Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

This situation was definitely not normal. Even if Lin Shiheng finished shooting his scenes early, when the crew started editing the shots, promoting the drama, and appearing in front of the media, he was supposed to also show up as the supporting actor.

Yet, it was not until all the promotion of this TV series went up and it started broadcasting on TV that both husband and wife would see Lin Shiheng again.

The trio were also good friends in private, so naturally, they had his private contact information. Nonetheless, no matter when they called, his phone was always off. Even the assistant who had been busy helping Lin Shiheng could not be reached.

During this time, Chen Hao and Ren Qiaoqiao realized that they didnt have any information on Lin Shiheng or his whereabouts except for his phone number.

Its not that Chen Hao didnt know where his best friends lived, but Lin Shiheng recently moved to a new place before shooting. Since everyone was busy shooting at that time, he said that he would take them to his new home to hang around after finishing the film.

Chen Hao was vaguely aware of the peculiar circumstances regarding Lin Shihengs family background. After all, they have been friends for 4 years, but he had never heard him mention his family. Even when Lin Shiheng brought capital into the group this time, when he asked him about it, Shiheng only said that it was money given by his family. He could surmise briefly that something was off, but he didnt want to poke too much at his brothers sore spot, so he didnt ask too much.

His thoughtfulness at that time had now become an obstacle in finding Lin Shiheng.

A grown man had just disappeared from everyones sight, and except for the two of them who were looking for him, no one was interested in this artist who had never filmed anything before he disappeared.

Thus, the two kept waiting for any news until the TV series started to air.

As soon as it aired, people started talking about how the third male supporting character was really a very attractive character with his outstanding appearance, his skill, his gentlemanly mannerism wherever he goes, his respect for his wife, and his seriousness in his actions. He had given the audience a heavy blow to the heart.

As more and more episodes were broadcasted, more and more viewers liked this character.

This was simply the perfect male god!

Stan him!

They had to be his fan!

Following the list of actors, they successfully discovered the artist who played the character.

Following that, Lin Shihengs Weibo followers exploded overnight as if they were on fire.

However, they found a strange phenomenon.

Logically speaking, with so many fans, artists themselves had to send a post to show their attitude about it, even if it was just a simple thank you for your liking.

However, no matter how many fans poured into Lin Shihengs Weibo, which had become popular overnight, the account still gave no form of response, let alone gratitude towards the fans.

Soon, people noticed that his latest post was a very time ago.

After posting an unusual announcement about the end of his film shooting, he hadnt posted since.

It was not just his Weibo either.

After that, netizens scoured the videos in publicity for the crew and the press release, noticing that although the name of Lin Shiheng may have been mentioned, the man himself had never appeared.

If the drama promotion scenes werent present in the film, people would guess whether it was an internal discord from the crew. However, the person hadnt shown up for a long time, and people were starting to worry.

This was the entertainment circle, and fan traffic was everything for artists.

With such a big opportunity, even if they had a car accident, artists would have gotten up and responded on Weibo to appease and consolidate their fanbase.

The TV series was still playing, and with each episode passing by, Lin Shihengs Weibo fans were also increasing.

It was not just his good acting. From the moment he first appeared on screen, his attractive appearance made many peoples eyes shine, and some face-fans found his Weibo along the internet thread.

(TNote: face-fans = fans who only care and fan an artist for how they look.)

Together, with most of them being drama fans while a small part of them were face-fans plus the fans bought by the company when he first debuted, Lin Shihengs Weibo following rose like a rising star.

Thus, his disappearance never being reported by the media except by some small media column on the Internet was not normal. After all, a star suddenly disappeared from the Internet and in reality, and he was a popular rising artist too. Such news would definitely attract a lot of traffic.

But, like the way he disappeared silently, the media also turned a blind eye to this artist who suddenly rose and disappeared as quickly like a bubble.

Fans didnt know this, they only knew that their favorite artists were gone.

Many fans become a fan because of empathy for the character. When an artist performs the character they like, in the initial stage, they will only love the artist as the character. Thus, even though Lin Shiheng never appeared, the drama was aired in the gap, and a lot of face-fans and drama fans still faithfully persisted in opening Weibo every day to check, waiting for him to appear one day.

On the other hand, people in the entertainment circle thought that something had happened to Lin Shiheng. If not, who wouldnt take advantage of such a good situation? Chen Hao contacted Lin Shihengs agent and only received a text saying Im not sure.

He grew more worried, and Ren Qiaoqiao could only appease her husband by saying Shihengs family situation is complicated. Since he was able to bring capital into the group before, maybe he was called back by his family to inherit the family business?

But everyone knew that this couldnt be true. Even if he really wanted to inherit the family business, why would he have to disappear?

Just as they were looking everywhere while worrying, Chen Hao received a strange phone call.

It was from Lin Shiheng.

Since they had nothing planned for the day, the husband and wife left for the address given to them as soon as they received the phone call.

Even though they comforted each other on the way, saying, Shiheng must be fine since he was able to call, When they got out of the car and saw the huge [Psychiatric Hospital] sign at the location of the address, their chests felt cold.

They got out of the car wearing masks and saw Lin Shihengs assistant standing at the door, waving at them.

Chen-ge, Ren-jie, here!

Chen Hao and Ren Qiaoqiao drove over and didnt bring anyone else with them. When they approached the assistant, Ren Qiaoqiao was still fine, but Chen Hao had turned red-eyed and asked in a raspy voice, What happened? Why would he suddenly be here?

As he wasnt wearing a mask, a bitter smile could be seen on the young assistants face. He led them all the way inside and explained the situation as they walked.

After completing his shoots, Shi-ge has been unable to distinguish himself from Yi Qing. Later, he was seriously in a trance. At that time, we didnt know what was happening. Later on, worrying that he might hurt anybody, Shi-ge voluntarily admitted to the hospital.

The doctor has been treating him for a long time. Knowing that this hospital is the best in the country, Shi-ge took the initiative to ask for treatment and just dropped money for it. Thats why I could come in and take care of him. Since the start, he actively cooperated with the treatment, and currently, the situation has stabilized. At that time, the incident happened so suddenly, and Shi-ge didnt want to let others know. Thats why he didnt contact you.

Chen Hao gripped his fist.

He knew that Shiheng has always been like this. He was always one who wanted to only show his best to others. Every time something concerning happened, he would hide it and deal with it by himself, and he would mask his struggles with a smile.

Look, Im okay, Im fine, he would say

With such a character, if they hadnt lived together for 4 years, he would probably really believe that Lin Shiheng was born to be such an optimistic person.

Ren Qiaoqiao noticed something wrong with her husband and held out her hand to calm him.

Now that Shiheng has contacted us, things must be all right. Dont overthink it. Well talk about it when we see him.

Chen Hao nodded and followed the little assistant to the corridor without saying anything further.

From time to time, there would be several patients in hospital gowns walking forward with help of or followed by nurses. As far as they saw, the patients looked pretty calm and normal, which was quite different from what they imagined patients in a psychiatric ward would be.

The assistant whispered, Most of the people living in this hospital are patients who actively cooperate with the treatment, so there is no need for rough treatment. Here, every patient would be assigned at least one medical staff to follow and take care of them, even at night. People like me who come to take care of them are all in the Eastern District. On the other hand, the ones that cant be controlled are all placed in the Southern District. The two sides are separated.

With how clean the hallways were, and how gentle and kind the nurses passing by were to those patients, the couple felt more reassured. After all, they were under the impression that mental hospitals had always strapped patients to beds for injections and medication, and that the nurses and doctors were rude.

Ren Qiaoqiao, in particular, made her debut as a child, and her first film was a ghost film. She played a patient who was locked up in a mental hospital at an early age. Although the focus of the film was on ghosts at that time, her treatment in the hospital was rather bad.

Knowing that Lin Shiheng wasnt mentally abused, both of them relaxed a little.

When they reached the ward, Chen Hao and Ren Qiaoqiao were surprised to hear the sound of a guzheng coming from inside.

(TNote: guzheng = lit. ancient zheng), is a Chinese plucked zither. The modern guzheng commonly has 21, 25 or 26 strings, is 64 inches (1.6 m) long, and is tuned in a major pentatonic scale.)

It didnt sound electronic, but it sounded as if a guzheng was really being played in the room.

They were a little surprised as they turned to glance at each other. The assistant ran up to the door and knocked on it. Shi-ge. Chen-ge and Ren-jie are here to see you.

When the sound of the guzheng stopped, a gentle voice resounded.

Come on in.

The door opened, Chen Hao and Ren Qiaoqiao both froze on the spot.

This ward was very big, and its layout was very warm. There were even flowers on the table with sunlight shining in, making it look very vibrant.

It looked more of an ordinary home environment than a ward in a mental hospital.

If only Lin Shiheng, who was smiling at them at the moment, wasnt wearing a grey striped gown.

However, what surprised both of them wasnt the environment of the ward, but the look on Lin Shihengs face.

Since they first met, he has always been very good-looking. Compared with his handsomeness, even Ren Qiaoqiao, who had always been praised by the outside world, couldnt compare with him.

Yet, at the moment, the corners of his lips slightly curved up into a small arc as his eyes slightly softened down, smiling at them. His whole being seemed to be glowing.

Lin Shiheng removed his hand from the guzheng and stood up. You came.

As he spoke, he walked to the table and naturally began to pour tea for his two friends.

Lin Shihengs movements were gentle and flowing. He held the teapot with slender fingertips, filling three teacups with hot water, dumping them all, filling water again, dumping them again, and putting down the teapot until the third time, taking the lead in sitting down and inviting them with a smile.

(TNote: in traditional Chinese tea ceremony, before using a tea set, the cups should be rinsed/places in hot water to warm up the tea set.)

Would you like some tea?

A regular greeting, but one they didnt expect to hear from this man.

In Chen Hao and Ren Qiaoqiaos eyes, this wasnt the Lin Shiheng they had always known.

They were in the same film crew and naturally knew that the action of pouring tea was taught by someone the director especially sought out just to highlight Yi Qings nobility and culture.

At that time, after the shoot, Lin Shiheng also complained to them, saying that drinking a cup of tea was so cumbersome and only slow-paced ancient people were willing to be so leisurely.

Yet, at the moment, he was willingly doing the very same thing he complained about before.

The form and grace, the warm gaze from the eyes, and the action of sitting down with finesse and deliberation

This is not Lin Shiheng. It is Yi Qing.

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