then it was fashioned into a palm. The black palm fell from the ground on all of them. He aimed to crush their helpless form once and for all.

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