Godly Base

Chapter 355: The Steel Beast Evolves

Chapter 355: The Steel Beast Evolves

The erratic evil gods, who are naturally no match for the other gods, have either been suppressed and sealed, or have been severely injured and are hiding in dark corners, waiting for the opportunity to rise again.

If Shu Feng implants divinity of chaos into his body, his conduct might become incoherent and chaotic.

Its a pity to just dissolve the Wicked Inverted Cross. This is a first-rate evil saint artifact. It is no weaker than a demigod artifact, and can even suppress a powerhouse like Su Mi.

What if I use the Origin Force Mutation Nest and turn it into a synthetic beast?

Shu Feng suddenly asked the Central Analyzer.

If one saint soul and an undetermined amount of origin force are used, there is a 65% chance that it will mutate and change into a synthetic beast

Countless streams of data streaked past in the Central Analyzer, revealing a string of information.

The Wicked Inverted Cross has the ability to devour the power of other peoples souls. If Souleater genes are incorporated, can its power be enhanced?

There is a 34% chance of its power increasing!

34%, thats too low. If the genes of the Lord of the Night are incorporated, can its power be enhanced?

There is a 100% chance of its power increasing. However, the use of the genes of the Lord of the Night will cause a surge in origin force consumption. The current origin force isnt sufficient to make it mutate completely.

Can the genes of the Lord of the Night be implanted to enhance its ability to devour souls and suppress enemies? As for mobility, intelligence, communication skills, and other aspects, can only room for evolution be preserved?

After obtaining the base space, Shu Feng conducted numerous experiments. He realized that if he wants to create a synthetic beast with a comprehensive enhancement, he must pay a massive amount of origin force.

Its not impossible to synthesize superior synthetic beasts that can fight in the sky, on land, in the ocean, in the marsh, or in other kinds of environments. However, that requires a tremendous amount of origin force. Shu Feng cant afford it.

However, if only enhancement in a certain aspect is considered, then Shu Feng can obtain many highly cost-effective synthetic beasts.

Synthetic beasts such as Dragonhounds, White Dragon Eagles, and Marsh Three-Headed Snakes are the most cost-effective.

Its possible!

Shu Feng received an accurate answer, and his eyes lit up. He threw the Wicked Inverted Cross into the Origin Force Mutation Nest.

A large amount of mucus sprayed out inside the Origin Force Mutation Nest and enveloped the Wicked Inverted Cross, forming a large transparent egg.

A mysterious saint soul poured into the Wicked Inverted Cross.

The Wicked Inverted Cross trembled, and an abstruse and eerie phantom appeared and emitted an evil and dangerous aura.

Eerie blood gushed out of the Wicked Inverted Cross and combined with the mucus, forming tissue.

Lines similar to blood vessels appeared on the inverted cross.

A circular torso emerged below the inverted cross. At the same time, four beast-like limbs extended from the torse. In the center of the torso, a handsome yet sinister, eerie, and mysterious face appeared.

One day later.

Crack! In the Origin Force Evolution Tower, the large egg where the Steel Beast was located suddenly cracked open, and the Steel Beast walked out.

The Steel Beasts evolution is complete!

Shu Feng willed, and a series of data of the newly evolved Steel Beast emerged.

Steel Beast.

Strength 820 (+150), agility 795 (+150), defense 1050 (+300), physique 865 (+200), intelligence 210 (+30), psyche 768 (+150), badge force 4.02 million, spirit force 44.32 million (+30 million), charm 5, high-level soul force 3.

Abilities: Steel Manipulation, Enhancement in the Night, high-level Extraordinary Strength, high-level Extraordinary Agility, low-level Legendary Defense, low-level Legendary High-Speed Regeneration, Spirit Force Psionic Lightning.

Shu Fengs eyes brightened, and he uttered, The Steel Beast has evolved by a great extent! It should be comparable to a quasi-Saint in terms of combat power. It seems that the broken demigod artifact has greatly enhanced the Steel Beast. Unfortunately, broken demigod artifacts are extremely precious and hard to come by. Otherwise, it might be the first one to evolve into a god realm monster.

The Divine Essence Gold provided by demigod artifacts can make the Steel Beast evolve by a great margin. Obviously, Divine Essence Gold is greatly compatibility with the Steel Beast. So long as there is a massive amount of Divine Essence Gold, the Steel Beast can evolve like crazy!

Xinglong City, a level-1 city behind Liuguang City, in the lord manor.

On a circular table, there are various delicious materials of heaven and earth. There are three people sitting at the circular table.

Generals, I raise my cup to you!

Chen Mu, the lord of Xinglong City, raised his liquor cup and toasted the other two people at the table.

The other two people at the table are generals dispatched by the military, namely Shangguan Kong and Linghu Hai. They each led 20,000 troops to Xinglong City, intending to rest for a day in Xinglong City before proceeding toward Liuguang City.

Lord Chen, you are a straightforward character!

Shangguan Kong smiled boldly and drank the fine liquor in front of him.

Linghu Hai said with a calm expression, Im sorry, lord Chen. But I dont drink while on a mission.

Chen Mu furrowed his eyebrows, feeling a bit uncomfortable in his heart. He thinks that Linghu Hai is a bit obtuse when it comes to the ways of the world.

Shangguan Kong grinned, downed a cup of fine liquor, and said, Lord Chen, Linghu Hai is a bit pedantic! Dont pay attention to him! Lets drink!

Chen Mu smiled slightly and downed a cup of fine liquor, Its okay, I dont mind! Come on, drink up!

Linghu Hai quietly ate the delicious food on the table.

Suddenly, the watch on Linghu Hais right hand vibrated, and a line of text appeared on it.

Shangguan Kong asked, an intoxicated expression on his face, Linghu Hai, whats wrong?

Its nothing. I have to go back.

Linghu Hai sighed lightly, a complex look in his eyes.

Are the women at home missing you? I understand! Women are really annoying! What do you think of these girls? Chen Mu, we can have these girls, right?

The drunk Shangguan Kong looked at the five beautiful demi-human girls singing on a stage not far away and asked with a light smile.

Chen Mu smiled and said in response, Of course! Take whichever one you like and have fun!

Shangguan Kong and Linghu Hai are both Spirit Venerable realm powerhouses. And they are generals of the Qianyuan Republic. As such, they have a high status. If he can make friends with these two powerhouses, it will be beneficial to Chen Mu. The demi-human girls are gifts that Chen Mu prepared.

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