Chapter 1348 Third Half.

Chapter 1348 Third Half.

They knew that messing with Chaos, Order, and divinity was dangerous. They knew that from personal and clear experience so they were very careful in their fusion. They didn't bring Chaos energy or the divine energy of order into the fusion at all so as not to recreate the terrible events that almost killed them.

Their carefulness was fruitful and they even succeeded in creating a functional world engine. Unfortunately, there was something they didn't count for in this fusion. They didn't account for the sparks of power and what they would do when presented with Chaos, Order, and divinity.

It is not their fault that they ignored the shards of power. After all, Legion-5 might as well not have one. It hasn't done anything to him or affected him in any way so they overlooked it.

They knew that their sparks of power were there but they didn't think the two black orbs would affect the fusion. They were wrong.

The current fusion process created conditions that were similar to the situation that led to the creation of the shards of power in the first place.

The two black orbs were not deterred by the absence of Chaos energy and divine energy. They stopped their usual motion of rotating around Legion-5 and Legion-7. They left their orbit around the two of them and fused as one.

The anchor of the two shards of power, which is their souls, also fused. Legion-5 became Legion-7 and Legion-7 became Legion-5 because of it. There was no difference between them. Their thoughts, Will, and matter be it spiritual or physical became one under the laws of the universe.

A myriad of effects occurred due to their strange state. Legion-7 possessed 9 divine abilities while Legion-5 possessed a spark of consciousness. Legion-7 had become the nascent world engine, which meant that Legion-5 had also become the nascent world engine.

That meant the world engine had many divine abilities and a soul spark. The soul spark is a living Authority while Legion-5 became the body for the world engine. All in all, the world engine had everything to come alive. It ought to have a Supreme law for that but it doesn't need that anymore.

It was a strange state for them. A lot of things were happening to them one after the other. They became a Celestial of order. Then they became an Origin god of Order. Next, they became a demon of Order.

They couldn't keep track of the changes at all but it felt to them as if they had ascended into a strange state of existence where anything was possible. They didn't feel like they were in danger at all. In fact, they felt elated but the other clones were anxious and felt threatened.

They all screamed in panic, "Stop them."

The two of them were pulling the other clones to fuse with them across space and time. They had to resist the pull since they didn't want to damage their existence. Unfortunately, Legion couldn't stop the two or draw them back from their strange state.

They couldn't even communicate with either one of them. For the first time in their existence, they had a language barrier.

Their messages reached Legion-5 and Legion-7 but those didn't understand them at all. It was as if they were speaking two different languages which should be impossible. However, it is understandable since one group are living entities while the other two have become a world engine.

The best Legion could do was stop the flow of energy to them. It didn't seem to help since Legion-7 was in possession of a lot of Origin energy.

Origin energy was consumed rapidly as Legion-5 and Legion-7 continued to ascend. Their state of existence ascended while their minds descended. They fell below the law matrix to the boundary between the light side of the universe and the dark side.

Above them is a net of invisible and numerous visible colors. The net allowed for matter and energy to manifest in the forms that are experienced but it also limited what they could do. But the two of them have escaped its range so they can do anything they want now.

All they need to do is to expand and become a world. If they anchor that world to their life anchor within their Origin with a supreme law then they will complete the evolution of their state of existence and descend completely into the dark side.

They thought as one in anticipation, "We will be GODS!"

Their ascended state is intoxicating and they want to maintain it forever. Unfortunately, the clones are not supporting them. Legion-1 refused to allow them to fuse with their Origin core and the others refused to give them energy.

This resistance made them dissatisfied and angry. It made them roar in displeasure, "GIVE US WHAT WE NEED!"

The clones refused. Aeternus withheld Chaos energy, the Tree Father withheld divine energy, and the others withheld Origin energy from them. Only cosmic energy which is beyond their control could continue to enter their existence to reinforce it.


They felt angry and irritated. Not only are they not being supported, but they are being hindered from ascending. Anyone would be angry even a god. However, attacking the clones never crossed their minds. They could only admonish the other clones in hopes that they will support them.

It is unfortunate that they are just wasting their efforts because the other clones can't understand a word of what they are saying. The other clones couldn't even understand their intent and emotions. All they heard was incomprehensible gibberish.

Soon they ran out of Origin. Their existence began to flicker and they began to return to the world of manifestation.

They roared unwillingly, "NOOOOOO! GIVE US WHAT WE WANT!!!"

But the pull didn't stop. Their existence doesn't have enough weight to keep them in the dark side and they don't have a supreme law to force it. If nothing changes, then they will fall back to their previous state.


A/N: There shouldn't be a third half but the impossible has become possible thanks to the shard of power.

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